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My personal first time


My name is Mei-lani (may lani), and this is the story of my first time,all of it is true, nothing is made up.  Just so you don’t get confused. Sometimes people call me Mei-Lani, or they like to shorten it by either calling me Mei or Lani.  This is the first time I have ever written an erotic story, however I am a frequent writer...  It is very long and there isnt much action until the end, but I really wanted to put you in my shoes...  feed back is appreciated.Stephen was 3 years older then me and my parents would often ask him towatch after me if they needed a last minute babysitter sense he livedright next door.  He usually always agreed, he never asked for any moneybut my dad would often slip him $40 every night.I always had a slight crush on Stephen.  He was about average height,skinny, and he had curly hair that he grew out and it suited hishandsome face to have the large curls dance around and frame his face.He had soft green eyes with long black eyelashes and luscious lips.I was always embarrassed of my appearance around Stephen.  I was by nomeans ugly, I was tiny reaching only 4'8" and weighing barely 105, I hada great body with a nice bubble but and a good sized pair of breast formy size being in-between a B and a C bra size.  As for my face it had notchanged sense I was 18 (in fact even now I look exactly the same as Idid that day) so I was embarrassed about looking so young.My crush on Stephen had been growing significantly throughout thesummer, I would often go over to his house and he had introduced me tomarijuana a month earlier and we would spend all day walking around thewoods behind our neighborhood smoking and talking.  Plus we were bothreally into music (I play the piano, guitar, bass, and I sing, whileStephen played the piano, saxophone, drums) and would often spend longdays making music together.  Spending all this time with Stephen havinghim treat me as an equal and not as a little kid really made meappreciate his company, even to the point where when I would masturbateI would often imagine it was him touching me, imagining he was rubbinghis finger along my sensitive button dipping his fingers into my virginopening dragging the moisture from my hole to my button.My crush was getting so intense I craved for Stephen to have similarfeelings for me, I even went to the extreme of getting my haircut likehis favorite pin-up model or as he would say "one of the sexiest womento have ever existed" Bettie Page, whom I also greatly admired.  Once Ieven sneaked a peak at his porn collection on his computer which he"cleverly" named as "moms wedding photos" which I knew was bullshit sensehe had never even seen his mother.  Most of his pictures were of girlsbeing fucked in schoolgirl uniforms.  It made me wonder if he thought I looked sexy when he would pick me up from school. (I went to an allgirls’ catholic school.)I figured I would try and excite him that night by wearing my schooluniform, I decided to wear my skirt from two years ago that still fitbut was hemmed too short for school.  I made my "innocent" schoolgirlattire complete with white cotton panties, white over the knee socks,black maryjanes, and I put my hair in pigtails.  I looked just like thegirls on Stephens computer, or at least I hoped I did."Mei-lani! Were leaving! Come on down and say goodbye!" I heard my dadyell up the stairs, I hurried down the stairs and planted a kiss on mydad, my dad made a puzzled face as he took in my attire "it's the middleof summer, why on earth are you dressed for school!" I shrugged at hisresponse "I need to do laundry." I was surprised at my quickness with anexcuse.  "Ha! I told you, you should have done it yesterday instead ofrunning around with Stephen.  Oh speaking of which he should be heresoon."  I sighed, trying to act like I didn't want him over, I didn'twant my parents to get suspicious of me wanting to be alone with him (Iwas after all dressed like a typical sex icon) "ugh I'm 18 when are youguys going to trust me to be alone!" my dad mimicked my sigh "it's notthat we don't trust you lani, it's just that we don't trust otherpeople. All right? We will be back late tonight" "okay bye! Love you"just as my parents opened the door I saw Stephen walking up the driveway, "hi Stephen! Bye Stephen!" my mom said jokingly as she ran passedhim "later!" Stephen said as he approached the door, he literallystopped when he saw me.He stood there staring at me with a bewildered look on his face, Isquinted my eyes and bit my lip trying to look seductive and confused athis obvious state of awe, "what?" I asked "your hair." I was devastatedit seemed as though my outfit had no effect, "I really like it, thebangs look good on you and pigtails suit your face really well." He saidfinally making his way inside. "Oh, thanks!" I said, although hiscompliment made me happy I really wanted him to look at my outfit andwant me like the girls on his computer.  