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Boobs and Boners (Mother/Son)


i found this story in another forum and had to post it. This story is so fucking hot!


"Morning slugger." Linda said as she passed her son in the hallway.

She looked like a 39 year old Katy Perry, but with a shapelier figure and enormous breasts.

Linda had just come from the bathroom...a tiny white towel draped around her voluptuous body.

Bobby's eyes followed the sway of her meaty buttocks...barley covered as she pranced into her bedroom.

Drawn like a magnet he moved to her doorway...just in time to see the towel fall to the floor.

Spotting her son in the doorway Linda put her hands on her hips...her big bobbling pear-shaped breasts ballooning outward. She fed him a look that was stern but not angry.

"Bobby!" She whispered in a cute little mommy-tone, glancing towards the master bath where her husband could be heard preparing for work.

Giving her son a silent scold, yet with a hint of a smile Linda closed the bedroom door.

Oh the poor baby...he must be crazy horny...sneaking up on me like that. Damn though, if his father had come out of the bathroom and caught him gazing at my nudity we would have both had some explaining to do. It's not that I have a problem with Bobby seeing me naked...it's just that...well, I don't think my husband would quite understand. Linda thought.

Bobby retreated to his room. Like most 18 year olds, he was fascinated with the bodies of middle-aged women. It didn't help that his mom was being so free with her figure around him lately. Since he had turned 18 it seemed like every time he turned around she was half-naked. He rubbed the newly formed bulge under his short.

Holy shit, Mom has the biggest tits I've ever seen. Just like the girls in those Juggs magazines. This is the second time now I've seen her like this and once again she didn't really seem all that mad at me.

A little while later he heard his parents coming out of the master suite. His dad continued downstairs but Linda stepped into Bobby's bedroom.

"This room is a disaster, mister. I certainly hope you plan on cleaning today." She said.

Bobby took a second to answer as his eyes traveled up and down his mom's body. Her long shapely legs were crowned by a short polyester mini-skirt and her big breasts were packed inside a thin cashmere sweater.

"Yeah, uh...I'll clean it tonight." Bobby muttered.

"Oh and I'm washing my delicates today. I'm gonna need all my panties back in my hamper before you leave okay, sweetie." She said.

"Panties?" Bobby asked.

Linda stepped over to his bed and pulled a pair of her black sheer bikini panties out from under his pillow.

"Yes, panties." She said with a little smile.

A stream of fresh cock-cream began to run from the panties down her forearm.

"Bobby." She said, again not angrily and with a hint of amusement.

"Sorry mom." Bobby giggled.

"No you're not." She said teasingly.

Bobby watched as she tried her best to wipe her arm.

Oh my God this semen is still warm...and there's so much of it. Surely this can't be from one orgasm, can it? She thought.

"Some girls would just lick it up and swallow it." He joked.

"Yeah, well I'm not "some girl," I'm your mother and I certainly don't need the taste of your sperm on my tongue when I kiss your father goodbye this morning." She said.

"You look really nice today by the way." Bobby said.

Linda gazed down at the enormous erection forming a tent in her son's shorts.

"Yeah, I can tell... Thank you." She smiled, her gleaming white teeth peeking through her pouty pink lips.

"You're welcome." He said.

Holy wow, mom's really staring at it. How cool is this? He thought.

"Does that thing ever go down?" She teased, like a flustered teen.

"Not when you're around. Wanna see something cool?" He asked.

"Ooookaaay." She said, giving him an odd look.

Bobby flexed his boner, making it rise even higher under his shorts. His brick hard erection strained against the fabric, pushing it way out.

Linda's eyes widened. She felt the lips of her clam tighten and her large areola begin to harden. She tore her eyes from the bulge and found her son watching her reaction.

"Show off." She teased.

So this is why all the moms I know are trying to get an eighteen year old between their legs. I can't believe how my pussy just reacted to that. It's like a jolt of electricity just shot through it. Linda thought.

"Will you sit on my lap...like you did the other morning?" Bobby asked.

"Oh sweetie, not this morning. I have to start on breakfast." She said.

"Please...just a few minutes." Bobby begged.

She glanced down at the throbbing protrusion, then down the hallway to make sure her husband was downstairs.

"One minute and that's it for this morning...okay?" She said.

"Fine." Bobby said as he sat down on his desk chair.

Linda came over and sat down sideways on his lap. She felt his raging hard-on slip to the side and the thick shaft sunk down in between her meaty cheeks.

Bobby let out a little sigh and Linda giggled as she brushed his hair back with her long nails.

"You are so damn cute." She smiled, liking the way the lengthy dong felt tucked down into her soft butt-cleavage.

I sit on my husbands lap all the time and yet it never feels anything like this. Why? Is my son really that well endowed? Jesus, it feels like I have a fat Italian sausage tucked inside the entire length of my butt-crack. She thought.

"Can you do that thing that you did the other day?" Bobby asked politely.

"That thing? Oh, you mean this?" She said, squeezing her cheeks of her buttocks together and smothering his rod.

"Oh-h-h yeah." His voice quivered.

As Linda turned slightly towards him with her arm on his shoulder Bobby could stare straight into the swell of her enormous breasts. He could tell through the sweater where the edges of her bra were and could see the bulging breast meat oozing out the top. She quickly flexed her chest muscles, making her tits ripple beneath her sweater.

"You're not the only show-off in this house." She smiled.

She pulled him forward and lay his head on her soft breasts. With her arms now around him she gently rocked and once again squeezed her pillowy cheeks hard around his girthy erection. She felt it push back...flexing up against her warm crevice.

I can't believe my husband is downstairs waiting for his breakfast and here I am giving our son's big boner teasing little butt- hugs. To make matters worse I keep feeling these little rushes of wicked excitement surge though me....from the pit of my stomach all the way down to my cute little bare feet. What does it mean? She wondered.

"Oh and that reminds me...I don't mind you coming in for a visit when I'm getting dressed. Just make sure your father's downstairs first...okay." Linda said.

"Okay." Bobby smiled.

The big busted mom smiled lovingly as she felt Bobby's body let out an excited quiver.

"There." She said, jumping off him.

"Feel better?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I could do that all day." He said.

"Somehow I don't doubt that." Linda said, glancing down at the teenaged cock-bulge.

"You might wanna change your shorts before you come downstairs." She said, with a little smile.

Bobby looked down and noticed a big wet pre-cum stain which had soaked through his shorts.

"Guess I got a little excited." He said.

"Ya think?" Linda giggled.

She turned for the door...finding another pair of her panties hanging from the inside door handle.

"Bobby." She said, almost playfully, as she grabbed them.

"Sorry, mom...I'll put the rest of them in your hamper." He said.

"Thank you...and after you change make sure you get that monster under control before you come downstairs." She said, giving his cock another half-smiling glance.

