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My Summer Job: Lizzy


My Dad loves to have his cock sucked while he surfs the net. I like to sit in his lap, my back to him with his cock inside me, but then we end up arguing about which sites we want to visit. I like going to Sexstoriespost.com and reading the stories there, but Dad likes visiting chat sights and talking to girls. Sometimes we find girls who want to watch us on Cam, I kind of like that part.
Today was a little different, though. Today he just bent me over the computer desk and fucked me from behind while I watched a video he just made. There’s this girl who lives down the block from us that my Dad’s been crushing on for a while, and I guess she came to, like, mow the lawn, or something. Anyway, my Dad set up this elaborate plan and somehow got the little virgin to suck his cock. I could tell she was a virgin just from watching the video; no technique at all. Anyway, he almost convinced her to fuck him, but I walked in and scared her off. That’s why I got the hard fucking bent over the computer desk.
I was kind of pissed after he showed me the video, though. He’s always talking about how careful we have to be, and here he goes seducing a thirteen-year-old from down the street. He’s fucked other girls before, but never so close to home and never without some careful planning.
“The opportunity was just there,” he told me after his second orgasm shot all over my back, “I couldn’t pass it up.” I told him he was getting cocky, and not in a good way. He loves making these plans for seducing girls. He’s always careful and gives himself several opportunities to get out of it. One of his favorite ways is to set it up so a girl walks in on him jacking off or he catches her masturbating. If she isn’t going for it, he just pretends it was an accident. Sometimes he pays them too. He’s a dentist, so he makes pretty good money.
Anyway, I knew the reason he was feeling so cocky was because he had just pulled off another elaborately planned seduction. You’d think that would kind of sate his appetite for a while, but it’s like the more he gets the more he wants. And this last one wasn’t just any seduction, either. In fact, it was even closer to home than the thirteen-year-old down the street.
He’s wanted my little sister Stacy for a while now but I told him it had to be like it was with me, something she wanted. He totally agreed, and that made me suspicious. “Are you already planning something, Daddy?” I demanded, punching him in the arm.
“No,” he lied, “It has to be entirely her decision. Of course, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t use a little encouragement.”
“What?” I cried.
“Come on, it’s not like you haven’t already been a bad influence on your little sister,” my Dad said, and right on cue he clicked the mouse and there was Stacy on the computer, sucking Mark Sherman’s cock.
“That’s totally different, Daddy,” I argued.
“Why is it different? Mark Sherman is older than I am,” he countered.
“Ya, but Mark Sherman isn’t our Dad, Daddy,” I put a lot of emphasis on the last word.
“Well, that didn’t bother you now, did it, my lovely Lizzy?” he teased, and got another punch on the arm for it. “And by the way your little sister is enjoying her first cock,” he said, pointing to Stacy on the monitor, “I’d say that, just like her big sister, she gets her sexual appetite from her father’s side of the family.”
About the time Stacy hit puberty, my Dad told me I should be entirely open with her about sex, with the exception of telling her I was fucking our father. My Dad had grown up in a large Catholic family. They were very conservative and very strict. Sex was never a topic of discussion, unless it was used to denounce a sinner. My mother’s family was the same way, but my father discovered a major difference between his family and families like my mother’s when he was sixteen.
Michael Kerns, my Grandfather, died at the age of forty-two, leaving behind a wife, four daughters, two sons, and a box of Polaroid photos that my father found hidden in the basement not long after the funeral. My Grandfather surely would have hidden them better, perhaps even destroyed them, had he known his airplane was going to crash in a cornfield in Iowa. He didn’t know, as fate would have it, and it was left to my Dad to decide what to do with the photos.
His sister, my Aunt Sarah, was fourteen at the time, and like everyone in the family, was devastated by her father’s death. But her grief seemed to be deeper, more severe, than anyone else in the family. She was, everyone knew, Daddy’s Girl, but it wasn’t until my Dad found the Polaroid photos that he understood just how much of Daddy’s Girl she was.
He drove her to the beach one afternoon. She had been locked in her room crying for too long, he told her. She needed some fresh air. He didn’t mention the Polaroids, just that he understood how lonely she was. He held her in his arms. He kissed her and told her she could trust him. He had already had sex with two of his friends’ younger sisters and a girl he was dating at school, so he thought he knew what to do. But Aunt Sarah had been fucking their father for two years. My Dad’s little sister showed him things he’d never imagined before.
Dad told me that story the first night he fucked me. He still fucks Aunt Sarah whenever she comes to town or we go to visit them. Unlike my Dad, Aunt Sarah married someone who shared her sexual tastes. They have two sons and twin daughters. I love to visit them. It’s like a twenty-four hour orgy at their house. Having my cousins Josh and Jake, my Uncle Kevin and my Dad all hard and ready to please me is my idea of heaven. That is, when Mom’s not around.
When my Dad met my Mom, he fell madly in love with her, partly because she was so gorgeous, but also because she was going through her “Wild Catholic Girl Years.” My Dad said most Catholic girls go through a “phase” where they just want to fuck everything in sight and be total sluts. “It’s how they rebel against all the repression,” he told me, “and boy, was your Mom repressed.”
He said she fucked like she was possessed by the horniest fucking demon in hell. He was sure he had met his sexual equivalent and was working up the courage to introduce her to the world he shared with his sister when she announced she was pregnant with me.
They were married and Dad was thrilled with life. But the pregnancy changed Mom, or at least, brought her back to her old self. Sucking cock was something whores did, not mothers. They certainly didn’t suck cock in crowded movie theaters, and you can forget about anal sex, anywhere, anyhow!
