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Do You Take This Woman – A Wedding TaleIt was a glorious morning in early June, and Kathlyn Ashford was getting ready for her wedding. She was all alone in the upstairs bedroom now; her bridesmaids and the others who’d helped with her dress had gone to get themselves ready for the big event. She could hear the bustle in the garden outside, where recently erected tents were being filled with food and drink, chairs ordered into neat rows, and everything else that went with a garden wedding. The sun was shining, the caterer had arrived, and if anything was not going according to plan, no one had told Kathlyn about it. At the moment, Kathlyn was busy admiring herself in the full-figure mirror in front of her. She was not a vain woman, not the sort who just had to check herself out in any reflective surface she might pass, but today was different. She just couldn’t get enough of the sight of herself, but turned to this side and the other, trying to see herself from every possible angle. And anyone would have to admit, she was indeed a sight to see. Kathlyn was a little over medium height, slender, with long, smooth brown hair that usually hung straight down her back. Today, however, it was piled up on top of her head in something the hairdresser had spent several hours to make look haphazard and casual. A few corkscrewed locks hung down from the pile to frame her face, appearing to have worked their way loose all on their own. Strands of silver thread with tiny pearls was artfully arranged in her hair, weaving in and out of the mass of hair on top of her head and glittering every time the light caught them. Her face had been masterfully made up, her sensual lips and wide, brown eyes emphasised with great skill. And then there was the gown. The wedding gown was, Kathlyn thought, simply amazing. It was made from blinding white silk, the skirts hanging down to trail on the floor behind her when she walked. The bodice was tight, accentuating her slender waist and pushing her considerable breasts upwards, displaying a very flattering amount of cleavage. Her shoulders were bare, as were her tanned, slender arms. The last thing her bridesmaids had done was to fasten her veil, which now covered her hair and hung down over her face and back. Casting a quick glance at the nightstand clock, Kathlyn noticed it was still about an hour before things would begin. Her bridesmaids would come and get her and take her downstairs, and then her father would walk her up the aisle and give her away. Give her to Michael. Kathlyn shuddered with delight, and in the mirror she saw a big, goofy grin spread across her face. She was so in love she thought she would burst. All of her friends envied her Michael, and she’d been told on more than one occasion that if she let that one slip though her fingers, she deserved to be lonely the rest of her life. Michael was kind, honest, handsome, hard-working, and he loved her to distraction. True, his family was what some would call ordinary middle-class, while hers was moderately affluent, but none of them had given the monetary side of things a second thought. He was not jealous of her family’s money, and she couldn’t care less that he didn’t have much. The wedding was a gift from her parents; her father had been absolutely adamant on that. And it wasn’t like Michael was poor; he had a flat, a car, and he worked for a living. Her thoughts returning to the impending wedding, Kathlyn felt buoyant with joy. Finally, they would actually get married. Michael and her had been together for nearly two years, and engaged for the past 8 months. And now they were getting married. The whole day, Kathlyn thought, was just perfect; the way any woman dreamed her wedding would be. And then, when the party was over, it would be time for the wedding night. The wedding night. Another little shudder passed through Kathlyn, but this time for another reason entirely. Finally Michael and her would have sex. It had been hard on both of them, the waiting and restraint, but they’d made it. And after today, they could (and would) have each other as often as they wanted; and if the past two years were anything to go by, that would be often indeed. Kathlyn had known since her mid teens that she would want to be a virgin on her wedding night. The reasons were in part religious, but mostly a simple personal conviction that she would save herself for the man with whom she intended to spend the rest of her life. That didn’t mean the two of them had never touched each other; there had been quite a few occasions when her willpower had been sorely tested, but she had managed to keep her wits about her. She knew Michael had been very frustrated with the whole thing many times (and, truth to be told, she had regretted her decision quite a few times herself). It counted very much in Michael’s favour that he had fully supported her decision, even though he had not agreed with it. He had never complained or tried to press her; he had tried seducing her a few times, and once he’d come very, very close, but