My son popped a boner for me. That's so cute! My little panty thief...hehe. I could be upset, but why? He's a teenage boy doing normal teenaged things. Don't all boys use their mother's panties? He must have some sort of ritual after he digs them out of my hamper. He probably smells them...savoring the strong pungent aroma of my clean shaven mommy-muffin. He may even turn them inside out and suck on the crotch. I can picture his cute little eyes rolling back as he tastes the bitter sweetness...a result of my daily trickle of pussy butter. How good that silk must feel against the glands of his penis. No wonder he fills them with such heavy loads. She thought.

Before dropping them in her hamper Linda held the pair of soaked panties with two fingers. Long strings of semen dropped towards the basket and she caught one with her fingers. Curiously, she brought the gob of cock-juice up to her nose and smelt. Then, without hesitation, she scraped it onto her tongue.

Thick and sweet...just what I'd expect from a boy his age. Wow Linda, you do realize you just tasted the milk from your own son's balls...that squirted out the tip of his penis probably no more than an hour ago. There's those wicked butterflies again. Well, he tasted me...fair's fair. Shit, where's the mouthwash? She thought.

At the breakfast table Bobby could hardly focus. His eyes couldn't help but follow his mom around the kitchen.

First there were those long bronze legs, which looked so strong...yet baby soft. Her sexy bare feet had squatty little toes with nails that were painted a delicate pale-pink.

Every few minutes as Linda reached up into a cupboard she would rest her weight on the toes of one foot, arching her heel and flexing her legs. The blood rushed back into Bobby's penis.

What must it be like to have legs like that wrapped around you? What must it be like to see them thrown back into a huge spread eagle...with those beautiful bare feet flexed as they point in opposite directions? He thought.

Then...there were her tits. Soft squishy mountainous delights that always seemed to be shifting or bobbling as she moved about. They were a feast for the young boys eyes.

With her husband sitting next to her Linda gave her son a cute little wink as if knowing exactly what was wandering through his dirty little mind.

My poor sweetie. All hot for his mommy. She grinned.

Bobby could hardly concentrate at school that day. He kept reliving the mornings events in his mind...his mom turning towards him, placing her hands on her soft hips...her dangling breasts, still glistening from the shower, doing a gentle teeter back and forth.

"Bobby." Her cute little voice whispered.

Again, the scene unfolded...mom turning...breasts rocking...placing her hands on her wide birthing hips.

"Bobby." Came the whisper.

Bobby froze the image in his mind...taking it all in. Her pretty face...hair still wet and slicked back from the shower. Dangling boobs with cute little stretch marks from their weight being pulled towards her tummy. Huge thick rubbery areola...dotted with milk glands and nipples that were made for sucking. Then there was her mons pubis... the crowned jewel of all motherhood... covered only by a tiny well groomed patch of thin pubic fuzz. The little nub underneath...marking the entrance to her inner sanctum.

Bobby's cock felt like it was going to slice through his shorts. He could feel his mom's butt cheeks closing in around it...smothering it's girth.

"Show off." He heard her say.

Mom looked so sexy standing near my door...staring down at my big dick. Her eyes widening...her mouth peeking open. It was a look I had never seen before. I was impressing her. My own sexy mom! Bobby thought.

"Show off." She said teasingly....like a nervous young girl who wanted so badly to get her hands on it.

Often times Bobby's mind would drift up into a cloud where his young naked body was laying on top of his beautiful big busted mother. Her arms encircled him...her long painted nails clawing at his back. Slowly, her strong silky smooth legs slithered up around him until her heels rested against his ass...holding him against her. Then they would began to rise...like a female spider carrying it's clutched prey towards her web in the clouds....ready to fucking devour him. Linda would grasp his rod and feed the engorged knob into the mouth of her gaping twat.

And as they disappearing into the cloud Bobby's shaft would sink down inside his mother's soft secret hole...all the way to the balls. Just before they disappeared completely his clutching mom would begin to gentle swing them. Back and forth they rocked...a suspended heap of writhing flesh.

Suddenly Bobby was jarred back to reality by the sound of the bell. The teacher, Mrs. Jacobs, was at the front of the class, feeding him a dirty stare as the other kids scattered.

"Having difficulties concentrating today are we?" She asked.

"Sorry." Bobby answered, walking awkwardly out of the classroom.

"Hello." Linda said into her cell as she stood in the laundry room folding clothes.

"Hi mom." Bobby said.

"Hey slugger, what are you up to?" She asked.

"Oh...not much. Just on break between classes." He said.

"Everything ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, um...I Just...wanted to call and say hi." He said.

"How sweet...I miss you." She smiled, folding one of her sexy lacy bras.

"I miss you too. Um, could I ask a favor mom? Could you send me a picture?" He asked.

"A picture of me?" She smiled..

"Yeah...um, I just thought it would be cool to have a picture of you on my phone to look at...and to show my friends" He explained.

"Aww, what a sweetheart." She said.

"So you will?" He asked.

Send him something sexy Linda. The poor boy is suffering with horniness. But how? I can't have him showing his friends a picture like that. Wait, I know what I'll do...

"Tell you what...how bout I send you two pictures. One for you to show your friends...and one just for you." She said.

"Okay." Bobby smiled.

"Give me a few minutes." She said.

"Thanks mom." He said.

"Bye sweetie." She said.

Okay, where should I take these? My bedroom would probably be the best place. But no wait...what about his bedroom? Perfect! She thought.

Linda walked upstairs to her son's bedroom. It was still messy and unorganized.

That boy! Okay, one for his friends first. Something a little sexy, but not too sexy. Don't need any nasty phone calls from any of the neighborhood moms.

Bobby waited anxiously in the bathroom stall. The bell went off and he realized he was late for class, but he didn't care.

Seconds later he got a picture text on his phone and opened it. It was a full body shot of his mom, standing in his bedroom. Still in her skirt and sweater Linda was leaning slightly against his dresser in a cute little pose, with one long tan leg forward, slightly bent at the knee...her toes squatting against the floor and her heel arched up. There was a cute innocent little mommy-smile on her face.

Below the picture was written: "FOR YOUR FRIENDS"

WOW! Those legs...and the way she has her foot kicked up like that. Holy shit! Her tits...oh my God look at the way she's pushing them out. Oh shit my cock is throbbing! Bobby thought.

Linda looked around the room as she thought about her next picture.

Okay, now one for my baby. Should I be naked? Oh Linda this is sooo wicked. Damn there's those butterflies again. I know, I'll lay on his bed naked, but not completely exposed. I have to leave something to his imagination. She thought.