The “phase” my Dad was praying was not a phase looked like it was over for my Mom. He knew it was over for sure when he took her to her company Christmas party about a year after I was born. She had her old figure back and was feeling sexy, so Dad convinced her to wear something sexy to show it off.He also encouraged her to have a few vodka tonics, her favorite drink. “Don’t worry,” he told her, “I’m drinking 7-up tonight. I’ll get us home.”
When the party died out and the boss’s wife passed out drunk in mid-conversation with Mom and Dad, Mom decided it was time to go home. It was Dad who convinced her to stay and smoke a joint with her boss and two of her co-workers. By three a.m. Mom’s boss and her two co-workers were rotating from Mom’s mouth to her pussy to her ass in the executive lounge while my Dad caught the whole thing on VHS. I’ve fucked my Dad several times while watching that tape, now transferred to DVD. It’s pretty fucking hot.
Unfortunately, after Mom sobered up, she didn’t find it hot at all. She quit her job the next day, much to her boss and co-workers’ dismay, and came as close as a devoted Catholic Girl can to divorcing my Dad. Instead of a divorce, they opted for a renewed interest in Sunday mass and a depressingly Church-approved sex life. Well, at least my Mom did. That’s when my Dad decided he needed to establish some extra-curricular interests.
He made it to church every Sunday, going through the motions he learned as a child, until I was about eight-years-old. Then he told my mother he was done with being Catholic. She was none too happy but their marriage was strong enough to survive the blow by then. As long as my Dad was getting blown on a regular basis from his many depraved sources, he was more than happy to return to my mother every night. He really does love her.
Dad’s exit from the Church was a blessing to both my sister and me. At eight, I was already bored by church and feeling like a poor fit in the Catholic world. Mom insisted we go, but just knowing that Dad had gotten out and having him whisper his disapproval of the faith to us behind Mom’s back, made it alright that we were straying. It was the start of our secret life with our Dad with Mom left out.
Confession was an ordeal after I started fucking Dad, but I soon made a game of teasing the priest with hints of my transgressions. Sometimes I was sure the old virgin in his white collar was getting a hard-on listening to me. After I got through my first Communion, I pretty much stopped going regularly. Mom was pretty upset, but Dad said it was my choice. Stacy is getting ready for her turn. She can’t wait to be done.
So anyway, Dad couldn’t be open and honest with Stacy about sex because of Mom and the Church, so he asked me to talk to her. When Stacy came to me and told me she really liked this boy at school, but so did her friend Mandy, and she didn’t know what to do, I suggested she give him a blowjob.
“What?” Stacy gasped.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know what a blowjob is,” I said to her, “I’ve seen you looking at Dad’s videos on his computer.”
“I have not!” she lied. I told her about the Recent tab that showed the last videos played, and she blushed red-hot knowing she was busted. The truth was, my Dad had the tiny camera built into the monitor for video-chats rigged so it automatically recorded to a separate hard drive whenever anyone turned the computer on. That’s how he got the video of the girl from down the street, and that’s how we knew Stacy was watching his videos. Dad loved to fuck me while watching videos of Stacy masturbating and staring at the screen just below the camera.
“So what!” Stacy answered defensively.
“I don’t care if you watch Dad’s porn,” I told her, trying to defuse her embarrassed anger, “I love watching his porn.”
“Shut up,” she gasped, shocked at my directness.
“Serious. You wanna watch one?” I asked trying to sound relaxed and fighting the nervous knot in my guts. I suddenly understood how Dad felt setting up his little schemes. It was scary and exciting, seeing if she would follow my plan or freak out and tell Mom.
“No way,” Stacy said, her eyes wide, her mouth hanging open in awe, “really?”
“Ya, come on,” I told her, “It’ll be a good way to learn.”
Mom and Dad were grocery shopping so Stacy and I had the house and the computer to ourselves. I popped open the folder that Stacy had been raiding. It was filled with videos Dad found online. She picked her favorite and we watched as a blonde girl sucked a man’s cock in a department store dressing room. The man had recorded it on his phone and posted it online.
“If you do that,” I told my little sister, both of us watching the blonde girl push her lips to the base of the man’s cock, “you’ll have that boy wrapped around your finger.”
“I don’t know if I can do that, though,” Stacy told me in a nervous voice, her eyes wide, staring at the video.
“You just need to practice,” I said, “I love sucking cock.”
“You do?” Stacy asked, her wide eyes even wider with shock.
“Ya, you’ll see, it’s way sexy,” I said. Stacy looked unsure. She turned back to the video where the man was filling the blonde’s mouth with jizz.
“How do I practice?” Stacy asked, “Like, with a carrot, or something?” I had an idea. “I’ve got something better,” I told her, “Come on.”
“We’re going to get in trouble,” Stacy sulked as we hopped on the light-rail through town. It was almost nine p.m. and already dark out. “No we won’t,” I lied, “I’ll just say we went to get a Frapaccino.” I was counting on Dad to bail me out with Mom.
It took the train and two bus transfers to get to our destination. Stacy nagged me the whole time wanting to know where I was taking her. “You’ll see,” was all I’d say.
We ended up in a neighborhood on the northeast side of town with lots of big, old houses and manicured lawns. It was dark and there weren’t a lot of streetlights, but I knew just where Mark’s house was.
“What are we doing?” Stacy cried when I grabbed her arm and pulled her through a gap in a hedge and into a large back yard. “Shhh,” I told her and we crouched down behind the garden shed and peered around the corner to the house. It was just as I hoped, the upstairs lights were on and the rest of the house was dark, except for the one room downstairs.
