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Bdsm diaries of Ceres and Taliya


Topic: diary of ceres and taliya.....part onei i throught today would be like any other day. i throught wrong master told me not to listen to mistress but he never told her and i didnt want to get in trouble with her or him. my sister was upstairs cleaning her room while my master had me clean the rest of the house. you see mistress julia owns my sister taliya and i, ceres belong to master jon, its hard pleasing them both and trying not to disappoint them. master had lefted for work and mistress julia wasnt far behind him. after an hour i stopped working and run upstairs to taliya.
forgetting my chores, i stayed and talked to taliya while she was doing hers. i didnt think time passed so fast, it was nearly noon and mistress would be home first. i run downstairs and tried to get everything in order. as i was heading to the livingroom, forgetting about the kitchen i heard mistress pull up in the driveway. i didnt have time to even dust, she was opening the door as i felt my heart stop. she closed the door behind her and checked me over a few times, "what no hello, little girl?" she said. i try so hard to talk, my mouth was dry, i couldnt breathe. i was at lost for words.
she asked again as she walked towards me and i still couldnt answer her. by the time she walked over to me i managed to get some words out " hello mistress julia, please forgive me for my rudeness" i said hoping she wouldnt notice the mess behind me. but she did, the look she give me sent chills through out my body. " what is this? you cant do as your told little girl?" she said "mistress im can explain this, i was still cleaning when you came home and im sorry mistress it wouldnt..." she cut me off. she slapped me so hard that all i could was cry which made things worse, she dragged me to the kitchen. at the time she reached around the corner and grabbed the cane. seeing that my chore was not done at all, she pushed me down to my knee. i just sat there waiting for the pain to rain down on me but it didnt. she grab me by the hair and pulled me up from the floor. "is your room at least clean?" she asked, i couldnt answer her.
i knew i was in trouble, she dragged me back to the stairs and pushed me up them. she throw me in her and master's bedroom "you stay here do you understand me?" she said "yes mistress" i said and with that she turned to check on taliya. taliya wasnt as in much trouble as i was, she just had some bags to throw out. mistress walked up to taliyas' door of course taliya greeted her with a smile. mistress had ask taliya why she wasnt done with her room and why i didnt take the bags down for her, taliya told her everything. mistress now knew everything, from me refusing to do my chores down to chatting with taliya while she did her's. mistress returned to me, her eyes an icy blue now. i was so scared that i had moved from where she placed me. she grabbed me up so fast and spun me around. she throw me on the bed.
i didnt move til i felt the cane come down on me, i still had my clothes on so i was okay. "get up ceres" she said i was scared too. i didnt want to make things worse for me so i got up and kept my eyes and head lowered. "do i have to tell you want to do, ceres?" she asked "no mistress" i answer, i wasnt sure where she was going with this. "do i have to watch you everyday, ceres?" "no mistress" "then why must i take time out to deal with you like this, ceres?" i couldnt answer that question and with that she took my clothes off and made me lay flat on my stomach. she started so light that i throught she wasnt going to punish me but i was wrong the pain rainned down on me, she didnt let up til she reach 20. all i could do was cry.
mistress let me lay there for 18 minutes crying. she pulled me up and wrapped me in a sheet and sat me on her legs. she held me til i stopped crying. it was almost time for master to be home. we sat in the chair next to the bed for awhile then she cleaned me up and got me dressed. taliya was already in the kitchen cleaning while master sat at the table. "i didnt hear you come in jon?" she said "go help taliya, ceres me and julia need to have a word" "yes master". i started helping taliya, taliya had already started cooking and master had yelled for me. i walked into the livingroom to find mistress sitting on the sofa and master standing. he looked at me, "tell me ceres, did you disobey us today?" he asked, "yes master, i did".
he spun me around with that answer and pinned me to the wall. he raised my skirt over my bare ass, "please master i wont disobey again please no more" i said crying and he let me go. after we ate i cleaned up, i got to bed at 18 that night before i got the chance to lay down master opened the door "your sleeping with us tonight, ceres" "yes master" i wanted to ask why but i didnt. i just followed him and closed their bedroom door behind me. master put me in the bed that he had on his side and taliya was already in her bed next to mistress. i lay down and fell asleep, i was so tired from what happen that master didnt wake me in the morning.