A few minutes later a second picture arrived. Bobby's heart was pounding in his chest with excitement as he pulled at his cock through his shorts with his free hand. The picture opened and Linda was laying on Bobby's bed on her tummy...completely naked. Propped up on her elbow with her chin resting against her palm, she smiled lovingly at the camera, her big naked breasts bulging out as they lay squashed like soft dough between her and the mattress. In the background Bobby could see the swell of her meaty buttocks. Her legs were kicked up playfully and her sexy tan feet were flexed, toes pointing upward.

Below this picture was written: "FOR YOU ONLY."

OH MY GOD-DAMN!!! He goaned.

Bobby groaned a second time...his hands shaking as he about blew his nuts.

Holy shit, mom's totally naked and laying on my bed! I wanna stay and stoke off but I'm already gonna be in deep shit for being late to class. He thought.

Bobby could hardly stop gawking at the picture the entire day. Even at home in his room he had a difficult time focusing on his homework as he found himself rubbing his cock through his shorts as he gazed at the sexy picture on his phone. He didn't hear his mom as she entered his doorway.

"Aren't you suppose to be working on that math homework young man." She asked almost playfully.

"Yeah, it's just about done mom." He said, blushing as he threw his phone aside.

"Wanna take a break for a bit?" She asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well...I wanna get my bath before your father gets home. Thought maybe you might wanna come in a keep me company." She said.

"Really?" Bobby asked, his heart pounding.

"Unless you'd rather stay focused on your math." She said teasingly.

"Hell no." Bobby smiled.

"Come on." Linda giggled.

This is a dream! This has to be a dream. There's no way mom would let me watch her bathe. I'm gonna wake up any second...I just know it. He thought.

Like an excited puppy-dog Bobby followed his mom into her room. Linda strode over and closed the bedroom shades as Bobby stood there awkwardly waiting, the click of her high-heeled sandals and the hypnotic sway of his mother's buttocks captured his attention.

Oh my God I can't believe I'm about to let my son watch me take a bath. Are you sure Linda? Are you sure you wanna do this? Nudity is perfectly natural. This has nothing to do with his big penis...absolutely nothing. Just act normal...as if he's watching you bake cookies. Yeah, that's it...this is no big deal.

"You're father and I are going out tonight. Want me to order you some pizza or something sweetie?" She asked.

"Sure, that sounds good." He said.

As his mom went into the master bathroom Bobby followed her inside. After turning on the water in the tub Linda went back over, closed the bathroom door behind them and locked it.

"How's Brian doing? I heard he's been really sick." Linda asked.

Bobby's heart was racing so fast he could hardly answer.

"Uh...getting better I guess." He muttered as he sat on the bathroom floor and leaned back against the wall.

"How long's he been out of school now?" She asked as she slipped her little feet from the sandals and began to unbutton her sweater.

"Two weeks so far." Bobby said, watching the bra-clad breasts emerge from the parting top.

I should be waking up by now. Jesus, her bra is barely holding them. Look at all that fucking breast-meat just oozing out the top. That bra is sooo sexy. All that delicate white lace...mom is sooo feminine.

"Poor thing." Linda said, peeling the sweater off.

"Who?" Bobby asked.

"Your friend Brian." She said.

"Oh yeah...it must suck being that sick." He answered.

Bobby's cock to begin to tent in his shorts.

Linda unzipped her skirt and it fell to the floor. She heard Bobby let out a soft gasp as he saw that she was wearing a skimpy pair of low-cut bikini-panties. She reached back and unclasped her bra.

"I don't want you going over there until he's completely better...in case whatever he has is contagious." She said, slipping the bra-straps off her shoulders.

"Okay." Bobby said, watching her slide the cups from her breasts.

As her pendulous tits sprung free they just sort of flopped down against her tummy and bobbled slightly back and forth. Bobby gazed at the large pink caps, which were dotted with milk glands.


After setting her bra down near the sink Linda slid her thumbs under the hem of her panties and began to slide them down her long tan legs.

For the second time that day Bobby stared straight at his own mother's cute little mons pubis. It was covered only by a very thin triangle of dark pubic fuzz and below it he could clearly see her cleft of venus.

Stepping out of her panties, Linda leaned over and picked them up off the floor, her big drooping mommy-boobs wobbling with her every move. Cocking one leg out in front of her, bent slightly at the knee, with her sexy foot arched, her cute little toes squatting against the floor, Linda fed her son a naughty smile.

Oh lord, look at his eyes. Look at him stare at me...taking it all in. I can't believe I'm being such a cock tease...and for my very own son. Linda thought.

Using the elastic hem of her panties she shot them towards Bobby like a rubber band, making them land on his bulging lap.

"You might as well have those...you'll be fishing them out of my laundry hamper anyway." She grinned.

"Thanks." Bobby smiled.

As soon as Linda turned towards the bath Bobby lifted the panties to his nose. The pungent aroma was so strong his head spun.

They're STILL warm and damp! HOLY FUCK! He thought, his head spinning.

He breathed them in deep...the overpowering tang filing his lungs. He couldn't help but let out an audible moan.

"They smell that good huh?" Linda giggled, without turning around.

She poured some bubble bath in the tub as her son marveled at the cheeks of her full heart-shaped buttocks. He could see the baby-smooth meat of her genitals...the spongy double doors extending out from her pubis. The gates of heaven.

This is too much. I'm gonna cum in my fucking shorts before mom even gets in the tub. Bobby thought.

Linda stepped into the water, her butt cheeks rippling. She looked back at her son..

"Come sit by the tub." She said.

Bobby stood up and his big dick stuck out like a divining rod under his short. He made no attempt to hide it as he walked over to the side of the tube.

Linda was now on her knees in the water, sitting on her heels facing her son. She got a quirky little grin as she saw his pecker pointing at her, only a few feet away.

"Uh-oh...it's that long necked monster again." She said.

Oh my God...just how long must that neck be? It's like some of the dick I fucked back in college. Oh I was so bad back then. She thought.

Bobby just stood there for a minute. He liked the way she was looking at it.

"Well I can't help it...you ARE naked mom." Bobby said.

"Look at how far your shorts are tenting out. Are you sure you don't have a baseball bat under there?" She said, staring at the impressive bulge.

"Nope, it's all me." He smiled proudly.

"I know I like to call you slugger, but if you keep popping boners like that I may have to start calling you my Louisville slugger." She giggled.

Bobby stood there and watched as his mom took the shower sprayer and began to soak her big tits. She arched her neck back spraying her face and wetting her hair. The way she thrust her breasts made Bobby's dick jump.

"I saw that. Showing off again huh?" She teased.

"No...that was a reaction. If I was showing off I'd do this." He said, flexing his pecker and making it spring upward, rising well about his belly button.

Linda felt her inner and outer lips quiver excitedly as they swelled with blood. Her cervix seemed to shift downward as she gazed at the dreamy erection...her eyes nice and wide.