“Come on,” I said, grabbing Stacy by the arm and leading her quickly across the lawn like spies sneaking into some high security building in a movie. We dropped down to our knees next to the one basement window glowing with light, and then slowly inched forward and poked our heads up so we could see inside.
“Who’s that?” Stacy whispered, peeking over the windowsill and looking down at the man sprawled out on the sofa drinking a beer and watching TV.
“His name’s Mark,” I told her, “He used to coach my soccer team.”
Mark Sherman was a good-looking guy in his early forties. He was a banker, or something like that, but on the weekends, he coached his daughter Crystal’s soccer team. I was lead scorer on the team.
I gave the window a quick wrap with my knuckle and Stacy gasped and ducked. Mark was alone in his “Man Cave” so I knew it would be alright. He told me that when he was down there, he was either watching sports or porn. His wife knew about the porn, so it was actually her idea that he put a lock on the door to keep their kids from walking in on anything he couldn’t easily explain. She had no idea that he was also keeping her from things that he couldn’t easily explain. This wasn’t the first time I’d knocked on his window after dark.
“What are you doing here?” Mark whispered in a not-too-happy-to-see-me kind of way. He slid open the window but was looking back over his shoulder to the door. “I need your help with something,” I told him and he kind of growled at me.
“Jesus Christ,” he hissed, “hold on!” He hurried across the room and flipped the lock on the door. By the time he was back at the window, I had pulled the screen off and had one foot inside.
“I thought you always kept the door locked?” I said as he grabbed me by the waist and helped me down. “Not when I’m just watching baseball,” he whispered, glancing again at the door. “You can’t just show up here like this,” he scolded me, “What if my wife saw you!”
“She didn’t last time,” I said, “and if I remember right, you seemed to really enjoy my last visit.”
“Ya, what was that, like, six months ago,” he whined, “I haven’t heard a word from you since.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said teasingly, “Did you miss me?” I threw my arms around him and gave him a big hug. His large hand grabbed my ass and squeezed roughly. “I missed that,” he said and we kissed, his tongue pushing deep into my mouth, his breath tasting like beer.
“I missed this,” I purred, and I reached down between us and gripped the bulge in his sweatpants that was poking my thigh. His anger melted away.
“Is that what you needed help with?” he asked, kissing me again. For a second, I had almost forgot that my little sister was sitting outside the window.
“Oh, I’ve got a surprise for you…” I told him, lifting my arms as he pulled my t-shirt up over my head and dropped it to the floor. “What? That you left your bra at home?” he asked, scooping my bare tits into his large hands and bending me back to kiss and suck them.
“Mmm,” I moaned, and using all of my willpower, pushed him away. “It’s something better,” I told him, “You’ll like it.” He let go reluctantly after managing to undo the button and zipper on my jeans. I grabbed the windowsill, hoisted myself up, and poked my head out the window.
“Come on,” I whispered to Stacy. She was sitting under the window looking slightly terrified. “It’s okay, come on,” I repeated.
“Is someone out there?” Mark hissed, the anger back in his voice.
“Shush,” I said, and helped my little sister climb through the window, holding her by the waist until her feet were firmly on the floor.
“Jesus Christ!” Mark gasped, “Who is she?” he was staring at Stacy with bulging eyes and a gaping mouth. Stacy, however, was staring at me with the same shocked expression. She obviously didn’t expect me to be topless with my pants undone thirty seconds after we arrived. I didn’t try to cover up, though. I was enjoying the situation and the looks on their faces.
“This is my little sister, Stacy,” I said in my most casual voice, as if we had bumped into each other on the street, “Stacy, this is Mark Sherman.”
Stacy’s cheeks were flushed scarlet, and even though she couldn’t quite meet Mark’s eyes, her gaze going from my naked tits to her Keds, she did managed to say hello.
“Your little sister?” Mark gasped and rushed back to the door to once more flip the already locked lock. “What’s your little sister doing here?” he asked, sounding slightly panicked.
“She’s what I need help with,” I said smiling wide.
“What kind of help?” he asked, looking at my sister like she was a hand-grenade ready to explode.
“Well, you see,” I explained, “There’s this boy at school that Stacy likes…” Stacy folded her arms nervously across her chest and kept her eyes glued to her Keds fidgeting on the floor beneath her. “…and she wants to know how she can make him like her.”
“It doesn’t look like she’d have much trouble doing that,” Mark said, looking my little sister up and down.
“I know,” I told him, “but he kind of likes this other girl too, so there’s some competition.”
“And where do I fit in to all of this?” Mark asked, looking back at the locked door behind him.
“I just thought I could give her a few pointers,” I said, and I was back in his arms pressing my naked tits up against him, “and maybe you could kind of help me demonstrate.”
“Jesus!” he whispered. His head turned to the door again but his hand slid down my naked back and came to rest on my ass. He looked back at Stacy and I could see that he was nervous but that he also liked what he saw.
“Come on,” I said rubbing myself against him for encouragement, “It’ll be fun.”
“What kind of demonstration?” he asked, his eyes now fixed on Stacy but his hand pushing under the waistband of my jeans.
“Don’t worry,” I told him, sliding my hand down and brushing it against the bulge in his sweats, “Nobody’s gonna get hurt.” I felt his body stiffen against me.
“How old is she?” he whispered to me. I whispered the answer into his ear, giving his lobe a lick. “Jesus,” he breathed, and his body trembled slightly.
“And this is something you want to do?” Mark asked Stacy, speaking directly to her for the first time and sounding rather like a concerned father.
Stacy looked slightly frightened at suddenly being addressed. She looked at me and I gave her a nod of encouragement. “Ya,” she answered, looking at Mark, then quickly back at her Keds.
