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"Are you sure that was your mother on the phone? It sounded just like you." "Yes, I'm sure." Carmen plopped down in a nearby chair. "You are such a bore when it comes to relationships. When are you going to try something adventurous? You haven't even asked me about him. You might change your mind." "I highly doubt that." Carmen had an uncanny ability for setting her up with losers, not adventure. She would find her own dates from now on ... or maybe she'd just turn celibate. That might be easier. "Aren't you the least bit curious?" Carmen leaned forward. "I swear, this one isn't weird in any way." "That's what you said about the comb-over." Julie cringed at the memory of that interminable evening. "So, he was balding and combed his hair over. What's wrong with that?" "It was three strands of hair, two feet long. Then he spent all evening criticizing MY hair style. He told me I should cut my hair into a shag. Can you imagine that? I felt like yanking his three strands right out of his head." Carmen laughed, and a twinkle entered her eye. "Well, this guy I found for you has a full head of hair, so no worries there. It's not even thinning yet." "No?" "No." Suspicion crept into Julie's thoughts. Carmen always held something back. "So ... what is he? Four feet tall? A hundred and three years old? What?" "I thought you weren't curious." She couldn't help herself — just in case Carmen had found a winner. "Well ... maybe I'm a little curious, like those people who can't look away from a disaster ready to happen." "He's not a disaster. He's smart, well-off, handsome, tall, and only in his mid-thirties." He sounded too good to be true. If he was that special, why wasn't he taken yet? "Get to it, Carmen. What's his quirk?" "Maybe he doesn't have one." Julie cocked an eyebrow at her friend. "Okay." Carmen sighed. "There is one little thing." "Here it comes. I better sit down." Julie sat on the sofa. "What is it?" She plucked at the sofa cushion, imagining all sorts of weird or worse scenarios. "He has a bit of a reputation." Julie laughed and relaxed against the pillows. "Is that all?" But then she stiffened, knowing that wasn't all, there had to be more to it. "What kind of reputation?" she asked warily. With Carmen, the guy could be any sort of wacko. "He's ... Jab Transon." "Jab Transon! You mean Jabot Transon, the one who's up on charges of bigamy?" "Is just a big misunderstanding." "Oh, really? Is he in the market for wife # 3 now? No, thank you." "He says he's not married to either of those women." "There's documentation. I heard it on the news." This had to be the worst set-up yet that Carmen had arranged. Jab Transon — the one secret she'd kept from her friend. What were the odds that Carmen would set her up with him? "The papers were forged, he said. The guy is rich. Just inherited a mint. He's got crazies, especially women, coming out of the woodwork at him." "Why is he still working at the shelter if he's so rich all of a sudden? I've been meaning to ask you that." Discretely, of course, and this was the perfect opportunity. "He wants to help the homeless. Once all this mess is straightened out, he plans on taking some of that money and opening up his own facility." "How lovely of him." She sounded catty and knew it, but Jab brought that out in her. "It's all true! So, see ... it's not really a blind date. You know who he is. He's a good guy. Why can't you just give him a chance?" Yes, she knew him, better than Carmen realized. "If he's got all these people, women in particular, causing problems for him, why on earth would he agree to a blind date? Did you tell him my name?" If she had, that might explain why he'd agreed to the arrangement, though she would think he'd have run the other way. "He knows you're okay, since you're a friend of mine." "That's not much of an endorsement. He does know you, right?" She noticed Carmen didn't answer her question about her name. A simple oversight, or had she avoided answering on purpose? "Very funny. Insult me all you want. You two are perfect for each other. I invited him to the Christmas party I'm having this weekend, and I told him you'd accompany him to keep the other women at bay." "Ah ... so, I'm not really a date, just a decoy." Figures. She knew there had to be a catch somewhere. A man like Jab wouldn't agree to a blind date otherwise. Carmen hesitated before answering. "Is that better or worse than being his date?" "Why?" "Because if it's better, then that's what I arranged. If it's worse, then I'll be affronted and say you ARE his date. Besides, Ray's going to be there, and you don't want to show up alone." "Ray?" Her ex-boyfriend. This day was going from bad to worse. Next Carmen would be telling her that Christmas had been cancelled. "Why is he coming?" "You know I invited people months ago. I didn't know you two were going to break up. I couldn't un-invite him." "Why not?" She definitely didn't want to face Ray. "I've known him as long as I've known you, Julie. Anyway ... he's, um, bringing Gretchen, he said." "Oh, wonderful. He's only bringing her, so he can shove her boobs in my face." "So ... you take Jab, and you can shove