Mary has been fucked by most of my friends on a regular basis. She loves to suck them off first and if she spits the cum out over her tits she normally wants the person to smear the cum on her cunt and ass.Last night two buddies and I had some fun with her and it was the usual story, she sucked Fred while Peter and I played with tits and pussy. When he came in her mouth she grabbed my hand and spat his load of cum in my hand. First time she has done this; she took my hand and placed it on her smooth shaven pussy.She immediately stared sucking my cock while I tried force as much of Fred’s cum up her cunt with my hand.I have not done that before with human cum, it was a turn on and just about came in her mouth within 18 seconds.She kissed me and transferred the cum to my mouth, I was not going to swallow it so I tried blow it up her pussy which was now drenched with two loads of cum and spit.
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