that was no more than she expected. In fact, she would have been a little disappointed if he hadn’t at least tried. She was in no way sexually repressed; Kathlyn had the same urges and desires as any other 23-year old woman, and several times she had been burning with desire to rip Michaels clothes off and just screw him senseless then and there. However, will had triumphed over flesh, and as of tonight, Kathlyn had decided, restraint would officially be banned from their bedroom. Over the past two years she had amassed a number of very steamy fantasies involving Michael, and she fully intended to work her way through each and every one of them. As she stood in front of the mirror, several scenes from those fantasies played themselves out on her mental screen, as it were, and Kathlyn felt a familiar heat between her legs. For a moment, she allowed herself to relish the feeling; she knew there was no time to masturbate; there was no way she was going to risk messing up her gown now, even for an orgasm. There was nothing wrong with indulging a little, though, and her hand wandered up along the smooth silk of her bodice, the tips of her fingers barely touching the lacing down the front, until her palms cupped her ample breasts. She felt her nipples harden, but could not feel them through the bodice and the white, lacy corset she wore underneath. She squeezed her thighs together and rubbed them against each other, feeling her pussy tingle. If only her heavy silk skirts hadn’t been in the way, she could have snuck a finger in there as well… Her reverie was suddenly interrupted by a soft knock on the bedroom door. Kathlyn jerked her hands from her tits with a guilty start and turned towards the door, which was already opening. A head poked through the crack: glittering green eyes, thick red curls and a wide, white smile. Kathlyn gave an inaudible sigh of relief; it was Laura, Michael’s younger sister and her own soon-to-be sister in-law. “How are you holding up, Kath?” asked Laura as she slipped her slender frame inside and closed the door behind her. “Any butterflies yet?” “A whole stomach full,” Kathlyn replied with a grin. “How is everything coming along?” “Just fine, love, no trouble at all. Your mother is something else when it comes to organising, that’s for certain.” Kathlyn gave a rueful grin. Her mother was fussy, slightly domineering and a busybody, but when it came to organising something like this, she was in her element. Mrs. Ashford (who would have been mortally insulted if someone referred to her as ‘Ms.’) had practically sworn an oath that her eldest daughter’s wedding would go without a hitch, and so far, she seemed to have made good on it. Laura came walking across the floor towards Kathlyn. She was wearing a simple but elegant bottle-green strapless dress that matched her eyes and accentuated her lovely red hair. Her arms were bare, and a slit in her dress running nearly all the way up to her hip showed off her long legs to great effect. She wore high heels in exactly the same colour as the dress, and her hips swayed when she walked in a way that screamed ‘challenge’ to every male in sight. Kathlyn and Laura, some would say, should never have been friends. Not only were they from completely different worlds, socially speaking, but their personalities were about as different as they could possibly be. Where Kathlyn was quiet, modest and a little withdrawn, Laura was brash, daring and full of joie de vivre. Wherever there was a party or any other social gathering, it was absolutely certain that Laura would be in the centre of everything. She flirted unabashedly with every man she came across, and never got in any trouble over it; she could wrap anyone around her little finger through sheer overpowering charm. Kathlyn knew that Michael had been a little worried when he first introduced them to each other, but those worries soon evaporated. Laura had immediately taken to her brother’s fiancée, determined from the word go to make a friend of her, and had succeeded admirably. The two women were now best of friends, maintaining a firm friendship in addition to their (soon-to-be) familiar relation. It was, in fact, to Laura Kathlyn had turned when the time came to pick her gown, accessories and everything else that went with a wedding. And, not surprisingly, it had been Laura who had chosen the lingerie Kathlyn was wearing under her wedding dress right now. Laura claimed a profound knowledge on what turned men on (and Kathlyn believed her with all her heart) and she had taken an obvious delight in picking the sexy garments her brother would see his new wife in on their wedding night. Kathlyn had asked Laura to be her maid of honour, but although she had been very flattered (she had actually cried a little) she had refused. (“I’m no maid, love, not by any stretch of the imagination,” she’d said. “In fact, if I try putting on a white dress on my wedding day, it’ll probably catch fire on my back.”) Kathlyn had made her promise to stick by her, though, and Laura had every intention of keeping her promise; she’d been hovering in