Oh my God I've never reacted to something that way. It's like his bulbous head just split my twat and my pussy was reacting as if in preparation to accommodate all that long thick meat. Stop it Linda...just stop it. This is ridiculous! She thought.

"Wow, that's amazing. You have one of the strongest erections I think I've ever seen." She exclaimed.

"It's your fault. Looking at you makes it this way." He smiled.

"Well, nice to know that my thirty-nine year old body can get that sort of reaction from a handsome eighteen year old...especially considering he's my son. Guess that makes me a MILF huh?" She smiled.

"Well, you're definitely a mom I'd like to..." Bobby started, then stopped himself, realizing what he was about to say.

"A mom you'd like to what...FFFFUUUCK?" She asked with a quirky little grin.

Oh my God-damn Linda I can't believe you just said that! She thought.

Bobby heart skipped a beat as he heard the magic word spout from her mouth. He couldn't help but blush a little.

No, this can't be real...but why haven't I woken up yet. Mom just said fuck...I've never heard her say fuck before. How the hell do I respond to something like that. What the hell...honestly I guess. He thought.

"I wouldn't mind." He said.

She looked back at his big pecker as it bobbed up and down under his shorts.

"Clearly." She smiled.

Bobby knelt down and watched as his mom lather herself with body-wash. After washing her hair she drained the water from the tub and stood up to dry herself. Bobby remained on the floor looking up in sick fascination at his own mom's voluptuous nudity.

"Sweetie will you hand me my shea-butter." She said, wrapping the towel around her wet hair.

Linda stepped from the tub as Bobby fetched her lotion. His big flagpole bobbed up and down as he brought it to her.

"Thank you slugger." She said.

Linda stepped over and sat down on the toilet. Bobby followed and sat on the floor directly across from her.

She squirted a big gob of lotion into her hands and set the bottle aside.

"Normally I would spend some time shaving my legs and my peach...but they're still pretty smooth." She said, rubbing the lotion in her hands.

"Your peach?" Bobby asked.

"Oh I'm sorry...guess I should speak in teenaged boy language. My pussy. That better?" She giggled.

"Yeah, now I get it." He smiled.

And a beautiful pussy at that. With her sitting it looks so cute and delicate...with that thin tiny patch of pubic fur. Hard to believe I split that twat wide open eighteen years ago. He thought.

Linda extended her long tan leg straight out and began to rub the shea-butter up and down it's length. Her sexy foot was flexed...toes pointed at Bobby as she worked the lotion into her skin.

As her son's eyes were glued to her legs Linda looked down at his bulge.

Oh my god he's rubbing it though his shorts. My poor baby must have a throbbing erection. Imagine what he'd do if I spread my legs apart. Jesus Linda you can't do that...that's just downright lewd. He'd cream for sure. Okay, okay...I won't go crazy...I'll just spread them a little. I can't lotion the backs of my thighs unless I at least open them a little bit. She thought.

Leaning back against the toilet Linda curled her leg up and back. Without thinking the other leg followed, bending at the knees as it rose backwards she continued to apply the lotion.

As her legs spread Linda's flower was now on open display and Bobby discovered that it wasn't the cute virgin-like pussy it appeared to be. Between the swell of her outer lips the crimson inner lips were large and thick, slowly peeling apart before his very eyes. He could see her budding clitoris, peeking out from under its hood like a small erect penis.

OH SHIT...TO MUCH...TO FUCKING MUCH! He thought as he rubbed on is pecker.

He's gonna cum. His body's shaking...he's gonna cum. I'm making my son cum. I don't believe this! She thought.

"Bobby, grab my panties!" She shouted.

As the cum began to pulse from his peter Bobby grabbed her panties from the floor and brought them to his nose. The musky fragrance made him squirt even stronger.

"GGGGNNNNHHH!!!!" He groaned.

Overwhelmed by the site of her son in such intense arousal Linda felt her own orgasm hit her out of nowhere.

OH NO! OH SHIT...I'M CUMMING! She thought.

"OH BOOOOBBBYYY!!!" She shouted as she started rubbing her clit frantically.

Bobby watched her legs shake as she threw her head back. Her huge tits jumped off the sides of her chest as she thrust her twat out against her frantically working fingers. It was the most amazing site he'd ever seen.

"OOOOOHHHH!!!!" She screamed.


Bobby's body quivered with wicked excitement as his penis fired huge thick ropes into his shorts. The two of them groaned as their orgasms seemed to go and on.

Finally, Linda's Body jerked forward, her thighs slapping together but her calves still scissored apart. Her feet rested on their heels...her toes spread apart as her knees still trembled with post orgasmic contractions. Her tits were trapped between her arms and ballooned outward. Her nipples poked out...huge and engorged like big demon eyes. She stared downward...eyes glazed over...letting out little shivering-like gasps.

Fuck me...I haven't cum that hard since. Oh shit...I just came like a slut in front of my son. Oh God damn Linda what were you thinking. She thought.

"Well...that was a little weird." She said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah...a good sorta weird though." He sighed.

She looked down at his shorts and the messy aftermath.

"Oh slugger, your shorts are soaked. Get into the shower and rinse off. I'm gonna go out and get dressed." She said.

"Okay." He said.

Later that night Linda sat in her bed as her husband showered. She found her mind reeling over the events of the day with her son.

Oh Linda, what you did today was sooo wrong! No, it wasn't! There's nothing wrong with my son seeing me naked. Nudity is perfectly natural...and masturbation...well, that's natural too. It's healthy for him to see that his mother masturbates just like he does. Linda thought.

The bathroom door opened and her husband walked out holding Bobby's shorts in his hand.

"Linda, are these Bobby's shorts?" He asked.

Oh my God...he didn't! She thought.

"Well I um...I think so." She muttered.

"What are they doing in our laundry hamper?" Ron asked.

"Oh um...Bobby took a shower in there. I was uh...cleaning his shower earlier so I told him he could use ours." She lied.

"You're not gonna believe this but I think he came in these." Ron said, look at them disgustedly.

Oh I believe it honey-bun....he blew his nuts for his mommy...blew that cum straight out the head of that big young dick while he watched me rub one out! Stop it Linda! She thought.

"Well, um...he is a teenaged boy and teenaged boys just do those things, sweetie." She smiled.

"In their parents bathroom?" Ron asked.

"You're right...probably not the most appropriate place to relieve himself. I'll walk down to his room and have a chat with him." Linda said.

"Maybe I should talk with him." Ron muttered.

"Ronald...sweetie...give me the shorts and get into bed. I'll take care of it." She said, slipping onto her feet and throwing a robe over her transparent nightie.

Ron handed his wife the soiled shorts and fed her an odd smile.