He walked into the living roomand I followed he then quickly turned around and held a joint in frontof my face, "Care to blaze?" I noticed his soft green eyes look at mefrom bottom to top and it made me feel better, "why sir! I do declare!"I said in my best southern bell accent.We sat on my back porch smoking and talking, when I suddenly got anaughty idea I thought might excite Stephen, "hey what is that?" I saidsquinting into the grass about ten feet in front of Stephen "what'swhat?" he asked trying to see what I was looking at "that!" I said as Iwalked about five feet in front of him and bent over and looked into thegrass, could feel my skirt rise and I knew he could see my underwear, Iwas getting wet just the idea of him seeing them, not trying to be toobvious I squatted in the grass and started patting the grass as iftrying to find something then I got on all fours being sure to stick mybutt up in the air.  "Nice panties!" Stephen said playfully, whilegiving my bottom a light pat. "Yah I bet you enjoyed that! Haha" I saidstanding up he laughed, "you have a cute butt! What can I say?" hiscomment made me ecstatic.  I sat back down next to him, only this time Isat close enough to him that our knees would touch "my mom lost anearring out here, I thought I saw something reflect the light I thoughtit might be it."  "Oh." He said as he looked directly in my face, hemade a small smile, and then I knew, I could just tell by the way helooked at me, with his soft green eyes that he felt the same way aboutme as I did about him.  I felt my face get hot and I wanted nothingmore then for him to kiss me.I looked down at my shoes in a nervous gesture and he turned his gazeand looked off at the sky. "Hey," he said "yah" I responded to see hehad returned his gaze to me.  He gave me another smile as he placed hisfinger on my chin and brought his lips to mine, our kiss was quick, justa peck and very nervous, he quickly turned his gave to the horizon, andwe both sat there in silence.  I was overwhelmed with excitement, Stephenhadn't been my first kiss, but it was the first that meant anything."Your 18 why on earth do your parents still ask me to baby-sit you?" hesaid obviously trying to get rid of the tension in the air, "they don'ttrust OTHER people." I said mocking my father.  "Hahahaha if only theyknew what we do together."  I laughed at his reply and he looked at me"I think you’re really pretty."  I felt my face get hot and Stephen leanedin closer to me and gave me another kiss, only this time he held hislips over mine.  "Damn, haha" he said after breaking the kiss whilepushing dirt around with his shoes.  "I've wanted to do that for sometime now.  I was just afraid sense you were younger then me, you'd thinkI was creep." I couldn't help but laugh "I could never look at you as acreep."  He looked back at me smiling.He leaned into me again starting with a soft tender kiss, he slowlyopened his mouth, and I followed pursuit allowing his tongue to enter mymouth, as our tongues dance he leaned in closer to me and I could feelthe heat radiating from his body, he let his hand find my knee and heslowly started to massage his way up my thigh, I felt my body grow hotand I wanted nothing more for him to continue his pursuit and find myeager vagina, he moved his hand to my inner thigh and I moaned into hismouth when he let his finger brush over my panties, he quickly pulledhis hand away and broke our kiss.  "Fuck." He murmured, "what's wrong?" Iasked scared he was somehow angry with me,  "we can't do this." He saidlooking at me with his beautiful eyes. "Why not?" I asked eager for himto touch my wet vagina again, only this time under the panties."Because Lani, what will happen afterwards?  We will fool around tonightand then what? Tomorrow we just go back to normal? We can't dateeach other, your father will chop off my nuts he's so protective of you,and then we won't be able to hardly ever see each other, it will bepointless. And I care way to much about you to just fool around with youfor a night and then just act like nothing happened."  