I have tried several escorts so far on various occasions, especially business trips. On a recent trip to Sibiu, Romania, I had the unexpected pleasure of meeting Diana. On first contact with her, on the phone, I was pleasantly greeted by a suave and cheerful voice. We set up a meeting location to my hotel where Diana met me with due punctuality and in a sexy business-like outfit. Usually what I want to do - as much as I enjoy the mental exercise - is to be surprised by the sensual lingerie which I am even more eager to see on the floor or scattered on the bed. However, I got to talk to Diana first and I was dazzled by our conversation, which is something you almost never get nowadays, and which created an excellent counterpoint with the electrifying sex later on. Her company to the business engagement I needed to attend really made the impression I sought, which was outstanding - Diana can really hold her end of the conversation and engage in any topic asap. She has a wonderful smile and very elegant gestures, which is something she takes beyond dinner etiquette, to the bedroom, with brilliance. Not once did I remember I was with an escort and the sex left me unable to adjust to reality for a while. One great mark for Diana is that she doesn't rush, doesn't time you, and matches your rhythm, guessing sometimes even before you do, what you want and when you want it. Meeting Diana is one of those things in life that I can't hardly wait to relive. Kisses and thank you for an amazing time, Diana.
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