"Sure you feel comfortable talking to him about this?" He asked.

"Don't you dare doubt my motherly abilities." She said with a confident grin.

"You're the sexiest thing alive...you know that?" He said, his eyes traveling across the swell of her big drooping tits.

Damn right I am motherfucker! Our son thinks so too! She thought.

Linda gazed down at the bulge in her husband's boxers.

"Crawl into bed and get him hard for me. When I get back we'll let him fuck some pussy." She said seductively.

"Damn I love it when you talk dirty." He smiled, rubbing his bulge.

Linda left their bedroom and closed the door behind her. She stopped mid-hallway and lifted the shorts to her nose. Her body shivered with wicked excitement as the strong pungent aroma of teenaged spunk filled her lungs.


With the shorts against her face her long pink tongue slithered out and drug up a section of slimy material. She felt her eyes roll back as thousands of sweet potent sperm danced across her taste buds.

Linda stop this...this is ridiculous! She thought.

Bobby gazed at the picture of his mom on his phone as stroked his cock furiously....her panties at his nose.

"Oh-h-h fuck mom." He muttered.

He suddenly froze as he heard a gentle tap at his door. He tried to hide his tent before his mom peeked in.

"You still awake, slugger?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was just...um..." He muttered.

"I know, I'm sorry." She said, glancing at the lump in the sheets as she sat on the edge of his bed.

Oh Linda he's jerking off. Your baby's in here pulling on that long thick barrel of love. He's probably thinking about warm pussy...maybe even mommy-pussy. Oh yes...my pussy. My hot horny hole! Jesus, get a hold of yourself girl. She thought.

She set the shorts down on his chest and gave him a stern yet quirky grin.

"Remember what I said about being more careful when your dad's around. You left these in my hamper." She said.

"He didn't see them did he?" Brian asked.

"Yep...he did." She said.

"What did you tell him?" Bobby asked.

"I told him I let you watch me get completely naked and take a bath...and that we masturbated together." She said straight-faced.

"What!" Bobby said with surprise.

"I'm joking." Linda giggled, making her tits wobble.

"Jesus, mom...you scared me." He sighed.

"Don't leave anything behind next time...okay?" She asked.

"I promise." He said.

Linda picked up his cell phone and looked at the picture of herself that Bobby had been beating off to.

"Still drooling over this picture? I think it's time for some new eye-candy...don't you?" She asked.

"You'll take some new ones...some naked ones?" He asked.

"Well...no...I had something else in mind actually." She said, erasing the picture.

"Something else?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah...wanna see mom in action?" She asked.

"In action? You mean having sex...you and dad?" Bobby asked, his heart beat a mile a minutes.

"Well...with your father it's never the most exciting sex...but you my find it stimulating. That is if you don't think it'll weird you out." She said.

"No...hell no!" Bobby said excitedly.

"Well then I guess mom gets to play filmmaker tonight doesn't she? I'll get as much of it as I can and don't worry...I'll try to send you the play by play." She said.

"Sweet. I love you mom." Bobby grinned, his cock flexing in anticipation.

"I love YOU." She smiled down at him.

Linda stood up and took a second to gaze down that the massive tent in the sheet.

Well...I certainly don't have that in the next room waiting for me. She thought.

She shot a look back at Bobby who was laying there with a big proud smile as he watched her admire it.

"Go ahead, showoff." She smiled.

Linda looked back down at it just as Bobby made it jump under the sheets...stretching the fabric upwards even further.

Unfuckingbelievable!!! She thought, as she felt the pussy-butter drip from her meat-curtains.

"Oh yeah?" Linda said defiantly as she turned towards the door and lifted the bottom of her robe and nightie above her naked ass.

Before Bobby even had a chance to realize what she'd just done Linda was flexing the muscles in her buttocks, making the meaty cheeks rise and fall...rippling over and over.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! He thought, his hand instinctively moving to his crotch.

"Take that Mr. Bigshot." She said with a smile as she gazed back at him.

"Wow...how do you do that?" Bobby sighed.

"You might be surprised what your mom can do. She's learned all sorts of tricks over the years." She said.

"Maybe I'll show you a few during tonight's show. Better keep that phone handy." She smiled.

After Linda left Bobby waiting for what seemed like a lifetime.

This is gonna be fucking awesome. I can't wait to see mom screwing...even if it is just with dad. Wonder how the hell she's gonna get away with this. Bobby thought.

As Ron and Linda kissed passionately he rolled her onto her back and prepared to get down to business.

"Wait." Linda said, stopping him, her tits rolling off the sides of her chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I have a kinky idea. Why don't we make a video of us making love." She smiled.

"A video?" He asked.

"Yeah...that way I can send you little clips while your at work...remind you of what you have at home waiting for you." She said.

"Honey, I don't know if..." He started.

"Pleeaassee...I'll talk dirty to you. I know how much you like that." She said seductively, batting her lashes.

"Okay...you win." He said.

Bobby lightly stroked his erection..working the slippery pre-cum around his cock-head. Finally, his phone chimed with a video message.

It took about thirty seconds to download. His heart was racing. The anticipation was killing him.

Finally the video clip opened and he saw his mom's face looking into the camera. Her head sort of wobbled up and down as it lay on the pillow and he could see the back of his father's head next to hers. She smiled up at the camera over her husband's shoulder.

"Hi" She silently mouthed, giving her son a little wink.


Linda lifted her cell phone up away from her and her husband's bodies, giving her son a birds-eye view of their copulation. She tilted the cam so that her boy could see her long strong tan legs wrapped up around Ron's back as he thrust into her.

Holy God damn look at mom's legs...and those hips...fuckin-a!!! He thought, staring at the sexy crease between her hips and thighs.

"That's my baby...come on...work me good." He heard his mom say in a sweet sexy tone.

As his mom reached further down with the camera Bobby saw his dad's ass as it thrust forward at a steady pace. The heels of Linda's sexy bare feet pushed at his buttocks, pulling him deeper inside her.

"Oh yeah right there...nice deep strokes. Work that dick...get that pussy baby." His mom moaned.

Bobby stroked his cock hard as he listened to his mom talk dirty and his father grunt, bucking in and out of his beautiful wife.

Man dad's cock must feel amazing right now with all that soft pussy surrounding it. He thought.

As soon as the first video clip finished the second was being transferred. Bobby wasted no time opening it.

His parents had changed positions and his mom was now on top straddling her husband. She had set her phone on the bed behind them between her husbands legs so that Bobby could see her entire upper half.

Bobby's eyes were immediately drawn to her big meaty buttocks as it swayed up and back, grinding on his father's dong. Only the bulge of Ron's nuts could be seen under Linda's big smothering cheeks as she stirred her steamy pit with her husband's pipe.

