Caution men, the girl who advertises herself here is in Vienna, she says. I did not see her or meet her. The girl is a cheater, she's a scam. After making an appointment with her, she asks to go to a tobacco shop that is next to her so-called house, only the address she gives, the house does not exist, there is a black gate, which does not mention, a building or a residence. She asks to buy a ticket, because in the first meeting with her, she is not ready to meet, only after buying a ticket or whatever, in the amount that the meeting costs. I went to the store she asked for and paid 100 euros, supposedly an hour-long meeting with her. I received a receipt with a code, took a photo and sent it to her. The girl enters the code on the site and takes the money, no meeting with her. She then asked me to buy condoms of a certain type for 50 euros, claiming that she protects herself from illness, and she said harassment and abuse. I refused the request when I realized that I had fallen victim to fraud on her part. Corresponded with her on WhatsApp and I deleted the correspondence with her. She advertises herself on the following sites: So before you set out with her or even think of meeting her, beware of her. If I could save one man from meeting her, I did mine.nThe money in this case is gone and will not return, but the breach of trust on her part, is what makes me write what I wrote and list the same sites she publishes.nI will continue to follow her and wherever I post her I will write my opinion, about what happened to me and I hope it does not happen to others like me.nThis is what you will know and beware of like fire.
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