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The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 20


During their sixth period AP science class together, Harukodemonstrated how a female sits on a stool. He imitated her, thoughhe found it hard to keep his legs together all the time without afirm floor under his feet, just the metal cross supports of thestool. She dug her nails into his side everytime his legs parted.The main problem for him was that he had to think about how hepositioned them. It hadn't become instinctual yet and it made takinglecture notes more of a hassle than it had been before Haruko hadbegun feminizing him since he had to think about something otherthan just focusing on what the instructor was saying. 

The teacher announced that the students would have to do a projectbased on the content of the chapter in one of the textbooks theywere using and it would be a joint effort with their lab partner.The teacher gave the each student time to discuss what they weregoing to do for the assignment with their lab partner. Steven had anidea and presented it to Haruko. "Oh my God, Steven, that's genius!Then she whispered in his ear, "you're definitely going to berewarded for getting your Mistress an easy A." Steven smiled andthen he caught himself as his legs opened again.

"Hey Haruko, why don't you dump that dweeb and go out with a realman?" a voice said from the lab station behind their's. Haruko, in aloud voice, answered, "first Bob, I can kick your ass without evenbreathing hard. Also, you have the personal style of a masturbatingorangutang at the zoo." The latter line had the whole room inhysterics, some of the students literally holding their sides."Besides, Steven is headed to MIT or Berkeley. What campus are yougoing to? The University of California at 7-11?" "Fuck you bitch,whore." Haruko got on her cellphone and called Yumi, who was in herenglish class. Yumi turned her back on the teacher. "Hi Haruko.""Hey Yumi, I need you to take care of someone for me because I'mafraid I might go overboard and kill him," Haruko said to her inJapanese. "I'm so sorry to hear that Haru-chan. I'll be there.""Thanks Yumi, you're a lifesaver." "Bye!"

After class concluded, Steven and Haruko emerged out of the buildingtheir classroom was in. Yumi had jogged over to meet them. Then Bobcame out. "Hey you bitch, you can't say that shit to me!" Harukosmiled as Yumi's eyes widened. Yumi went up to him and pushed himhard, which knocked him slightly off balance. Then she leg swept himto the ground and kicked him hard twice in the ribs, breaking them.The rest of the South Marlin Circle crowd was starting to just aboutget to where Yumi, Haruko and Steven were. Daniel came running overand his neighborhood compatriots immediately surrounded them. "HeyBob," Daniel said to the vanquished party, who was writhing on theground in agony, "you got lucky, bud. If Haruko or her sisters hadgotten ahold of you your next stop would have been the morgue. Socount what just happened to you as a good day." "Seriously Bob,being a redneck would be an intellectual step up for you, asshole,"Haruko muttered and they all headed home.

Steven raised his hand. "Yeah Steven?" "Sorry that had to happen.What you and Yumi did was pretty awesome, though." "Thanks sweety.Note that this is what happens when boys open their mouths and saysomething really stupid." "Yes Mistress." "Yumi-chan, is thereanything I can do for you for helping me?" "I don't know if you canhelp me Haru-chan, but I have to do this economics project for my APpolitical science class and I can't come up with anything to do."Steven raised his hand. "Yes Steven?" Haruko recognized. "I had thatclass last year. Here is what you do," he began, before making hisproposal and filling in some of the research background for it. "Ohmy God Steven, that's amazing! I'm going to totally do that!" Yumienthused. "If you need any help with it, Yumi, hit my cell." "Thankyou sweety! Onkaeshi kanryo (your debt to me has been returned)!*giggle. "How do you do that, Steven?" Haruko wondered "I have noclue. The ideas just seem to flow in my head. I can't really explainit." "Thank God you asked me out, Steven. I guess we were meant foreach other." "I'm glad you think that Haruko. I'm even happier thatyou accepted." "You might have the world's first billionaire slaveon your hands Mistress Haruko," Daniel burbled Haruko laughed. "Idon't know Master Daniel. I think you'll beat him to having thatkind of bank account." "I hope so!" Daniel laughed. "Well, Stevenand I are lucky we have the two prettiest, smartest girls oncampus." Steven gave a thumb's up since he wasn't allowed to speak.