“Come on,” I said, and I grabbed Mark’s hand and dragged him to the couch. “Stacy, you sit here,” I ordered, taking charge of the situation. I cleared the beer and chips off the big ottoman sitting in front of the couch and led Stacy to it.
“Here,” Mark called, and he grabbed the open can of beer from my hand and guzzled it down. “Jesus,” he said again, wiping his mouth, his eyes still glued to my little sister.
I gave Stacy a front row view on the ottoman, and Mark plopped down on the couch adjusting the bulge in his sweats and giving the locked door behind us one more nervous glance. “Perfect,” I smiled and snuggled up next to Mark.
“Wait,” he said, and I growled at him as he jumped up from the couch. He crossed the room and opened the closet door. “If there’s a knock on that door…” he said pointing to the locked door, “I know, I know,” I cut him off and finished the sentence for him, “We go in the closet.” Like I said, this wasn’t my first night time visit.
“That’s right,” Mark said, and he dropped back down next to me on the couch and took a deep breath. “Okay,” he said, indicating that he was ready, and I couldn’t help but get excited now that my class was finally beginning. He started to put his arm around me but I grabbed it and held it down between us. Then I turned to Stacy.
“Okay,” I said smiling, “So first, you’ll want to invite him over to the house after school, or something, and you can just take him downstairs to watch TV.” Stacy nodded, paying close attention to me while Mark stared at her.
“Cuddle up close to him on the couch, like this. You’ll probably be holding hands, so just kind of lean your head against his shoulder.” I leaned against Mark’s shoulder. “He’s probably not as tall as Mark,” I said, and Stacy shook her head, no. “So your faces will be real close. Then it’s easy to just turn your head and…” I turned my head and Mark turned his and we kissed. I put my hand on Mark’s thigh and he held my cheek. We kissed deeply, tongues sliding in and out of each other’s mouths, then his hand slid down and cupped my naked breast. I broke our kiss.
“So you probably won’t have your shirt off yet, but will get to that,” I giggled. Mark was still cupping my breast and pinching my nipple, and by the look on Stacy’s face, I could see that we had her full attention.
“So, he’ll want to feel you up, but he’ll probably be too scared,” I told my little sister. Mark ran four fingers over my erect nipple and I stifled a moan and struggled to stay focused. “If he’s too shy,” I forged on, “don’t be afraid to grab his hand and put it on your boob.” I smacked Mark’s hand away, then grabbed it again and placed it on my tit to demonstrate.
“Nice,” Mark laughed and I gave him a punch in the chest. “Shush,” I told him, then we went back to kissing. He massaged my tits and we explored each other’s open mouths with our tongues. Mark pulled his mouth away and I had to push him back before his lips found my tits.
“If he tries to take your shirt off, that’s awesome, just let him,” I told Stacy. She was leaning forward on the ottoman, her cheeks flushed red. My breathing was a little labored. Mark drew a breath and waited patiently. “If he doesn’t, just tell him it’s okay if he wants to take your shirt off.”
I turned back to Mark, and in my most innocent voice said, “You can take my shirt off if you want.” Mark smiled wide and I raised my arms while he pretended to lift my shirt over my head.
“If you have a bra on,” I told Stacy, “you’ll wanna just take it off yourself, cause he won’t have a clue how.” And I mimed reaching behind me and unhooking my bra. “Then just take his hand and put it back on your boob.” I said, and demonstrated again with Mark’s hand and my tit, “… and kiss him.” I pulled Mark to me and we kissed.
“Then just push him down to your boobs,” I said, breaking our kiss. With my hand on Mark’s neck, I arched my back away from him and guided his mouth to my tits. I closed my eyes for a moment and simply enjoyed the sensation.
“Have you ever had a boy suck on your tits before?” I asked my little sister, my voice heavy with desire. She shook her head no, her eyes, like saucers, stared at Mark unblinkingly. He milked my tits with his hungry mouth. “You’re gonna love it,” I said smiling wide and holding Mark’s face to my breasts.
“Now’s when you want to make your move,” I said to Stacy over the top of Mark’s head. I slipped my hand from the back of his neck, down to his thigh, then up until I was squeezing the bulge under his sweats.
“Mmm, fuck ya” Mark moaned beneath me, his words muffled with his lips wrapped around my nipple. Stacy leaned closer to us, her butt balanced on the edge of the ottoman.
“Take your time and just kind of get a feel for it,” I told her, and she watched my hand move slowly over the cotton-covered bulge, “Don’t be in a huge rush to just whip it out.” I gripped and tugged at Mark through the sweats and I could feel his suction increase on my tit.
“Okay, got it?” I said and jumped up from the couch suddenly, grinning madly from Mark to my little sister. Stacy looked like she’d just had water thrown over her while in the middle of a magnificent dream. “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Mark bellowed, falling forward onto the empty spot where I was sitting.
“What?” I said innocently, “She can’t just watch all night.” Stacy sat up straight, her face going slightly pale. Mark sat up too, his hard on creating a sizable tent in his lap. “She’s gotta give it a try, too” I smiled wickedly.
“You ready?” I asked Stacy and was met with a deer-in-headlights kind of expression. Mark was modestly adjusting his bulge and giving the locked door yet another nervous look. “Come on,” I said, and grabbed Stacy by the hand, “You’re on the couch holding hands…” I lifted my little sister from the ottoman and swung her around. She fell awkwardly back on to the couch next to Mark, and for a moment, they both sat their stiffly, like two seventh-graders at their first dance, afraid to touch each other.
“Your holding hands…” I repeated more forcefully, and took both their hands and pushed them together.