his--" "Carmen!" "Well ..." She smiled. "You have to admit Jab is a major hunk. There's just one more thing." Carmen chewed at her bottom lip. The doorbell rang, drawing their attention. "He's here." "He?" Julie's mouth fell open. "Jab? Now!" "I thought a pre-date was in order. I'll let him in." She jumped up and rushed from the room. Julie jumped up, too. She couldn't see Jab, not now, not like this. Her hair was a mess, her clothes were too casual, she didn't even have on any make-up. How could Carmen do this to her? The deep timbre of Jab's voice reached her ears as he greeted Carmen. Well, she'd just have to face him. She certainly couldn't hide under the Christmas tree, though the idea did appeal to her. He stepped into the livingroom, and her heart did a little tumble. Still handsome as ever. But then, she'd known that. He'd been hounded by TV reporters over the bigamy scandal, and she'd seen him ducking camera men on the news for weeks now. "Julie," he greeted, a slight grin tugging at his lips. He didn't look the least bit surprised. That little grin on his face told the whole story. She glanced around him. "Where's Carmen?" "She took off. I thought we could use some time alone." Her friend had turned traitor. She'd get Carmen back for this--maybe she'd set HER up with someone. Julie turned toward the Christmas tree and fumbled with some tinsel. She had to pull herself together, not let Jab get to her. "You knew she set you up with me." "Yes, of course. You don't think I'd really go out on a blind date, do you?" Somehow that rubbed her the wrong way. She'd been out on a few blind dates and didn't like feeling as if it was a pathetic thing to do. "I wouldn't know. I never expected you to get married either. But here you've gone and done it ... twice." When she didn't get a response, she rounded to face him, wondering if maybe he'd just turned and left. No. He stood there glaring at her. She shrugged. "It's been all over the news. What am I supposed to think?" "You know me better than that, Julie." "I thought I did." Her voice caught in her throat. "Once." He stepped closer and slowly raised his hand. He touched her cheek just barely with his fingertips. "I've missed you." At his touch, all the emotions she once felt for him rose to the surface. "Jab ... why are you really here?" She took a step back, needing distance. "Nothing's changed." Sadness filled his eyes. "Can we correct that?" Hope momentarily filled her heart, then she dashed it away. He'd walked away from her over a year ago and had never even called. He'd just disappeared for months. When she finally learned he'd returned — from Aruba, she'd heard — he still hadn't called, and she hadn't been about to call him. In fact, she should be throwing him out of her house, not standing here talking to him like an old friend. She turned abruptly, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes. When he stepped close enough for his chest to brush against her back, she almost melted against him. His heat penetrated her as deeply as his body used to penetrate hers. The memories made her knees weak. "I'm sorry things didn't work out, Julie." She shrugged. "It's over. We're over." Her body began to tremble. He was too close, but the Christmas tree blocked her escape, so she whirled around. The best defense ... "We won't be going to Carmen's party." "Why not? Don't you want to show up that guy Ray?" A frown briefly creased his forehead, and Julie wondered what he was thinking. Her thoughts were bordering on murder — of her friend. How much had Carmen told him? "Carmen told you about Ray?" He suddenly flashed a grin, then looped his arms around her waist. "I have ways of making women talk," he replied in a mock German accent. "Besides, I'd love to show this guy what a jerk he is for leaving you." "I left him, for your information. Maybe that makes me the jerk. Hmm?" Julie couldn't stay with Ray. She kept comparing him to Jab, and he kept coming up short. Laughter bubbled up inside her at the irony of the situation. The sudden intense look in Jab's eyes silenced her. "I've always loved the sound of your laugh." He leaned close and nuzzled her neck. "I've missed you, Julie." Old feelings rushed through her like a tidal wave. After a moment of weakness, of wanting to hold him in her arms, she got the strength to respond. "After a year, do you really think you can just waltz back in here for a quick tumble." He let her go and stepped back. She could see him fighting emotions of frustration and confusion, and probably anger too. Jab lifted a candy cane from the tree and passed it repeatedly between his fingers, as if needing something to do with his hands. "So where do we go from here?" "I don't know, Jab. Maybe if you'd done things differently ..." She shrugged. A light shone in his eyes. "So you do still care about me. You're just upset that I didn't turn out to be--" "Upset's not a strong enough word, believe me," she interrupted and turned away from him. "How about we start over with this party?" "I don't know, Jab. I just don't think it would work." The truth was her heart couldn't stand the pain if he walked away again. He hung the candy cane back on the tree, then slipped his arms