My football practice had just ended and my girlfriend’s mom picked me up and my girlfriend was also in the car. My parents were not home and I had forgotten my key so I had no way to get in. My parents were at a wedding and they said they would be gone for a while. I told my girlfriend’s mom the situation and her mom said I could stay at their house until my parents got home. We got to her house and she asked if I wanted to take a shower, since I was all sweaty and sticky. So I said sure why not. So I took a shower and I locked the bathroom but my girlfriend must have had a key to the bathroom. I got out of the shower and she was standing right there completely naked. She immediately started making out with me. It was so hot and sexy. Her sexy body with her nice curves and her decently sized tits rubbed against my body. She got down on her knees and started sucking on my dick. It was already huge at this point. She was sucking on it really hard. Her mom must of heard us and my girlfriend forgot to lock the bathroom and her mom walked in.
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