“You okay?” Mark whispered and Stacy nodded, adjusting herself next to him and plucking up her courage. She intertwined her slender little fingers with his large hand and snuggled up against his arm. Mark took a deep breath and settled back into the couch.
“Okay,” I said, sitting forward on the ottoman, “Lean your head against his shoulder…” I reminded myself of my drama teacher at school, whispering directions to nervous actors, although I thought my play was a lot more interesting than anything we ever did in class. Stacy relaxed her head on Mark’s shoulder and stared past me to the ballgame on TV. “You turn your head…” I said and both my actors obeyed, Stacy looking nervously up into Mark’s eyes.
“And…” Mark reached forward, caressing her cheek and guiding her lips to his mouth. They kissed. I was surprised and amused to see his hand trembling. He was such a strong, masculine type. I had only seen him show his nerves on two other occasions.
The first time was just before a soccer game while we were warming up. He was, he claims, innocently helping me stretch my hamstrings. I was on my back and he was on his knees, hunched over me with one of my legs over his shoulder, bending me in half, when I whispered to him, “Wouldn’t this be more fun if we were naked?” It was my first attempt at seducing him, and he nearly spit his gum out onto my chest.
“What?” he gasped, sure he had heard me wrong. He looked down at me and I met his shocked expression with a wicked grin. I didn’t say a word, but sitting in the middle of a soccer field, surrounded by the rest of the team, including his own daughter, I lifted my hand form my side, up over my head, giving his cock a quick squeeze along the way. He jumped back from me, and for the rest of the afternoon, he made excuses for his nervous, distracted behavior by telling people he wasn’t feeling well. I scored four goals that game.
The second time I saw his hand tremble was when I called him up three days after that game and told him my Mom and Dad were out for the evening and my little sister was spending the night at a friend’s. He showed up at our house a little passed nine o’clock. It was dark, except for the light in the hottub where I waited for him, naked. His hands trembled as he stood next to the tub and undressed. And they trembled as he climbed into the tub and slid them over my naked fifteen-year-old body for the first time. But when he bent me over the edge of the tub and fucked from behind, draining his cock into my tight pussy, his hands were rock-steady.
He was trembling now, holding my little sister’s face in his hands, their mouths pressed together. I understood better the look on Stacy’s face when I watched her watching us. It was unbelievably exciting and I had to fight the urge to slip my hand into my panties. I didn’t want anything to distract her.
Stacy’s nerves seemed to have vanished. She was kissing Mark with an open mouth, her tongue often visible, her moans certainly audible. Her hand was on his shoulder, pulling him into her. For a moment, I forgot that I was the instructor. Mark seemed to be lost in their kiss, as well, and it was Stacy who took the next step, grabbing Mark’s hand and pressing it to her breast.
Mark broke their kiss, breathing heavily, and stared down at his hand as if seeing it for the first time and unsure how it got there. “Do you want to take my shirt off?” Stacy asked, her voice soft and vulnerable and right on cue.
If Mark was trying to act the part of The Nervous School Boy for the demonstration, he was doing an amazing job. He was awkward and fumbled trying to get her shirt up over her head. Stacy had obviously paid attention and didn’t need any coaching to remember the next step. Her arms slipped from the shirt and she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. I would have taken more time pulling it off, teasing Mark a little and building up his anticipation, but she was nervous and quickly dropped it to the floor next to the couch. Mark didn’t seem to mind.
“Jesus!” he said, “You are absolutely gorgeous.” Stacy wasn’t expecting his ad-lib and blushed deeply. “Thank you,” she whispered. Mark brought his hand forward slowly and gently cupped her naked breast. “Perfect,” he said, staring at her, transfixed. She was going to have large breasts like Mom and I. We both wore D-cups. Stacy was already outgrowing her Bs.
Mark molded his hand around her breast and slid his thumb over her tiny pink nipple. “Mmm,” Stacy moaned, and she leaned forward and kissed Mark passionately. I leaned forward on the ottoman, my own breasts aching to be touched and squeezed.
Stacy pulled her mouth from Mark’s, pausing as he sucked on her tongue, pulling it back into his mouth. She gripped the back of his neck and, leaning back, pushed his hungry lips to her tits.
“Oh my God,” she breathed, “That does feel good.” She looked at me with heavy eyes while Mark’s tongue danced around her erect nipples. “Mmm,” she moaned, closing her eyes and leaning back into the couch, holding Mark tight to her tits.
She opened her eyes when I took hold of her wrist. I didn’t say anything, but simply guided her hand from the back of his neck to the bulge tenting the front of his sweats.
“Oh, fuck yes!” Mark groaned. I placed her hand directly over his cotton-covered cock and pressed her fingers around its contours. Stacy opened her mouth but no words escaped her lips.
“The boy will probably be wearing jeans,” I told Stacy, slipping back into my role as instructor, “so it won’t be this easy to get a grip on him.” I could see clearly the shape of his cock wrapped in gray cotton and my little sister’s hand, and my own pulse raised as I coxed her tiny fist up and down.
“So…” I started, but Mark cut me short.
“Please don’t say that’s it,” he gasped, pulling his lips from Stacy’s tits and glaring at me with threatening, pleading eyes. I bit my lip to keep from laughing and gave him a teasing, wicked grin.
“Do you want to stop?” I asked my little sister, and she shook her head and answered no far too quickly. She pulled Mark’s mouth to hers with her other hand and kissed him hard. I explored his bulging sweats with Stacy’s eager hand until he lowered his kiss to her neck. Stacy looked at me and I would have thought she was stoned had I not been with her the entire evening.