the background like an incredibly sexy mother hen all day. Laura reached up to adjust Kathlyn’s veil, giving her friend a critical glance. “Well, you don’t look all that bad, I suppose,” she said. When Kathlyn gave and indignant squeal, she hastily amended. “All right, all right, you look bloody fabulous,” she laughed. “I just didn’t want to give you a swollen head, that’s all.” “It’s not my head that’s swollen,” Kathlyn said with a grin. Then she snapped her mouth shut, realising what she’d just said. She felt a furious blush spread across her face and neck, and hoped desperately that the thin white veil would conceal her embarrassment. No such luck, however. Laura’s eyes widened in surprise as Kathlyn’s comment registered, and then her lips parted in a wide, mischievous grin. “Why you cheeky little slut!” she giggled. “Are you thinking dirty thoughts about my brother?” Kathlyn felt her blush intensify and spread all the way down to her cleavage. “I…I didn’t mean… I mean, I didn’t…” she stammered. “Oh, don’t you try and talk your way out of it,” Laura said in a mock-stern voice. “All you posh girls are the same; can’t wait to get your hands on a hunky working-class man, stealing all the good ones away from the rest of us.” Still blushing furiously, Kathlyn couldn’t help but giggle along with her. “You’re partly right at least,” she said in a rush. “There’s one hunky guy I can’t wait to get my hands on.” She realised she must be more nervous that she’d thought; her mouth was completely running away with her. Still, saying things like that seemed more acceptable, somehow, when she was talking with Laura. Her future sister in-law was the sort of woman who didn’t take anything too seriously, especially things that had to do with relationships between men and women. She knew full well that any small indiscretions she might blurt out would never go any further. “Yes, I’ll bet there is,” Laura said, and winked. Then she took on a more serious tone, but still with a hint of laughter in her voice. “Is it true that the two of you haven’t been to bed yet?” “How on earth did you know that?” Kathryn asked, genuinely surprised. She wouldn’t have believed that a man would have gone around telling people that his girlfriend wouldn’t sleep with him. Her reticence about pre-marriage sex wasn’t something she advertised, though she didn’t keep it a big secret either. Kathlyn just felt it to be her own decision, and had no need to convert others to her view. “Oh, Michael told me some months ago,” Laura shrugged. When she saw Kathlyn’s incredulous look, she went on. “We don’t have many secrets from each other, you know.” Kathlyn knew; she had noticed from the beginning that Michael and Laura were good friends as well as siblings. Having grown up with a single mother who spent most of her time in two jobs, trying to support her children, Laura and Michael had spent a lot of time in each other’s company. “But is it true that you haven’t done it at all? Not even once?” Laura pressed on. “Well, no, we haven’t, really,” Kathlyn answered. “Although it’s been very close a few times.” “Go on, tell me more,” Laura insisted as she busied herself straightening Kathlyn’s veil. “There was this one time, we’d been out to dinner,” Kathlyn remembered. “We walked over to Michael’s flat, and I came up with him. We ended up on the couch, you know, kissing and feeling each other up a bit.” Laura made an encouraging noise in her throat as she pinned the front of the veil up on Kathlyn’s head. “Anyway,” Kathlyn went on, feeling her pussy respond to the memory, “Michael was feeling up my boobs, had his hand under my blouse, and then he put it under my skirt, on my thigh…” She drifted off. “Don’t stop now, keep going!” Laura chided. “And, and, I could feel his… you know, his…” Kathlyn stammered. “His cock, love, it’s called a cock,” Laura teased. “Well, all right then, his cock; I felt it though his pants, against my leg, and his hand was moving up between my legs, and I was all wet, you know, down there…” “Your pussy, that’s where,” Laura giggled naughtily. Kathlyn couldn’t help but smile back. “The point is, I just wanted to lie back and, you know, let him do it. Right then I just didn’t feel like asking him to wait; I wanted him to rip off my clothes and,” she winked, “have his way with me, right there.” Laura gave a ladylike little snort. “Have his way with you? What are you, a Barbara Cartland novel? You wanted my brother to fuck you silly, that’s what you wanted.” She gave Kathlyn a sharp look that was softened by her grinning eyes. “And don’t bother denying it. I’ve met girls like you before; all quiet and… and demure, like, on the outside, but once you get them going…” “Oh, like you’re one to talk,” Kathlyn retorted. “You, who go through more men in a month than I have hot meals.” Laura’s grin turned positively radiant. “What, so I’m a fun-loving girl. There a law against that?” “Oh, come on, you know what I meant.” “Of course I know,” Laura scoffed. She put her arms around Kathlyn and hugged her. “I didn’t mean to needle you, you know.” “I know that,” said