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Boarding School Adventures Chapter 2


This story is continued from

Chapter 2- Mary gets help

Mary winced in pain as she nicked herself again with her razor. It had been a week since the school nurse had told her to shave, and now every day she felt like she was butchering her lady bits. Her hair was still stubbly too, it didn't look clean and cute like the other girls', it was a stubbly mess. Mary felt like crying. She knew that embarrassing though it may be, she would have to get help. She would ask Summer, she seemed to be brilliant at shaving. She went to Summer's dorm room and knocked. "Come in" she heard Summer yell. She walked in and found the pretty blond girl lying on her bed with her hands deep in her turquoise panties.
"Summer!" Mary yelled, shocked.
"You do it too, don't you?" Summer said. Then without waiting for Mary to respond, she finished herself off, moaning louder and louder until she came. Then she got up and put on her white top and short schoolgirl skirt. Then, to Mary's further surprise, she reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties.
"What can I do for you Mary?" she asked.
Mary was flabberghasted, and continued to stare at Summer's wet panties.
"What's the point of wearing a skirt if you wear underwear?" Summer said nonchalantly. "The whole point is to feel the breeze, and to sneek peaks to the people you like"
"I don't get you" Mary said.
"That's because you're sheltered" Summer replied.
"That's actually why I'm here" Mary said. "My parents never taught me how to shave properly, and I never even knew people shaved their pubic hair until I came here. I'm making a mess of myself, and since you're always so smooth I thought you could help me."
"oooh, I'm sorry" Summer said, "but I've never shaved in my life."
"But then how to you stay hairless?" Mary asked.
"My mom owns a waxing salon" Summer explained "and when I was a little girl, I used to come to work with her. I got jealous of all the ladies being waxed, so I wanted to try it myself. My mom hated body hair since it was her job to remove it, so she gave me my first full body wax when I was 4. After 18 straight years of waxing, the hair just doesn't grow back. When you've been ripping it out since it was peach fuzz, it just sorta gives up. I do sometimes still wax myself when I masturbate, just because I like the feel of the wax on my pussy. I would wax you now, but I didn't bring my waxing pot. You'll have to get help from someone else."
"But who?" Mary asked desperately.
"You should ask one of the senior boys" Summer said. "I've heard that at this school when people start to get to know each other better, the boys start to shave the girls as part of foreplay. The senior boys are all masters of shaving, you should ask one of them to help you.

Mary went to the senior dorm and found a boy named Skylar. She approached him cautiously. Her brown eyes were bright as ever, but wide with nervousness, and her perky breasts bounced nervously as she walked along.
"Excuse me, are you a senior?" she asked him shyly.
"Yes I am" Skylar replied.
"Um, this is a little embarrassing, but I need your help"
"and what can I help you with? Skylar asked.
"I need you to teach me how to shave"

Skylar recognized an opportunity when he had one. He looked over this innocent little freshman. She was over a foot shorter than him, and he saw from the look in her eyes that she was a virgin. He looked at her thin waste and shapely hips and realized that her pussy must be very tight. He wanted to fuck her, but Skylar was afraid of blood, and didn't want to take a chance. Finally he settled on that cute face, with the smooth skin and creamy, glossy lips that covered her tiny mouth, and realized that this girl would be great for a blowjob.

"I'll teach you how to shave if you suck my dick" he said.
Mary felt fear tense up in her body, but she knew that this was what she was getting into when she signed up for this school. So she nervously whispered "OK"

She went into Skylar's room, slightly excited, and sat down on his bed. She hadn't seen a penis since she had played doctor with her neighbor in elementary school, and she was shocked and horrified to see that skylar's cock was not at all what she had expected. It was over 8 inches long and very thick, it would fill her entire mouth. Plus, there was something different about it as well. She could see the outline of the dickhead clearly, but it was covered by a thick, veiny layer of skin.

"What's wrong with your penis" she asked shyly.
"The only thing wrong with it is it's not in your mouth" Skylar sneered.

Skylar shoved his dick into her mouth and forced it into Mary's throat. She thought she was going to gag, but she couldn't. She was being suffocated by the dick, dominated by it, as it pushed further and further into her throat. After what seemed like hours, Skylar pulled his dick out and came all over her face.

"Now will you teach me to shave?" Mary pleaded.
"Sorry bitch, I guess you're outta luck" Skylar laughed.
Mary was furious, but Skylar was a big guy and she knew she couldn't do anything. So with tears in her eyes, she wiped the cum off her face and left the room. She walked down the halls of the senior dormatory crying, and accidentally bumped into a handsome young man.
"What's wrong" he asked.
"Skylar took advantage of me" she sobbed "he told me if I sucked his dick, he would teach me to shave, but he just jizzed on my face and left me"
"I can help you" he said. "My name's Brandon"
"I'm Mary"
For the second time of the day, Mary found herself in a strange boy's room. Brandon went into the bathroom and came back with a razor, some shaving cream, and a bowl of water.
"Alright, let's see what the problem is" he said
Mary took off her blouse and held up her arms, revealing the stubble.
"That's not so bad" Brandon said. Then he put the razor in her hand and holding her hand he showed her the motions, moving around under her arms until they were completely smooth. Then he moved on to the legs. He guided Mary's hand up and down each of her calves. Then, he delicately lifted her skirt up and helped her shave her thin thighs. He put the razor down and was about to stand up.
"Wait" Mary said.
And she took his hand and put his hand on her panties
"you're not done yet" she said, and she was smiling.
Brandon gently slid down her panties, and guided her through the motions of removing her pubic hair safely. Then he rinsed off her pussy and they both gasped. Her pussy was beautiful, it was just as nice as Summer's, if not nicer. It was tight and compact, and the outer labia were very close together, the clit and the labia minora were just barely visible. Clearly enthraled, Brandon dared to ask "may I". Mary nodded, and Brandon parted her outer lips and found her clit. He began to rub and Mary began to breath deeply, it was the first time she had been touched this way and she let out a high pitched gasp. "Am I hurting you?" Brandon asked. "No" Mary laughed, "don't stop". Brandon continued to rub, and then, as if by instinct, he moved in close and began to lick her clit. He licked and sucked and brought Mary to her first orgasm. She sighed and moaned with pleasure, then reached out and kissed Brandon.
"here" she said "let me return the favor"
She pulled down his pants, revealing his 6 and a half inch cock.
"Thank goodness" she said "you have a normal dick"
"Oh yeah, Skylar wasn't circumcised, I forgot about that. Most boys are required to be circumcised when they join the school."
"Well, you certainly meet my requirements" Mary said, and she wrapped her lips around Brandon's exposed cockhead. She swallowed the dick, she embraced it as it was not forced upon her. Brandon came in her mouth and she drank his cum. She undid her bra and they began to make out until they lay on the bed with Brandon poised on top of her.
"Are you going to..." she asked
"Only if you want me to" he replied.
"Oh yes, Brandon yes!" she said, and he plunged his dick into her virgin pussy.
It hurt at first, it hurt terribly to Mary, as she felt her hymen break, and with it her innocence. But as Brandon continued to thrust, she found herself thrusting back, and together they moved until at one moment release came for both of them.