“Do you want to take it out now?” I asked her. She swallowed hard, chewed on her lower lip, then nodded her head yes. Mark pulled his lips from her neck and seemed to be waiting, his breathing rhythmic, heavy, and deep. Stacy rested her cheek on top of his head and looked down at her the knotted string of his waistband.
“So, he’ll probably be in jeans, like I said, so you might have to fumble around with the zipper and stuff,” I told her, “Just take your time.” Stacy nodded nervously, her eyes locked on her trembling hand. She tugged and the knot gave way. She tucked her fingers under the waistband and Mark drew in a quick breath. Her hand disappeared beneath the gray cotton.
“Oh, fuck,” he cried, and he lifted himself up to kiss her. His tongue pushed into her mouth, his hips shifted, her hand jerked forward, and the tip of his cock popped out from under the waistband, my little sister’s fist gripped tightly around the shaft.
“Jesus,” he moaned in pleasure. Her inexpert hand tugged awkwardly at his swollen flesh, but she still managed to thrill him with her mere touch. Mark rolled back against the couch, lifted his hips, and tugged the sweats down around his knees. I couldn’t help but laugh at his eagerness.
“The boy will probably be too nervous to do that,” I giggled, “but his jeans will be open so it will be easier to get a hold of his cock.” Stacy nodded her head like an attentive student, but kept her eyes on his prize. Mark pulled her into him and kissed her again. She held his hard cock in her hand, looking unsure about what to do with it, so I leaned forward, took her wrist again, and gently moved her hand up and down his shaft.
“Oh, God!” Mark groaned. Stacy pulled her lips from his and turned her eyes to his cock.
“Just relax,” I told her, brushing her blonde hair from her eyes and guiding her head to Mark’s chest. She rested it there and gazed down at my hand teaching hers. “Go ahead and explore,” I told her, and I eased her grip on his shaft and ran her open hand the length of his hard meat. “Play with his balls, too,” I said, “guys love that.”
Stacy slid her hand lower and fondled his fleshy sack. “Mmm,” Mark moaned, spreading his thighs. She took her time before moving her hand back to his throbbing hard-on.
“Do you like it?” I asked her. She nodded her head eagerly, “It’s really hot,” she said, her eyes glued to it, “like there’s a fire inside it, or something.”
“Why don’t you get a little closer look?” I suggested and my little sister slipped lower in her seat and rested her head on Mark’s stomach.
“It feels weird,” she smiled, “kind of rubbery, or something.” She was pumping her tiny fist up and down its full length. Mark was staring intently at our private lesson, his hand slipped under Stacy’s arm and he caressed her naked breast.
“Do you think you can fit it in your mouth?” I whispered. Mark shifted restlessly under her and Stacy’s expression was serious again.
“Not the whole thing,” she answered honestly.
“Well, just start with the tip,” I told her. Her eyes never left his cock, but she lifted herself up on her elbow and brought her open mouth down over the tip.
“Fuck…” Mark moaned, his body tensing and his hips rising up to meet her young mouth. Stacy gripped his cock at the base and pushed her lips passed the tip taking in the first three inches of hard flesh. She held her mouth there, her lips wrapped tightly around his shaft, then bobbed her head up and down then up again before releasing him.
“Like that?” she asked, turning to me with an anxious look on her face.
“Ask him,” I said, pointing to Mark.
“Was that good?” Stacy asked shyly, holding Mark’s cock in her hand and looking up at him for affirmation.
“Oh fuck,” was all he could manage. He put his hand on the back of her head and pushed her mouth back down on to his cock. She didn’t need much more encouragement. I could tell she’d been studying the videos on my Dad’s computer, because she was trying some of the things I’d seen the girls do on there, like sticking her tongue out and flicking it over the tip, and twisting her mouth as she bobbed up and down his length.
I was just sitting back and enjoying the show when my phone went off. “It’s Dad,” I said out loud and it was like hitting the pause button on a DVD. The action in front of me halted and Mark’s flushed face went slightly white. “Don’t stop,” I said, “It’s just a text. I’ll tell him we’re getting Frapaccinos.” Stacy giggled at the lie and pushed her lips back down over Mark’s cock, her hand tickling his balls. Any objections Mark might have had disappeared the moment his cock disappeared into my little sister’s mouth.
The message I texted back was a short one, but I made it look like I was writing more than, Stacy’s First Cock. I hit the video button and recorded a ten second clip of her oral skills, then clicked send.
“This isn’t going to last long,” Mark gasped, his voice strained with effort to hold out.
“Do you want him to cum in your mouth?” I asked Stacy and was surprised to see how eagerly she nodded yes with his cock still snug between her lips.
“Oh fuck,” Mark groaned, his hips lifted, and sooner than we expected, cum was spitting into my little sister’s mouth. Her eyes went wide. She kept her lips sealed around his cock and grunted at me, wanting to know what she should do.
“Don’t try to swallow it,” I told her, fighting not to laugh, “Just let it fill your mouth.” I was aiming my cell phone again trying to capture more video without the both of them seeing. Stacy was focusing on not gigging and not gagging and little trails of cum began to dribble from the corners of her mouth.
I sent Dad the new video after he watched the first and texted back, Who’s cock is that? Take your time. I’ll deal with Mom. More Video!!! He got the new one and replied, Who’s cock is that?! You’re getting fucked tonight!
“Can you swallow it?” I asked my little sister after Mark’s orgasm had stopped and she pulled her tight lips from his hot flesh. “Let’s see it first,” I laughed when she shook her head yes. Stacy opened her mouth wide and there was Mark’s sticky goo all over her tongue. “Oh my God!” I cried, “Hold still! I gotta take a picture.”