"Oh my God!!!" Bobby thought, his eyes glued to the screen as his fist tugged furiously at his iron-hard peter.

Linda peeked over her shoulder and smiled, giving the camera a little wink as she continued to grind on her hubby's lucky penis.

Bobby could see the back slopping contours of Linda's drooping breasts as they bobbled and shook with the rhythm of her shifting hips.

"Oh-h-h-h yeah!" Bobby's father moaned.

"Ohhh that's my baby. You like that hot sucking hole...don't you sweetie." Linda asked.

"Oh God yeah." Ron said.

"You like the way I flex it and squeeze it around you like that?" She asked.

"Ohhh baby...you're amazing!" Bobby's dad answered.

Linda's hips suddenly thrust into overdrive, rolling up and back at a frantic pace. Bobby could hear the bed frame whining repetitively as she rocked on his dad's dick.

"OHH GOD LINDA!!!" Ron groaned.

"OHHH GOD MOM!!!" Bobby grunted...his own dick unable to hold back any longer.

Hot sperm erupted from Bobby's piss-hole, sending long ropes arching into the air. The bath and mutual masturbation was out of this world, but watching his mom fuck was the most exciting thing he'd ever seen.

The next day in class Bobby's mind was in sex-crazed fog.

God I wanna fuck mom. I wanna fuck her hard and hear my balls beating against her ass. She would soooo love it. With my big dick I could make her cum over and over. She'd scream and shake so hard while I just laid into her...pounding that sweet pussy like a jackhammer. God, all that soft meaty pink squeezing around my dick. Holy fuck! He thought.

Bobby didn't even see Mrs. Jacobs as she strolled up behind him. The sound of her throat clearing got his attention.

She reached down and picked up a sketch, that until now he didn't even realize he'd been working on. It was a detailed drawing of a large set of naked breasts. Mrs. Jacobs looked away from the sketch and glared down at her horny student, one eyebrow cocked.

Oh shit! He thought.

Linda walked up the school hallway, kids around her scrambling as the end of the day arrived. Her high-heeled mules clicked against the floor as she searched for her son's classroom.

"Mrs. Fletcher, I appreciate you coming in to meet with me. I'm very concerned about Bobby's performance lately and felt you should be too." Mrs. Jacob's said as they sat near her desk.

"Well thank you for calling me I...wasn't aware there was a problem." Linda said.

"Along with his frequent tardiness Bobby seems very distracted during class. I'm afraid he's developing a very unhealthy obsession." She said

"What kind of obsession?" Linda asked, with a hint of concern

"This afternoon I caught him drawing this." The teacher said, setting the boob sketch in front of Linda.

Tits...my sluggers drawing tits at school. Big tits too. Oh my God...I wonder if they're mine? Linda thought.

"Well...boys will be boys Mrs. Jacobs." Linda giggled.

"So you're not concerned that your son was drawing female breasts during my math class?" The teacher asked.

"Yes, that part does concern me, but if you're also asking if I consider drawing pictures of naked women an unhealthy obsession the answer's no." Linda said defensively.

"Mrs. Fletcher, his grades are slipping rapidly." Mrs. Jacob's said with concern.

"Well then that will be addressed I can assure you. But as far as this "obsession" is concerned. Not only will he not be spoken to about it...I WILL continue to encourage it. Anything else Mrs. Jacobs?" Linda asked, with a pompous little smirk.

Bobby walked towards the car with his mom, his head hung low. Few words had been spoken since they met in the hallway.

"You okay, kiddo?" She asked.

"Yeah, sorry I slacked off in class." He said.

"Well, you've had a lot on your mind...and suppose that's partly my fault. Things have gotten a little different between you and I here lately." She said.

"Yeah but...in a good way. At least I think so." Bobby said.

"And so do I sweetie, but I would hate myself if I knew that I had distracted you to the point that you didn't graduate with your friends this year." She said.

"I will graduate...I promise." He pleaded.

"That means you have to stay focused on your studies, even if you're around me while I'm naked once in awhile." She said.

"Okay." He answered.

"Believe me, I like the fact that you enjoy me sitting on your lap...giving you those little butt-hugs, but from now on...no pass, no ass...got it?" She smiled.

"Got it." He answered.

In the car Linda reached in her purse and pulled out the sketch her son had drawn. She handed it over to him.

"Here...I thought you might wanna keep it." She said.

"Thanks." He giggled, taking the picture.

"You're getting good. Those are very realistic." She said.

"Thanks." He said, still kind of embarrassed.

"Are they mine?" Linda asked, catching her son off guard.

Ok, just be honest with her...mom's cool with this. He thought.

"Uh...yeah... Yeah they are." He said.

"Not bad." She said, glancing over at the picture.

"The nipples are wrong though. My areolas are much bigger...otherwise you have it about right." She said.

"Really, I thought maybe I had drawn them too big. Are you sure?" He asked.

"Sweetie, my areola are thirteen-inches in diameter...of course I'm sure. The ones on the sketch are way too small." She said.

Holy shit...thirteen inches in diameter. We just studied diameters in math class. That's as big around as a grapefruit. He thought.

"Darn, I thought I had them right." He said.

"Do I have to pull this car over, whip out a boob and prove you wrong, mister?" She said playfully.

"Ok." Bobby said with a big smile, making his mom bust out in a giggle.

"Yeah, I can see the headline now: Mother gets caught in vehicle showing a breast to her son." Linda said.

"We could drive out to forest park...no one's ever out there." Bobby said.

"Forest Park! If we're gonna go that far we might as well go to Orgy Shores." Linda said.

"Orgy Shores? Where's that?" Bobby asked.

"You've never heard of Orgy Shores?" She answered.

"No." He said shaking his head.

"It's a grassy hillside out by Loon Lake. It's VERY private. Up for a ride?" She asked.

Linda, what are you doing? You can't take your son to Orgy Shores. The only thing people do at Orgy Shores is fuck. Have you lost your mind? I'm just going out there with him to show him how big my areola are. That's it. She thought.

"Will there be a boob involved?" Bobby smiled.

"Yes, there will be a boob involved. If you behave yourself...maybe even two." Linda smiled.

"Sweet." Bobby grinned, his cock already stiffening in his pants.

A few miles outside of town Linda turned onto a narrow dirt road and followed it for what seemed like miles. She finally stopped the car at the top of a hill overlooking a secluded lake.

Don't you dare look at that grassy hillside. Stay in the car, unclasp your bra, show him your areola, then leave. God I love it here...it was always such a magical place...free of teachers...free of parents...free of husbands. FREE OF HUSBANDS?! Oh my God Linda...leave this place now!!! She thought.

"Grab the blanket from the trunk." She said, getting out.

Bobby snatched the blanket and joined his mom at the edge of the grass. Linda stepped out of her mules, picked them up and took her son's hand.