around her waist from behind. "We were always so good together," he whispered in her ear. "Do you remember?" Oh, yes, she remembered. Too well. Long nights of loving each other and delightful days of laughter and compassion. How could he have just walked away from that? She took a deep breath. "You didn't even call. You just left me. Why did you do that, Jab?" Jab turned her around in his arms. "What are you talking about?" "After that night when we declared our love, you just disappeared. Then I heard you went to Aruba ..." "Wait, wait." He rubbed his forehead. "I called you the next day, and you said you didn't want to see me again — I didn't have any money; you weren't ready for anything serious. Geez! You ripped my heart out. I thought this supposed blind date was just a set-up, because you'd changed your mind, but didn't want to admit it to me." Julie shook her head. "I never spoke to you after that night." "I'm not lying." He looked so sincere that she found it hard to doubt his words. Then she remembered that her mother hadn't liked Jab back then because he was poor with no prospects. Her mother had been visiting when he said he'd called. A sick feeling churned her stomach. "You talked to my mother," she replied in despair, realizing the truth. "What? No. I talked to you." "Jab, she didn't like you. She sounds just like me on the phone. She was here that day." Julie slapped his chest. "Why did you just accept that phone call? Why didn't you come over and demand an explanation in person?" "After what you, she, said to me? Damn!" He raked his fingers through his hair. They stood staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Julie didn't know who moved first, but suddenly she was in Jab's arms, her cheek pressed against his chest, and his hands were roaming gently over her body. She felt as if everything was right in the world, and she was exactly where she wanted, needed, to be. With tears trickling down her face, she looked into Jab's eyes. "I never stopped loving you." Julie felt the air leave him on a gasp, as if he'd been holding it, waiting for her to speak. Her heart thumped wildly, wondering what he would do now that she'd made her confession. Cupping her face in his hands, Jab lowered his head and kissed her gently, brushing his lips across hers. "I love you." His fingers trailed down her neck and over her breasts. Julie moaned softly at the contact. His touch still had the power to make her weak in the knees. Jab's lips skimmed the side of her neck, sending a shiver of delight through her body. She needed to touch him, to feel his bare skin beneath her fingers. With an urgency she'd never felt, she slid her hands beneath his sweater. A groan of disappointment lodged in her throat when she made contact with a t-shirt instead of flesh. "Take your clothes off. Now!" "I love a woman who knows what she wants." Jab stepped back and began to shuck his clothing. "Aren't you joining me?" he asked with a smile. "Eventually." She smiled back. He hesitated, and she chuckled. "Scared?" "Hardly." He continued taking off his clothes, until he stood before her naked. Julie looked him over from head to toe. He was still as gorgeous as ever. Though the room was cool, her palms felt sweaty. Her heart increased its already erratic rhythm. "Are you cold?" "Not at all. Are you just going to stand there and stare at me, or are you going to do something wicked?" She approached with a grin on her face. "What would you like me to do?" She grazed his bare chest with her nails. Closing his eyes, he ground out. "You're calling the shots ... for now." He opened his eyes, and they blazed down at her. "Such restraint." He hadn't even reached out for her. She glided her hands over his chest, across his ribs, down his hips. His body reacted to her touch, and she smiled at the result. "My, my. I'd almost forgotten what a big boy you are." Her low laugh filled the room. "Almost." When she circled her fingers around his hardness, the smiled faded from her face. Velvet over steel was the thought that came to mind. Jab groaned, and she saw the muscle in his jaw tick as if he was having a hard time controling himself. A heady sense of power filled her, knowing she was the cause. "If you don't take off your clothes," he began in a tight voice, "I'm going to rip them off you." The doorbell rang, and Julie heard a key grate in the lock. The door opened, and a voice wafted into the livingroom. "Julie, darling. It's Mother. Are you home? Did you know there's a strange car parked in your driveway?""I know Mom." replied Julie. "his name is Jab... he's here with me."her mother walked in the front door with a smile that turned into a gasp when she saw Jab and Julie."Would you join us?" asked Jab. She said yes and immediately ripped all her clothes off her body, along with Julia."let's start with a little 69, shall we?"they all got in position as julia's mother sucked Jad's cock, while Julia was erotically slurping away at her mother's juicy twat."MMMhhhhh..." groaned Jab as he came in Julia's mother's mouth.Julia's mother had never swallowed cum before, and was disgusted by the idea... until now. She sucked Jab dry, and licked her lips. They all laughed.THE END