“Uh…” Mark suddenly came back to earth. He was very nervous about pics and stuff like that.
“Oh, relax,” I told him holding up my cell and framing my little sister’s face, “I’ll erase it right after. I just want her to see.” Stacy had seen the pose a thousand times on my Dad’s computer. She tilted her head back, opened her mouth wide, and stuck out her cum-covered tongue. SNAP!
“Oh my God!” Stacy cried after downing the load in her mouth. She stared at her image on the phone for a long moment, her face almost glowing. “Want me to text you a copy?” I teased, showing Mark the picture. He was not amused. “I’ll erase it!” I said and I did, but not before I sent a copy to Dad.
“Fuck, you two look almost identical,” Mark suddenly said. He was leaning back in the couch with his sweats still down around his knees, looking like he’d just run a 10K. Stacy was sitting up next to him on the couch, absorbed in her cum-shot picture. I had slid down off the ottoman and was on my knees between Mark’s legs. He was caressing her naked back but looking at both of us.
“Almost like we were sisters,” I teased him but I knew he was right. My pictures from middle school look exactly like Stacy. We both have blonde hair, real blonde hair, too, not from a bottle. And we both have black eyebrows and dark eyes.
“Jesus, sisters,” Mark laughed, shaking his head and looking at the two topless girls in front of him, “Fucken-A.”
“My little sister left a little mess here on your cock, Mr. Sherman,” I teased, taking Mark’s cock in my hand, leaning forward and licking a drop of cum from the side. He was still hard and I wasn’t going to be satisfied with just being a voyeur.
“Mmm,” Mark sighed and ran his fingers through my hair. I licked the cum from his shaft then tickled his balls with my tongue. I looked up to see Stacy put her photo aside and turn her attention to my skills. Mark was still caressing her back and slid his hand around to her breasts.
“Did you like that?” he asked her. She told him she did, her voice shy sitting next to him topless while he squeezed her tits. “You were really good,” he said, “I don’t usually cum that fast.” She blushed but smiled. I pushed my lips to the base of Mark’s cock. “Fuck, your big sister is pretty damn good too,” he moaned, “You want to help her clean me up a little?”
I looked up to see his hand on the back of Stacy’s neck, guiding her back down to me and his cock. She wet her lips and slid down off the couch onto her knees next to me. “Wanna share,” I giggled, licking the tip of his cock and then offering it to her. Her lips grazed the purple head and…
“In the closet! Go!” Mark hissed. It was all so fast and frantic, I hardly knew what had happened. The closet door closed and Stacy and I were standing topless in the dark, cramped closet. My arms were around her, my bare tits pressed into her bare back. She was trembling and I could feel her heart pounding.
“Mom wants to know if you’re picking me up from school tomorrow,” I heard his daughter Crystal’s muffled voice though the closet door, “I’ve got a dentist appointment at two.” I couldn’t hear Marks response.
Stacy had scooped up our clothes from the floor before running for the closet and was attempting to slip her shirt back on. I grabbed her arm, and instead of helping her, I pulled the shirt from her grip and let it fall to the floor. Then I reached around her and unzipped her jeans. “Shhh,” I breathed into her ear, and she stopped struggling while I pushed her jeans off her hips and let them fall to the floor as well.
“Time to go!” Mark hissed, yanking open the closet door. I knew that would be his reaction to almost getting caught. I also knew his reaction would change the second the closet door opened and he was confronted with two young, naked sisters. Like I said, I had no intention of just being a voyeur that night, and I was going to make him pay for shoving me in a closet.
Mark froze on the spot, his eyes taking in the sight, the closet doorknob gripped tightly in his hand. Stacy is about five-foot-two and I’m only about two inches taller, but it made for a pretty good affect, me standing behind her, my hands on her hips, not a woman’s hips but not a little girl’s hips either, looking over her shoulder and smiling wickedly into Mark’s wild eyes.
“My little sister wants to watch you fuck me first,” I stated boldly, and I could see the bulge return to the front of Mark’s sweats.
Stacy sat next to us in the corner of the couch and watched me climb over the back, wag my little ass in the air, and take Mark Sherman’s cock to the hilt in my fiery cunt. He was fucking me hard and fast, his eyes glued to my little sister. She was shy at first, being completely naked, but I talked her into spreading her legs and fingering herself while she watched.
She looked so much like me, it was weird seeing my body with the dark little patch of fuzz above her pink slit. I had been shaving mine smooth, or rather my Dad had been shaving mine smooth (it’s one of his favorite things to do, shave me and paint my toe-nails) since I started fucking my Dad.
“Oh fuck,” Mark groaned, slamming his cock into me. Stacy was close enough to touch and he put his hand on her knee and slid it down her long, slender thigh. She pushed herself closer to us and Mark twisted his hand and pushed his finger into her dripping gash.
“Ungh…” Stacy cried and threw her arms to the side and pushed her naked cunt up to meet Mark’s fingers. I bucked my hips faster against his thrusting cock. Mark strummed her virgin lips with his thick finger, then he did something I didn’t expect. He pulled his finger from my little sister’s dripping snatch and stuffed it into my open mouth.
“Taste your little sister’s juices,” he hissed into my ear. It was like I was on a roller coaster and the seat just dropped out from under me. A voice in my head told me to resist, but I had a cock inside me, and I learned long ago how pitiful my willpower was under those circumstances. I closed my lips around his finger and sucked her sweet nectar into my mouth.
“I wanna watch you eat her,” he growled, and he suddenly jerked me from the back of the couch with his cock still buried in me from behind, so that I was on top of Stacy’s spread legs.