I gave him aplayful push "my parents don't have to know about anything, no one does,we could act normal with everyone else, then be a couple when we arealone."  He gave me an ensuring smile, "it can't hurt to try.  But letsgo inside, to your room....  I don't want to get bitten up."He held out his hand and led me inside, he ushered me to the stairs "leadthe way" he said motioning up the stairs as I walked up the stairs I letmy ass sway seductively, Stephen reached out his hand and gave my ass atight squeeze "goddamn your ass is nice" he said as we neared my bedroomdoor, as I reached for the handle he wrapped his arms around me and Icould feel his hard dick press up against my ass, which I thought wasstrange sense he was so much taller then me but when I looked down I sawhe was bent slightly at the knees.I opened my bedroom door and Stephen followed me in closing the doorbehind him he put his arms around my waist and held be from behind andslowly grinded his cock on my ass, he let out of a soft moan and nibbledon my earlobe, I could feel my vagina boiling over and I was tempted tobring a hand over and relieve myself but decided against it, I wanted tosave it for Stephen.  He led me over to the bed and had me sit on theedge.He looked at me with hungry eyes as he stood towering over me, he bentover and kissed me hard pushing his tongue in my mouth, to my delighthis hand found it's way to my vagina and he began massaging my slitthrough my panties.  I was dripping wet and my body felt like aradiator, Stephen slipped his fingers inside my panties and I let out amoan when he slid his finger across my slit letting out a gasp when hetouched my clit.  He was the first person other then me to touch me thatway, he got on his knees and silently pulled off my panties, I wasembarrassed by my swollen lips and he looked up at me smiling "I see youshave." I giggled at his remark then suddenly became nervous, I didn'tknow what to expect and I was afraid he was going to stick his dick inme, I wanted it but I was scared of the pain, then to my surprise helooked up at me and said "Can I eat you out?" I had no idea what he wastalking about.He must have noticed my confusion because he continued with "I want lickyour pussy" I just stared down at him scared and excited, he smiled upat me and spread my knees and he stuck his head between my thighs, myentire body was shaking and I was about to tell him to stop, whensuddenly I felt his tongue slide from my hole to my clit, the feeling ofhis velvety tongue rolling around my vagina and flicking over and overmy clit my entire body started to shake, he grabbed me by my hips andpushed me further onto his face, he sucked my clitoris into his mouthand began flicking it with his tongue, I began to moan and slowly grindmy pussy onto his face, my pussy was pulsating and I could feel thetingling sensation in my body telling me an orgasm was near. The newfeelings Stephens' hot mouth was introducing to me felt so amazing Icouldn't imagine how I could have gone so long without it.  He continuedto lick all over my dripping cunt paying special attention to my button,suddenly he pushed his tongue into my virgin hole, the feeling waselectrifying and then he replaced his tongue with a finger and went backto sucking on my clit.  I couldn't take anymore and I grabbed the backof his head as I humped his face as an overpowering took over my body.I closed my eyes shut and absorb all that was going on as the orgasmwashed through my body, I thought about how the amazing feelings takingover me were being enticed by the guy I've been dreaming would one daymake love to me.   My entire body was on fire and I locked my legsaround his head and furiously humped his face, he continued to flick myclit with his tongue, I started to moan and scream until finally Icouldn't take anymore and I pushed Stephens face away from my pulsingvagina.He laid down next to me on the bed and gave me a soft kiss on the lips,I licked my own juices off my lips that Stephen left on me, "You havethe most perfect pussy" he said his eyes looking deep into me.  I turnedto my side and placed my hand over the hard bulge in his khakis, Istarted to gently massage him through his jeans.  