Unfortunately, Bob's girlfriend, who was on the school's women'sbasketball team, decided to try to get some revenge for him. She hadthe same gym class as Rie and Aoi. After Rie had dressed out, herand Aoi went to the middle of the basketball courts to wait for theclass to start with their fellow students. "Hey you Jap bitch," theaggrieved girlfriend started while trying to push Rie, who duckedand dodged the attempt, almost causing her opponent to fall on herface. "My boyfriend is going to miss the next month of the footballseason because of your whore sister and her little friend," shefulminated. "Jennifer, don't do this, okay? It would make for suchan unpleasant morning. And besides, you'll be spending fourth periodover at Johnson Memorial. So give it a rest, okay?" Rie appealed."Fuck you!" Jennifer retorted and started to cock her fist. Rieflattened her with a spinning heel kick in the right side of herjaw, knocking out three of Jennifer's teeth and fracturing herskull. "No discipline, no self control. Her family has to reallysuck," Rie calmly observed to Aoi as they walked away from thebloody heap she had just created. Jennifer would be hospitalized fortwo weeks and miss the entire basketball schedule as a result ofthis confrontation.

Haruko and Yumi apologized to Rie for the contretempts that ignitedthe latest incident not because they actually felt remorse for it,but because Rie got hassled in the wake of it. Then they laughed asRie recounted her heroics to everybody. "Is 'Eklund' Swedish forawesome?' Steven enthused.

But to Tina and Alissa, it would be Steven that was awesome. At Mrs.Westfield's, Steven noticed that the sisters were having troublewith their math homework. Steven raised his hand and asked forpermission to help them. "You don't have to ask my permission tohelp anyone dear. Just keep the conversation on the homework," sheinformed him. Steven then looked at their homework and explained tothem how to visualize the problems and plug the numbers in. "Oh myGod, Steven, this is totally easy now. You're a genius!" Alissapraised. "Nah. Nicola Tesla and Einstein were geniuses, not me."

After Steven had gone home and dropped off his book bag, he went toHaruko's while still wearing his panties and bra under his clothes."Hey sweety, get naked for me, okay?" Haruko, smiling, asked. He didthat and she went down to her knees and gave him a long, slowblowjob before tripping his trigger and eliciting a huge wall ofjizz to be spooled into her mouth. She stood up and removed herclothes. "Hey baby, will you please give me a foot massage?" "YesMistress." "Just call me Haruko for now," she requested. "YesHaruko." "Just talk to me normally honey." "You got it my littledove." He spent the next half hour manipulating her feet. "Go washyour hands and then get in bed with me," she demanded. "Okay," heacknowledged and, after returning from the bathroom, he slid intobed with her. She put her head on his shoulder and he cuddled her."Steven, you're so amazing. I feel so in love with you right now. Ithought it was really sweet the way you helped Tina and Alissa aswell as Yumi. Do you still love me after all the stuff I've made youdo?" "Oh God yeah, Haruko. I'm really glad I get to take this sideof my personality out for a test drive. You're probably the only oneI will ever meet I'll be able to do it with." "I'm glad baby. Kissme." Steven took Haruko in his arms and they spent the next hourpassionately kissing and cooing at each other. He was hard again, soshe reached over and began stroking him. "And not only are you smartand very sweet, you have a huge dick. Come on honey, put it insideme," she begged. She released his member and rolled on to her back.He crawled in between her legs and pushed his spear into her pinkfolds. "Oh God, that feels incredible. I don't think I've been inlove with you as much as I am now darling. Just hold me," she urged.They laid there still, she encircled in his arms and his prickstuffing her wet cunt. He pulled her as close to him as he could,feeling the line of her back as his palms ran up and down her upperbody.