I had been with a lot of girls, including my Aunt Sara and my twin cousins. I liked girls, not nearly as much as I liked cock, but I was pretty much into anything that was sexual. And I knew it wasn’t going to be long before my Dad was fucking my little sister, and then she and I would be lovers too. But this was too quick, and I was scared that it would freak Stacy out.
“Um…” was all that came out of my mouth. Mark was pushing his cock into me and I was looking down into my little sister’s spread thighs. Stacy had that deeply stoned look in her eyes, and I knew, that like me, she was probably willing to agree to most anything when she was in this state.
“Do you want your big sister to show you another little trick, Sweetie?” Mark asked Stacy. He hunched himself over me, pushing his cock deeper inside my cunt until his balls rubbed up against my clit, then reached around me, grinding his thumb into my little sister’s clit. “Ungh…” she cried, lifting her hips to meet his touch. “Yes, yes… ungh… yes,” she gasped.
“Eat her, Baby,” he breathed into my ear, “Lick your little sister’s pussy.” His hand was between my shoulder blades pushing down between her spread thighs. I kissed her inner thigh, then looked up to see her wide eyes and open mouth gasping for breath. Her tits were rising and falling and she gripped the back of the couch for support. I slipped my left hand under her thigh, and my right hand slid down her other leg, pushing it open.
“Aaaaaaah!” Stacy cried as my tongue made contact. I didn’t tease her. I licked from the bottom of her pink slit to the top and pressed my lips into her little button.
“Shhhh, Sweetie,” Mark hissed and I lifted my eyes to see him push his thumb into my little sister’s open mouth. She wrapped her lips around it and sucked, and her squeals were muffled.
My tongue was like an electrode that drove her mad and sent shock waves through her tiny body. Her hips bucked and shook and I had to hold her down to keep my lips locked on her cunt. It was a difficult task made even more challenging as Mark began to fuck me again. My own insides were burning and I had to find a rhythm between my mouth, his thrusting cock, and her bucking hips.
But, oh my God! Did she taste amazing! Like sweet honey on my lips. I sucked and lapped at her delicate pink petals and she rewarded me with wave after wave of liquid sex. Once again, this wasn’t going to last long.
“Jesus fuck!” Mark gasped behind me and I felt his cock swell inside of me and a hot geyser of cum fill my cunt and melt my insides. My muscles contracted, gripping his cock, milking it and coating it with my own cum. Stacy’s thighs tightened around my head and her body trembled and filled my open mouth with sweet, warm juices.
“Oh my fucking God!” Mark gasped, his cock slipping from my cunt. He collapsed back against the couch and I sat up between my little sister’s legs. Her eyes were closed and she was working to catch her breath. I was worried about how she’d react after her orgasm had worn off and she was back inside her own head.
Mark pulled me back into his arms, “How’d she taste?” he asked. I told him she was good and he kissed me. I felt the couch shift and when I opened my eyes, Stacy was on her knees between Mark’s legs licking his cum-covered cock clean.
“Mmm, fuck,” Mark moaned. “I think you’re a natural at this, Sweetie,” he told her, stroking her hair. She was delicate with his sensitive cock but didn’t miss a spot with her soft tongue.
“I’d give anything to fuck the two of you together,” Mark whispered in my ear. I was curled up under his arm and we both watched my little sister suckle his tired cock.
“Anything?” I asked him.
“Name it,” he said.
I lifted myself up and put my lips next to his ear. “I wanna watch you fuck Crystal,” I whispered. His jaw fell open and his cock jumped in Stacy’s hand. She giggled and gave it a lick. Mark looked at me. “Ya, right,” he said smiling. “I’m totally serious,” I told him and the smile left his face. “You want to watch me fuck my sixteen-year-old daughter?” he asked, his eyes searching mine. “Uh-huh,” I nodded. He pulled me to him and kissed me.
“Look,” Stacy cried, “It’s getting hard again!”
Dad had his work cut out for him with Mom when we didn’t come home until after eleven on a school night. But he made good on his text promise and filled my cunt with his junk after he sucked Mark’s cum from me. He wasn’t thrilled that I let Mark Sherman be her first blowjob, and he thought I had let things go too far when I went down on her, but that didn’t stop him from cumming all over my face and tits before he snuck back to Mom’s bed.
“Where’s your sister at?” Dad asked, scooping a dollop of his cum off my back with his thumb and pressing it into my asshole.
“At the mall, I think,” I groaned.
“I want her to watch this video,” he said.
“While you fuck her?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
“Of course,” he said.
“I don’t think Stacy likes that girl too much,” I told him, nodding towards the thirteen-year-old from down the street. Dad was shooting his cum all over her tits on the monitor. “She’s probably not going to be to thrilled you fucked her,” I warned him.
“I haven’t fucked her yet,” he said, “Thanks to you.” He smacked my ass hard enough that it turned red and brought tears to my eyes. I knew I wasn’t going to get off with just a hard fuck for interrupting him with the lawn-mowing girl. But then he bent down and peppered my tender ass with soothing kisses.
“I’m gonna need the two of you to help me out with the next part of my plan though,” he said.
“You need our help to fuck her?” I asked, slightly confused since she obviously seemed like the eager type.
“That and something else,” he said mysteriously, spreading my ass cheeks.
“Does this have anything to do with her Dad?” I asked, my suspicion rising.
“Maybe…” he teased, grabbing another dollop of cum from my back and rubbing into my tiny rectum.
“Isn’t that kind of dangerous?” I asked, watching the thirteen-year-old from down the street bent over the same desk and watching the same monitor I was watching.
“You let me worry about that,” my Dad said and he pushed his tongue deep into my asshole.