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Я был бы очень рад встретиться и насладиться прекрасными моментами с вами.
Я люблю играть. . Я переживал.
Я одеваюсь-стильно и модно. Я люблю высокие каблуки ... Красивое нижнее белье ....
Ваши фантазии-станут реальностью .... И я буду очень счастлива ...
Я люблю путешествовать!
Взаимное удовольствие в горячей страстной живой игре
-Мой девиз ..
Моя программа очень насыщенная .........
Я жду тебя с горячими поцелуями...
100 %
Мой Instagram asemaj99
hidenow it's time to write comments to you my dear girl blogger about 24000 subscribers she has I've been subscribed to her for the second year for me she is interesting as a person and it's interesting to hang out with her go to bars person is the soul of the company the girl is very smart and witty and of course she has very beautiful breasts and sucks great
Thank you very much, I thought you forgot about me, I haven't seen you for a long time
She is so sexy and hot babe.. I enjoyed every minute of our hot sex.. she gives great bj:love: Highly recommended for natiral beauty and great services
Şimdiye kadar gittiğim kazak hatunlardan hep üst düzey performans aldım. Bundan da o ümitle gittim ve nitekim istediğimi de aldım. Blowjob başarılı. Emikleye Emikleye iliğimi kuruttu. Sadece dalgayı değil taşaklarıda bir güzel pasta ciladan geçiriyor. Hatun komple body massage ile başladı işe. Body massage yalnızca masaj ile sınırlı kalmıyor. Hatun emikliyor yaşıyor bütün vücudu bir güzel elden geçiriyor. Vücudu iyicene dilden geçirdikten sonra mevzuya girdik. Role play i fazladan yapıyor. Basarken bir ses çıkarıyor ki sanırsın benim mal piyade tüfeği. Göğüsler doğal ve dolgun. Boyu posu yerinde. Teni de yumuşacık. Gerek muamele gerek sex performansını beğendim. Ingilizcesi iyi ama Türkçe de anlıyor. Dileyenler Türkçe de konuşabilir. Hatunun kendi yeri yokmuş ama. O yüzden görüşmeyi benim mekanda yaptık. Hatunun iletişim de hızlı bu arada. Hızlı cevap veriyor. Overall da verdiğim paranın karşılığını aldım memnun oldum. Tavsiye ederim.
Hi please write me watsap I lost you number
As you see on summary she wrote her Instagram username on her profile. I checked her photos and I liked her appearance. Then I decided to call her to my place. She looks definitely amazing. She is from Kazakhstan but she has Russian gens obviously. I liked her boobs significantly. She has nice ass too and she likes to be spanked. I told her that I like hardcore sex and she was quite easy-going in terms of domination. Soft skin, grabable body and soft lips... She got everything what I need. But all these are not enough for me. Professionalism is more important which thanks to God she has. She was not dodgy at all. I was satisfied with her services. I kissed with my tongue she didn't mind. She did blowjob without condom. During sex she was very active. I really enjoyed my sex. This girl is highly recommended by me. I hope all girls work independently and with real pictures just like this girl. Have a fun gents.
Yılların verdiği deneyim kaprta üzrnde de olgunlaşmış. Karşısındaki tahrik etmeyi biliyor. Slowly bj özelliği var. Hamsiseverler doğal füze sevenler tercih edebilir. Fazla oylatmadan işinizi görmeye bakın. Güzel iş yapıyor. Kendisi de rahatlıyor. Görüşmeleri kendi otamınızda yapıyorsanız mutlaka ydek lastik bulundurun. Hatta yedeğin yedeği. Deplasman maçlarına giderken bile yanıma alırım. Ne olur olmaz. Her zaman derim A paket isteyenler önden kıza/ajansa söylesin. Bazı ajanslar he he diyor ama yine de hatırlatmakta fayda var. Ön aksamlar elmadağ yollarında gide gele gide gele sllanmş. Öpüşme gerek duymadım onun için yapıp yapmadığını bilmiyorum. Çok sanayi modu bir yazı oldu :) (Sanaiyi basmışlar demek ki. Kulağımıza çalındı. Ayık olun, kayık olmayın) Asem'e de masajı ve ek hizmetleri için teşekkürler...
hello to all readers I want to tell my story I usually don't write comments I looked at this girl's profile and there were positive and negative reviews then I went to Instagram and realized that she was a photo model and influencer on Instagram you can see that she is a fairly educated smart person asked for Instagram confirmation so that I would be 100% sure that this is her Instagram then we met and did not regret it the girl is very smart educated and beautiful and breasts and breasts I fell in love with her breasts I adore a woman's breasts especially if they are natural like hers I am so glad that I met her when she sucked me I flew into space I wish everyone good luck in their search but it is worth trying how she sucks deeply and deliciously
She is a thief she stole my $200 and she started acting wierd stay away from her
I didn't take money from you I came to your stinking apartment where it stinks of bedbugs you said you live in a hostel I said I don't come to the hostel but you said you'll rent a nice apartment and came you wanted me to be with you all night in this dump for $200 you're a fool or what you'll teach me to live in a normal place and maybe you won't write nasty things to someone maybe then someone will start to respect you
when I saw the profile I was interested in the profile because Instagram was indicated when I saw Instagram I got carried away by her blog there was interesting content the girl travels to different countries and talks about her experience then I met there was a meeting in a 4* hotel everything went perfectly firstly I liked that she speaks 5 languages and is an interesting conversationalist and has an ideal figure and is a very beautiful girl everything went perfectly I will never forget this girl and of course her blowjob was the best experience