"Come on." She said softly, then started running down the hillside.

Bobby nearly stumbled several times as he looked over at Linda tits, jumping under her sweater as she ran. The middle-aged beauty screamed and giggled playfully as they moved quickly into taller grass.

"Over here." She said, leading him to a certain spot.

Déjà vu...I'm feeling like that naughty high-school cheerleader again. Walking hand in hand with the big dicked football stud...leading him to my special spot. She thought.

"Perfect." She said, looking out at the serene waters.

Bobby spread the blanket out and sat down. Linda sat next to him, then fell back onto her back. Her tan legs were slightly spread apart and bent at the knees

Wow, they look so soft and her smooth tan just glows in the sun. How incredible they would feel wrapped around me. He thought.

He felt his mom tugging at his shirt.

"Lay next to me." She said softly.

Bobby fell back and Linda rolled onto her side facing him, propping her head up with her elbow. This made her breasts distend outward as one lay on top of the other.

"How's this for private?" She smiled.

"Very." He said. "You've been here before...when you were younger I take it?"

Oh boy...here we go. I should be honest...but you know, this could play in my favor. There's some things he could be honest with me about. I wanna find out what's going on in that horny little head of his. She thought.

"Question for a question?" She asked playfully.

"Sure." He smiled.

"And you'll be completely honest...if I promise to be?"She asked.

"Of course." He answered.

"This was the hot spot when I was younger. I spent a lot of time on my back here." She said.

"Getting laid?" He asked.

"Yes...getting laid." She smiled.

"Were you in any orgies? Is that why they call it Orgy Shores?" He asked.

"No...the reason they called it Orgy Shores was because on any given night this grassy hillside would be dotted with young couples. Imagine the orgasmic screams of twenty or thirty young girls echoing across this lake." Linda explained.

Wow, mom must have been way hot when she was my age. So this was the place where all the magic happened. He thought.

"Wow, that's cool." Bobby said with envy.

"My turn now?" She asked.

"Okay." Bobby answered.

"Mrs. Jacobs said that you're doing a lot of daydreaming in class. Be honest...in these daydreams...are you and I making love?" She asked softly, her big brown eyes gleaming down at her baby boy.

"Yeah...we are." Bobby muttered.

Ohh, just like I thought...he's dreaming of making love to me. My son...my slugger..my baby...making love to his mommy. Ohhh those damn butterflies. She thought.

"Where are we when we make love in your dreams?" She asked.

"It's weird. We start out in a mist and you wrap your arms and legs around me like a spider...then we start to rise into the air...like on a web. Before we disappear into the clouds you start to rock us back and forth." He said.

"When we enter the clouds...do you imagine us making love forever?" She asked, staring straight into his eyes.

"Yeah." He answered.

Linda brushed his cheek lovingly with her hand.

OH MY GOD I'M IN LOVE! Stop it Linda, just stop it! He's your son for fuck sake! Yes he's handsome! Yes he's young and full of sexual energy! Yes he has a big thick dick between his legs that's always hard when he's around you...but he's your son. Your beautiful big-dicked baby boy! She thought.

"Thank you for being honest with me." She said.

Linda suddenly slipped to her knees and began to unbutton her sweater. Bobby eagerly rose up, resting on his elbows as he watched a lacy white bra and a monstrous cleavage emerge from the parting top.

Shedding her blouse Linda immediately reached back and unclasped her bra. Her heavy tits shifted as the bra sprang loose. She pulled the straps over her shoulders, the cups slipped free and her boobies did a little bobbly-wobble across her chest.

Bobby sighed, his body shivering as he took in the amazing sight.

"See...way bigger." She smiled, brushing her hand across a nipple.

"Right." Bobby muttered. "They're beautiful."

"I can tell." Linda giggled, watching the tent rise in her son's shorts.

Wearing no underwear and only a pair of polyester sports shorts there was little resistance for bobby's big dick as it sprang to life, making the thin fabric stretch outward.

With his mom still eyeballing the impressive bulge Bobby flexed it, causing his shaft to surge with blood and rise even higher. Linda's eyes widened and her mouth opened a little, as if letting out a tiny gasp. Bobby smiled with pride as he savored her reaction.

Linda, take your son and leave this place right now! It's...it's soo big. I could take him...I could take all of him...I know it. Right down to my cervix. She thought.

"Balls deep." She whispered under her breath.

"What?" Bobby asked.

"Oh...I said...there you go...showing off again." She smiled.

"Will you take off your skirt?" Bobby asked.

"My skirt? I don't remember that being part of the deal, buster." She said, with her hands on her hips.

"Please." Bobby begged.

"Oh don't start with the begging. Tell you what...you lose the shirt and I'll lose the skirt. How's that?" She said.

"Deal." Bobby said, pulling his t-shirt off and throwing it to the side.

This is dangerous Linda. You're married! Oh my God...his chest and arms...what a hunk of a son I have. He so beautiful...so precious. How could I deny him my body. He needs his mommy naked right now. Yes, butt-naked! She thought.

Linda stood up and Bobby watched her dangling tits wobble as she undid her skirt and let it fall to the ground. His heart raced as he saw that she was wearing a pair of white sheer bikini panties. Before he could take it all in Linda slid her thumbs under the hem and began to slide her panties off.

"Not much covered down there...so I might as take these off too." She said.

From on the ground Bobby had a birds eye view of her cute little snatch. From her mons pubis, with it's light patch of pubic fuzz to her thick labial meat. Linda was now completely naked and seemed perfectly comfortable that way in front of him.

"Yeeeesssss, you can smell them." She giggled, dropping the panties onto his chest.

Bobby grabbed them and brought them to his nose. The pungent aroma made his head spin and Linda giggle as she watched him sniff.

Oh God he's smelling me. He's smelling my sex. My own baby is addicted to the smell of his mother's pussy. My pussy. The same plump mommy-pussy that squeezed him out eighteen years ago. She thought.

"So how the heck did this happen?" She smiled.

"What?" Bobby asked.

"It was suppose to be as simple as pulling over and showing you a boob and now here we are at Orgy Shores and I'm completely naked." She joked.

"I don't mind." Bobby smiled, sniffing at the crotch of Linda panties.

"Oh, Im sure you don't, slugger." She smiled.

Linda got down on her hands and knees and crawl towards Bobby. He watched her boobs wobble back and forth as she crawled over the top of him, stopping when her face was above his and staring down at him lovingly.

"Mama's little panty-sniffer." She giggled, combing her nails through his hair.

"Will you sit on me again?" Bobby sighed.

"Might be kinda tough without a chair." She said.

Mount him...now Linda! No, that's too much! Fuck too much...bring that twat down against that dick girl. This is Orgy Shores...you're naked and there's an enormous erection underneath you. FUCK'N MOUNT HIM!!