He let out some softmoans and I decided to go further.I fumbled with his button and pulled the zipper down, I could feel myvagina growing hot again as I pulled his pants down, I could see theoutline of his hard cock through his boxers, as I tugged his pants downfurther, I saw the tip of his penis hanging out.  I looked up at hisface and he simply smiled at me as he pulled his pants all the way offand lifted his ass up in the air to take off his boxers.  I watched inawe as he pulled his boxers down, revealing to me the first penis I eversaw in person.  His dick was hard but instead of sticking straight up inthe air as expected it lay on top of his balls sticking out in line withhis legs.  (I later learned due to the large size of his cock gravityheld it down) I placed my hand on his hard dick and started to stroke itslowly, his dick was just thick enough for my fingertips to barely touchas I wrapped them around his cock.  I looked up at him to see hisreaction when he winced in pain "it's too dry, that hurts" he saidlooking down at me "what do I do to make it wet?" he gave me a shysmile, "you can use lotion."  I was about to get up when he said "or youcould use salvia, I think that feels better, you could just spit in yourhand or if you wanted, but I understand if you don't, you could lickit." He was watching my face intensely to gauge my reaction.  "Like ablow job?"  He stroked my breast through my shirt, "yah" his gaze washeld on my breast as he gently knead them, his warm hands massaging mybreast made me let out a small moan, he gently pinched my nipple throughmy blouse, "but before you do anything, would you unbutton your shirt, Iwant to see your breast” I did as he was asked letting my breast freefrom the cotton shirt, "no bra?" he commented almost joking "I figuredI'd probably just end up taking it off." He gave me a sly look "you'veplanned this all out haven't you?" I blushed and looked down at my bed"that makes it even hotter" he said as he rolled my bare nipple, I letout a small gasp and started to take off the shirt "no, don't I like itlike this."I moved over so I was kneeling between his legs and I lowered my headand picked up his cock aligning it with my mouth, I started gatheringsaliva in my mouth and I wet my lips and I frenched kissed his entirecock from bottom to top, distributing a healthy amount of salvia witheach inch, I wrapped my hand around his cock and stroked him slightlysqueezing my hand so it pulsed lightly as I stroked him (a tip I learnedfrom a porn magazine I found in my dads closet) I stuck out my tongue(which is very long I might add) and licked all around the mushroomshaped head, paying special attention to the underside, which Stephenwould groan every time my tongue flicked under the head.  I looked up tohis face and his eyes met mine, while keeping our gaze I licked allaround his head then popped it into mouth sucking hard as my tonguedanced across the tip, and my hand pulsed up and down the shaft.  As hethrough his head back he groaned "uh holy fuck, Mei, oh fuck that feelsso good."  I popped his cock out of my mouth and began to pop it in andout of my mouth rolling my lips on the underside.  "Oh, fuck! Oh fuck!Ungh, you have to stop you have to."  I popped his cock out of my mouthand removed my hand afraid I hurt him; I worriedly watched his face ashe caught up on his breath.  "Oh god I was about to cum" he said sittingup to meet my gaze, confused I glared at him "isn't that good?"He grabbed my breast and started rolling my nipple between his fingers."I'm not done with you yet."  My eyes grew big and I inched closer tohis body, "are we really going to do it?"  He looked into my eyes gentlyand cupped my face with his hands, "if you’re not ready, we won't do it, Ijust thought..." "No, please, I really want this." I cut him off, okaylet me get a condom," "no, we don't need one." he looked at me confused"I know you've had your period I was with you when first got it 2 yearsago. I don't want to get you pregnant." I laughed at his response "mymom put me on the pill when I started dating Axel, she didn't want me toget pregnant like my sister did."  He put his head between my breasts andlicked my nipple, sending electric shocks throughout my body "we shouldprobably use one anyway just to be extra safe."  I looked down at himwith pleading eyes "I want to feel you” he groaned and looked up at me"oh god this is going to be perfect."I leaned up against my headboard and as he held my knees to my chest ashe positioned his cock at my pussy.  "This is probably going to hurt..."I looked up at him and let out a nervous smile "I know."  He rubbed hiscock up and down my slit and I gasped with indescribable pleasure, whoknew just having a dick rub up and down my vagina could feel so good.He moaned and then positioned his dick at my virgin opening.  I gaspedas he pushed his dick into me, it was an amazing filling as he slowlyentered me, I was pained by just the stretching of my vagina around hisintruder, I was afraid of the feeling of him breaking through my hymen.He got his head in and he moaned loudly as his head poked my hymen,"fuck your so tight," he said through clenched teeth, "okay we can dothis two ways, ungh I can push through it slowly or I can force my selfin with a hard thrust."  "Do it fast, get it over with."He pulled back so only the tip was in and he pushed in, "ungh! Ow!" Igasped, "shit, I didn't break it, okay...  again” I braced my self bygrabbing my pillows, "okay I'm going to try again" he pulled out so onlythe tip was in again, then he thrust all the way in breaking through myhymen causing a searing pain rush through my body "agh!!!!!" I screamedas I wrapped my arms tightly around him holding him in place as tears randown my cheek while my vagina contracted squeezing his cock buried deepinside of me.  "Oh fuck!  Ungh...  are you okay?" he said gaspingbetween words.  All I could do was nod, "is there anyway you could stopsqueezing my dick with you muscles...  your so fucking tight, thesqueezing is going to make me cum, I can only hold it off for so long."His comment made me laugh and I felt my body relax as I began to come toterms with the new feeling rising in me.  Stephen was inside of me, itfelt so good just knowing he was inside me, just then I felt him slidehis dick slowly back and the pain began bearable, he slowly pushed backinto me and I couldn't believe how beautiful it felt to be this close tohim, even though physically I was in pain emotionally I was in purebliss.  Stephen continued his slow fuck and he finally released my legsfrom my chest, I wrap my legs around him as he continued to push deeperand deeper into my tight cunt, "ungh, oh fuck lani you feel so amazing,ungh" with that Stephen increased his pace, and while I was beginning togain some physical pleasure the pain oversaw it, but I just enjoyedgiving Stephen such pleasure I dealt with the pain.  Stephen pushedharder and deeper into me and with each thrust a loud slap could beheard as our bodies collided, he started massaging my breast with avigor and soon his tongue was in my mouth as he kissed me with such aforce I thought for sure my face would be numb.  He kept pounding mynewly deflowered cunt when he released his kiss and took hold of my legsagain, "uh, oh fuck, uh fuck ungh!" with one last vigorous thrust I feltStephens cock pulse from deep inside of me as a wash of warmth leakedinto me, I knew it was his cum and I looked into his face which wastwisted into a pain like grimace.  Then he fell on top of me his bodyheaving, I ran my fingers through his curly hair soaking in what justhappened.  I can't even put into words how wonderful I felt.  "Youdidn't cum..." Stephen said his words muffled by my chest, "it's okay,it started to feel good, but it just hurt too much."  He lifted his headfrom my chest a look of sadness in his eyes, "I'm sorry, next time willbe better, I promise."  My heart leapt at the time he said 'next time'for the past year all I wanted was to loose my virginity to Stephen, Inever really thought past it, but now not only did I loose my virginityto him, he was now my boyfriend.---SummaryStephen, didn't lie, the next time was better, we were a couple insecret for one year, then my dad actually caught us in the act, so forthe next year we were openly together, however sense my father caught usit was very difficult to get alone, we resulted to being intimatetogether in the woods, except the few rare times we were able to bealone in our own homes.  But by the end of our second year togetherStephen moved to Tokyo for a year, we broke up not wanting to go longdistance, we both dated other people, and when he moved back we stayedfriends for a year until we moved in together.  I have plenty of othersexual adventures to write about, including those with Stephen my someother guys I dated, and the few females I fell in love with.  If thisstory does well and you want to hear more from me I'd be happy to digthrough my journals and recap some events.