"I feel so warm inside right now baby." "Me too, Haruko. Your skinfeels amazing against mine. Your body is so soft and smooth and myheart is beating a million miles an hour, my love for you making myblood red hot." She smiled brightly and kissed him as he began togradually thrust his cock in and out of her. "Oh yes, baby,  take itreal slow," she demanded. "Mmmmm" she murmured, the sensationshitting her at a dream like pace. His eyes consumed her killer bodyand then looked back into her eyes as he undulated his hips and hervaginal muscles clutched at his length. "Oh my God, Steven, thatfeels divine," she said. "That's because you're a goddess, hepraised. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh" she sighed, as even at that slow a pace thefriction was building inside of her. This continued for about 20minutes before she was hot enough that she wanted to be fuckedharder and from there he drilled the daylights out of her, bringingher to a pair of orgasms before he flooded her womb with his sperm.He stayed on top of her stroking her face and decorating her lipswith soft, slow kisses. "Oh my God Steven, I feel so relaxed. Ialmost want to go to sleep." "Do it if you need to, baby." "You cansleep if you want, too. I know you're getting up early to run now,so it's okay. "Thanks Haruko." Within 18 minutes, they were both offinto dreamland. They continued to sleep until Maki woke them fordinner. "Oh shit, I have to call my mom!" Steven said, panicking.After he apologized for missing dinner at his own home, he ate withthe Eklunds, where Haruko bragged about Steven's intellectual feats.

Steven was going to go home after dinner, but Haruko asked him tostay and they spent the rest of his pre-curfew time having sex,cuddling and talking. "God Steven, I so want you to sleep over withme." "Oh my God Haruko, you have no idea how much I want that. Butthe grief my parents would give me wouldn't be worth it." "Yeah. Iwish the alternative was going to stay over with you, but I knowyour parents wouldn't go for that, either." "Yeah. Well, it's onlyanother three months before I turn 18, so it would behoove us to bepatient." "Yeah. But damn it, I want you with me!" "You can call mebefore you go to sleep. I'm going to be up late learning songs forthe concert you want me to give anyway." "Okay, we can do that.""Cool. Well, I better go my bird of paradise. I'll be waiting foryour call." "Okay," she replied and he got up, dressed, and wenthome.

He returned home and focused on nailing "Time in a Bottle." He got acall from Haruko at 11:30 and wished her sweet dreams. He returnedto his guitar and was up until 2 a.m.. He got up only four hourslater and went running. So when he ultimately got to Haruko's, hewas a little lethargic. Haruko, noting this, ordered him to sleepduring lunch and they hung out on the grass while she cradled hishead in her lap. He only got about 20 minutes, though it was betterthan nothing. They worked on the science project for a couple ofhours before dinner and then she had him call her mom and tell herthat he was going to eat with his girlfriend again. She had himsleep until dinner and by the time they ate,  he was feeling a lotbetter. He went home and worked on his deep throat technique andthen looking at ways to taper his body before picking his guitar upagain. He went to bed at 11:30 and didn't bother running so he couldhave an extra hour of sleep.

He told his mom he wasn't feeling well Friday morning and went backto bed. He phoned Haruko and said he was sick and then turned overand slept until noon. She came over to his house after she left Mrs.Westfield's to commiserate with him, and he posited that he had justrun himself into the ground a bit and needed a break. This madeHaruko feel guilty. She spent an hour with him and went home. Heplayed guitar for a while to try to learn  Simon and Garfunkel's"The Dangling Conversation" until dinner and then worked on his deepthroating and the science project.

He felt a lot better Saturday when they went to a nearby UC libraryand then visited a Cal State library on Sunday. When he got home, hewrote up the framework for the project and by the following Sundaynight they were finished and turned it in five days early. By thattime, he only had about eight songs he could play in front of Harukoand her sisters and he worked like mad over the ensuing week tomemorize four more. He was almost home. But now it was a week beforeHalloween. He needed to learn at least three more songs. That wasgoing to be tough. He had already known Metallica's "The Unforgiven"but thought that maybe it was too dark for them, but he decided togo for expediency and slotted it in. He learned Aerosmith's "DreamOn" in a day and then decided he would learn Stevie Ray Vaughan's"Riviera Paradise" so that he could do one on electric guitar thatwould be unlikely to have the neighbors calling police to complain.The problem, though, was that getting the feel for it, since thesong is riddled with all kinds of subtleties that requiredtremendous control of dynamics and phrasing. He got part of it downbut ultimately had to abandon it. He stayed up until 3 a.m onOctober 29th to have a kind of dress rehearsal and really naileverything. On the 30th, he told Haruko he was ready. During lunchat school, she announced that he would be playing if anyone wantedto come check it out after they left Mrs. Westfield's.  Haruko andSteven didn't really think anyone would want to hear him bleat hisway through some rock chestnuts, but a dozen of the communitymembers did and so they had to move the concert into the Eklundliving room.