Linda sat up and straddled her son, rested her mummy-muffin against the girthy meat of his shaft.

"There...how's that?" She ask teasingly.

"Wow!" Bobby moaned, making Linda giggle.

Holy fucking shit. Mom's pussy is right against my dick...she's resting it against my hard-on. He thought.

He could feel the searing heat of her genitals through the thin fabric of his shorts. Linda's pussy throbbed as she felt the strong erection tucked between her quim. She rested against the underside what had to be five inches of cock-meat and could still see another four-inches sticking out in front of her.

Her little heart went pitter-patter.

So long! So thick! I can feel it pulsing! Oh my God I'm in love! She thought.

Bobby flexed his dick again, making it push up against her cunt meat, crushing Linda's clit and making her eyes flutter back.

"You are rotten." She sighed.

Grind on it Linda! I'm married but soo fucking what. This is a big dick and my husband will never find out. He'll never know...it'll be Bobby and I's naughty secret. Grind on it. The thick slab of teenaged cock-meat plowing against your clit. Grind it now! Oh my God I'm sooo fucking horny! She thought.

Leaning forward a little she placed her hands on Bobby's chest, bracing herself and he watched as she slowly closed her eyes and started to grind against him.

Holy shit...mom's gonna dry hump me. She's gonna dry hump my dick! He thought.

It was an amazing site. A middle-aged mother, straddling her son, hips gently gliding up and back as her big dangling boobs rocked back and forth above his chest.

Gradually Linda sped up and intensified the pressure against Bobby's smothered dong. Her eyes still closed, Bobby watched her expression slowly change to one of intense desperation...her breathing become heavy.

Ohhhh this feels so good. God help me I am loving this...absolutely fucking loving this. Grind faster Linda! Fuck against it faster! Let yourself go. It's just you and your baby. Orgy Shores...no one else for miles. Fuckin go girl!!! She thought.

He looked down and saw her pubis grinding up and back against the length of his rod, tucked between her large outer lips. There was now a wet spot on his shorts where pre-cum was being forced from his pisshole.

"HHHHHUHHH-H-H-H!" Linda voice quivered.

Her hips were rocking widly now as she humped frantically against the teenagers erection.

"OH BOBBY!" She cried, her chest jerking forward.

Holy damn, look at mom go! She's gonna cum! Mom's gonna cum on my fucking cock!!! He thought.

Bobby couldn't believe his eyes as his mom began to convulse. She suddenly threw her head back.

"GGGNNNUUHHH!!!!" She screamed, sending her voice echoing across the lake.

As she rode through her orgasm, Bobby saw her glance at him, with a look he'd never seen before. Her face was wild and flushed...her eyes glazed over as if in an orgasmic haze.

OH I LOVE HIM! GOD I LOVE HIM! OOOHHHMMYYGGGNNNOODD!!!! Her mind spun with pleasure.

For a full minute Linda rocked against him, her body still shaking from post orgasmic contractions.

She suddenly fell onto her son, her tits flattening against his chest as she rested her head against his shoulder.

"Ohhh, sweet baby!" Linda sighed, catching her breath.

Once again the pressure on Bobby's cock intensified as her hips continued to rock. Bobby's mom wasn't done.

"Your turn." She whispered, coiling her arms around his neck.

Holy shit! He thought.

Bobby sighed as he felt the swell of her genitals drag up and down the length of his boner. The feeling of her soft spongy tits against him was already causing his balls to tingle.

He was still holding the panties to his nose and Linda lifted her head so she could look down into his eyes.

"That's it...smell mommy sweetheart...smell the pussy." She whispered.

Her words made the sperm in Bobby's balls go from a simmer to a boil. His mom was literally stroking his cock with her cunt and feeling was euphoric.

"Oh-h-h mom...I'm gonna cum." He muttered.

"Me too." She cried.

"GGGNNNUHHH!!!" He grunted, as the first rope squirted from his penis.

"AAAANNNGGHHAA!!!!" Linda screamed, her body jerking as she buried her whimpers in the soft of his neck.

"UUUUNNNNGGAA-UHHHH!!!" Bobby groaned as blasts number two and three soaked his shorts.

Bobby and Linda's genitals humped and lurched together drawing out each others orgasms. They rocked and groaned for what seemed like forever before the pleasure subsided.

"My God...what are you doing to me?" She said with a little smile.

"Sorry." Bobby smiled.

"No you're not." She giggled.

"Okay...I'm not. Are you?" He asked.

"Sorry?" She asked, sitting back up into straddle.

"Yeah...sorry we did this?" Bobby asked.

"No...no I'm not." She said, gazing down at him with a naughty little smile.

Suddenly her cell phone went off in her skirt pocket.

"That would be your father, wondering where the hell we are." She said, reaching for her phone.

Okay, think of a lie. It has to be good. Um...parent teacher conference...that's it. She thought.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Bobby joked.

"Yeah, feel like dying today? He would murder us both." She said.

"Hello?" Linda sang into her phone.

"Hi honey...no, Bobby had parent teacher conferences today...I forgot to tell you...I'm sorry." Linda said.

She laid back down against Bobby, resting her head on his shoulder as she talked to her husband.

"Actually Bobby's doing really well...he's focusing on exactly what he needs to during class." Linda said.

Yes, exactly what he needs to...getting between mom's legs. She thought.

While she spoke Bobby ran his hands down the smooth of her back and brazenly onto the swell of her ass. He let his fingers sink into the meat of her matronly buttocks. This got no reaction from Linda as she continued chatting.

How awesome is this. Mom's talking with dad while she here at Orgy shores with me. Her soft tits are crushed against my chest and I'm sinking my finger into that plump matronly ass. He thought.

"I agree...we should both be very proud of him." She said.

Bobby got super-ballsy and slipped his fingers into the crack of Linda's ass and across her butt-hole. With his middle finger he circled her pouty anal ring.

"That sounds good sweetie. If you wanna start up the grill Bobby and I should get home before they arrive and we'll throw the burgers on." Linda said, showing little concern by her son's wanderings.

Bobby decided to push it one step further as the tip of his finger easily slipped inside her asshole.

Man, if only that were the head of my cock. I would be in absolute heaven tapping that ass. He thought.

"I love you too honey. See you in a bit." She said.

As she hung up Bobby slipped his finger back out. Linda lifted her head and gave him a quirky look.

"What do you think you're doing young man? Was that a finger you just placed inside your mother's butt-hole?" She asked.

"I don't know what your talking about." Bobby said innocently.

"Uh-huh." She said, then gave him a little tickle, making him squirm beneath her.

I haven't had anal sex in soo long. I can't imagine what a large dick like Bobby's would feel like pounding my ass. Lin