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The Secrets of Savanna, Part I: A Discovery


The Secrets of Savanna
Part I: A Discovery

She was masturbating again when I got home.

I had just moved into a new apartment in the city with a couple of random people I had never met before.College was behind me and roommates had all fallen through, so I had no choice but to roll the dice.

The place was nice, a master bedroom and a regular bedroom, and a partition in the dining room that accommodated a third person, one bathroom off the kitchen and one in my (master) bedroom.The third person, Mike, was never home, constantly at his girlfriends place.So the dining room partition was always empty and at any given time, it was only me and the second roommate, who was a girl. I wasn’t sure what she did for pay, but she lived very odd hours.And she was currently in her room masturbating.

The first time had been this time last week, Thursday, actually, as I had gotten home from work.I was about to flop down on the couch when I heard a very distinct moan come from across the room.

I froze: what should I do?

I decided to sneak into my room silently and turn on my TV: try to drown out the sound.But I couldn’t get away from it, she got louder and louder, and I found myself turning the TV down so I could listen.I was so turned on; I started playing with my nipples through my blouse.But by the time I had gotten my outer layer off, she had stopped, and in a few short minutes I could hear her bouncing around the kitchen.What a tease.

I had all but forgotten about that incident when I arrived home this evening.I could already hear her going as I walked in.It was much clearer this time, and to my surprise, her door was open a foot or so, so I could even hear the wet sounds her fingers made as they massaged her pussy.I put down my briefcase, and let my jacket fall to the floor as gently as I could right where I was, slipped out of my shoes, and crept over to her door.

Had she done this on purpose?Did she know I had been listening before? I stood there, listening to her moaning. I could feel my own heart beat faster, faster, and my breath get shallower.I couldn’t keep my hands from undoing my pants right where I stood and feeling myself through my panties.I took great pains to keep my belt from rattling with my left hand as I moved my right hand up and down my crotch.I could hear her going faster and faster even as her moans got louder, and I finally had no choice but to pull everything down and start going at it myself.

I could feel how wet my pussy had been getting through my panties, and as I began to touch myself, my fingers found my wet hole and began sliding over my clit with ease.As she went faster, I did, until I was sure she had to be able to hear me as well, but she didn’t stop.She didn’t stop until she came, and her crescendo filled the entire apartment.I was surprised that the car alarms on the street 5 floors below us weren’t going off.

But in an instant that became the least of my worries as I heard her begin pulling her clothes back on.I held my traitorous belt in one hand and my sloppy wet pussy in the other and raced to my bedroom door, hoping to finish myself in privacy and trying not to make too much noise as I fumbled with the door handle.

Thanking God that it was a handle and not a knob, I closed the door behind me ripping off my bottoms with my left hand while going as fast as I could with my right, intent on finishing as fast as possible as I bounced into bed.My fingers were flying over my clit, it felt amazing, it was all I could do to keep the sounds in.My clit was so hard between my fingers, and I let my left hand begin to wander down, down, get a little wet in my cunt and keep exploring until it got to my asshole.A private pleasure of mine, that I don’t share with anyone: I like to double stuff myself with my left middle finger and thumb, wile working my clit with my right.It gets the job done quickly and the pleasure is immeasurable. I only use it on special occasions, when I want to cum hard; because I always feel so dirty afterwards.I spit on my fingers and start working them around my asshole, waves of dirty pleasure rocking my body.

I could hear that Savanna, my roommate, and new found masturbatory model, was buzzing around the kitchen again.I bit my lip: if I could hear her walking across the floor, she could probably hear my heavy breathing and the slight squeaks coming from the bed, not to mention the wet noises now coming from my pussy, that just moments ago had been coming from hers.I was torn between finishing quickly and finishing in absolute silence.I slowed down as her footsteps approached my door, and to my utter horror, she knocked!

“Jen?” She called.

I leaped off my bed and sprinted to the bathroom as silently as I could as she opened the door a few inches.

“Jen?” She called again.I tried not to sound breathless as I called from the sanctuary of the bathroom:


“I saw your stuff on the floor and realized you were home! Would you like me to make you some dinner?”

I sat in silence, still guiltily stroking my clit, but only very slowly.

“It’ll be like a little girls date, I’ve been dying for a chance to get to know you better!”

This was all so weird.Hadn’t she put two and two together when she found my stuff laying in a pile the entryway? I had to say something.

“Sure!” I said, a little too loud.“Sorry about the mess, I just had to pee so badly when I got home that I threw all my stuff right on the floor!” I lied.

“Don’t worry about it hon, that happens to me all the time.I hope you like spaghetti!”

I heard the door close behind her and sat in the confusing silence that followed.She must not have realized at all.I began to move my fingers faster as the guilt lifted.She didn’t know! How had I gotten away with it?I could only thank my lucky stars, as my wet poured over my fingers.I used baby oil for my asshole this time, making entry easier.I could go as fast as I wanted now, she couldn’t hear me through two closed doors. I came in flying colors as my fingers twirled below my belt.The release was heavenly.

Still feeling dirty, I decided to hop in the shower for a quick rinse.But thinking about standing outside Savanna’s door had my fingers exploring my body again, and before I knew it I was on the floor of the tub, shaking with another orgasm.What had this girl done to me?

I dressed quickly and towel dried my hair before putting it up in a quick bun.I would have to deal with that later.

I met Savanna in the dining room.She was beautiful, of obvious French descent, head full of dark, wavy hair that parted above a set of the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen.She was about four inches shorter than I was, and curvy.Her skin-tight, pink track suit left almost nothing to the imagination, the jacket was hardly zipped up past the naval, revealing more cleavage than I even had.My eyes went from her hips to my reflection in the mirror on the wall.Skinnier, with light strawberry-blonde hair, and dark green eyes, my trim figure was incomparable to hers under my white t-shirt and red Sophies.Though, she had to at least admire my long skinny legs, I assured myself.

As I turned away from my reflection, Savanna was filling my plate with spaghetti.I sat down across from her with as innocent a smile as I could manage, but her returning smile was warm and welcoming, and she began to ask me about myself.Conversation flowed easily through dinner, and then on into the evening as we sat down to watch a movie together.But the whole time I couldn’t keep from stealing glances at her body, and secretly looking forward to being alone in bed so I could think about her and touch myself again.