Dressed in a skirt and halter top with nude pantyhose and heelswhile also being fully made up , he kicked it off with "Dream On"and followed it up with "Dust in the Wind" and then sequed into theScorpions "Still Loving You". For a change of mood, he did "TheUnforgiven" and Queen's "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" beforedownshifting it into "The Dangling Conversation" and the RollingStones' "Angie." He dedicated "Time in a Bottle" to Haruko, whichshe thought was very sweet and came up and hugged him. He followedthat with Bob Dylan's "Tangled Up in Blue" and the Who's "BehindBlue Eyes." He went upbeat again with ZZ Top's "LaGrange" and anacoustic arrangement of Bruce Springsteen's "Thunder Road." That wasit. Unfortunately, he only clocked in at around 55 minutes, butHaruko, who enjoyed his little concert, let him slide on it. Hisvoice was pretty much shot anyway.

"Sorry about my singing everybody. So I hope you enjoyed what I didon guitar." The assembled neighborhood denizens praised his effort.Haruko knew how many hours he was putting in to learn those songsand still keep up with his schoolwork and learning to cook. Heexercised when he could, but his outward physique still hadn'tchanged. He was getting a little better at deep throating, but stillgagging.

After everybody had cleared out, Haruko had him undress and take themakeup off. She climbed on top of him and they hugged and kissed fora while before she rocked her hips back and impaled herself on hiscock. She looked down on him lovingly as her thighs and hips wenthydraulic and made her pussy slide up and down his rock solid pole.Her swaying breasts and the sight of his cock alternatelydisappearing and appearing as her pussy caressed it. This was avisual feast for him. He was able to relax because the tension ofdoing that performance had worn him out somewhat and so he waslasting quite a while and Haruko orgasmed four times before hefinally ejected his semen up her birth canal. She plopped herselfnext to him and they cuddled as she caught her breath. "Honey, Iknow you put so much effort into that little show you did for me andI watched you work yourself to near exhaustion just to impress me.You're such a good sub, Steven. I love you so much." She then puther hand over his mouth, which caused his cock to immediately becomeerect again. He grabbed it and lovingly kissed ir. "Come on baby,fuck me," she pleaded and they had missionary sex, with her havinghalf a dozen orgasms before he shot her full of his cum once again.

Steven hurriedly dressed and went home for dinner. He went outrunning when he finished eating and then did crunches when he gotback before practicing his deep throating. He subsequently went tobed and slept for ten hours. He ran Saturday morning and did somecore exercises he found online. He went over to Haruko's and sheannounced it was time to pop his cherry. He had him lay on his backand she lubed up her strap on. She spurted some of the lube intoSteven's ass and began to push her fake cock into his asshole. Hefelt a lot of pressure there as the artificial penis pushed thewalls of his fudge tunnel apart. She forced it in further and hefelt a lot of pain, which he conveyed in a strangled, gutturalvoice. It took her another ten minutes before she had all eightinches of the strap on dildo inside of him. She slowly withdrew it,poured more lube on it, and then slid it back in to the hilt. Shebuilt up her momentum slowly and it caused a burning sensationinside him,  plus there was no precum being secreted to make iteasier. In and out, in and out, she began to mount a steady rhythmand the pain disappeared because his asshole was becoming used tothe foreign body inside of it. She was now encouraged to speed upthe rhythm of her  thrusts and he was beginning to enjoy it as thedildo massaged the area near his prostate gland. He was moaning andshe continued to work the man made dick into him. She began tojackhammer it in and out of him and he felt the pleasure mount, hisbreathing rather odd, and then, suddenly, cum sprayed out of thehead of his main vain. She withdrew it and took the strap on offbefore wrapping it in a towel to clean later.

"Oh my God, that was amazing," he said, panting. "Are you sore?""Yeah, a little. But I looked it up and I will probably be very sorefor a couple of days afterward. That should be fun. Or not," hechuckled. "You took it like a good girl, Stephanie. Are you happy Iwas your first?" "Mistress, I am beyond happy. I hope you will usemy pussy again. I want to be a good slut for you" "Oh, don't worry,I will and you will. Now clean yourself up and wash the strap on,too. I'll show you what you need to do." "Yes Mistress. Thank youMistress."