Kathlyn, hugging Laura back. “I’m not offended or anything. It’s just that I’m not used to talking to anyone about these things. I don’t mind talking to you, though.” She felt the other woman’s body press full against hers. It wasn’t some polite little cheek-to-cheek hug; when Laura hugged someone, Kathlyn knew, it was because she meant it, and it showed. She inhaled a mixture of Laura’s perfume and hair, and all of a sudden she became very aware of how her sister in-law’s curvaceous body fitted against hers. With a guilty start she released her, but not before another twinge shot through her pussy. Laura, fortunately, had not noticed. Still with her hands on Kathlyn’s shoulders, she kept probing for details. “So you’ve never done it? I mean, not with anyone?” Kathlyn shook her head. “No, never.” “Not even had anyone go down on you? Or like, finger you?” “No. Although, I’m trusting that’ll change tonight.” Laura laughed a throaty laugh that Kathlyn somehow made Kathlyn’s belly flutter even more. “Oh, I think you can count on that,” she purred. “I got the impression Michael was about ready to crawl out of his skin, when I spoke with him.” “We wouldn’t want that, would we,” Kathlyn stated. “No, we certainly wouldn’t,” Laura agreed. “That would be a terrible waste.” She gave Kathlyn a crooked grin. “Speaking of skin, have you ever seen my brother in the buff?” “No, not really,” Kathlyn replied, a little hesitantly. “I mean, I’ve seen him in his swimming trunks, and shorts in the summer, but…” “Well, in that case, you have something to look forward to,” Laura said, her eyes aglow with naughtiness. “What do you mean?” Kathlyn asked. Laura just kept grinning, and then it struck Kathlyn. “You mean, his… cock?” Laura nodded slowly, deliberately, the naughty grin still in place. “That’s precisely what I mean,” she said. “Believe me, big brother is pretty well hung.” “How do you know?” Kathlyn asked, puzzled. Then a horrible suspicion dawned upon her. “Oh no, you haven’t… you two, you’re not…?” Laura looked at her, incomprehension on her face. Then she got it. Kathlyn was afraid she’d explode, but instead, Laura threw her head back and laughed. “Are you asking if I’m bonking my own brother?” she managed between gasps. “Christ no, of course I haven’t.” Kathlyn wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She had never been so embarrassed in her life. Laura, though, seemed to think it highly amusing. She wiped away a few tears, still giggling, but then she caught a glimpse of Kathlyn’s face, and suddenly she became serious. “Hey, what’s with the gloomy look?” she asked. Then comprehension dawned. “You don’t think you’ve offended me, do you?” “I’m… I’m so sorry, that was a horrible thing to say, and…” Kathlyn managed, feeling tears in her eyes. How could she possibly have thought something so terrible of her fiancé and her best friend? “Don’t be sorry,” Laura chided. “It was a perfectly legitimate question. Lots of people are closer to their family than they’re supposed to, you know,” she finished with a wink. Kathlyn felt immensely relieved, and a single tear found its way down her perfectly made-up cheek. Laura reached up and brushed it away with her finger, then swiped carefully at the other cheek as well, careful not to ruin the meticulously laid makeup. Kathlyn felt her fingers tenderly caress her face, then come to rest on both sides of her head, thumbs stroking her jaw softly. “I’m not offended; really, I’m not,” Laura assured her. “He is very attractive, though,” she added in a reflective tone of voice. “You think your brother is…” Kathlyn gulped, a lump in her throat still. “Well, yes; just because he’s my brother doesn’t mean I can’t think he’s hot, does it?” “I guess not,” Kathlyn conceded. “You know, when we were kids, we used to play doctor,” Laura said, her voice low and confiding. “’I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’, that sort of thing.” Kathlyn grinned a little at this; she could just picture them. “And we practiced kissing on each other one summer,” Laura went on. “He got to be pretty good at it, as I recall.” “He is,” Kathlyn shot back with a shy smile. Laura giggled. “Yes, I thought you’d have found out.” The wicked gleam came back in her eyes. “There’s something else you’re going to owe me for, as well.” “Oh? What’s that?” Kathlyn wondered. “Back when he was eighteen, I told him, in detail, how he should use his mouth on a girl’s pussy.” She smirked. “You can tell me tomorrow how good a teacher I was.” “Really? You did?” Kathlyn spluttered. “Mm-hm,” Laura nodded. “Although maybe I should have shown him instead of telling him. You know, give the poor boy some hands-on experience. Do him good, later in life.” She raised an eyebrow at Kathlyn’s aghast expression. “You’re giving me that look only because you’ve never had your pussy eaten,” she said frankly. “Believe me, love, that’s a feeling that’ll rid you of any number of scruples or moral consideration in a right hurry.” A dreamy look came across her face, and Kathlyn felt Laura’s fingers begin to caress her face in a not so innocent manner. “Nothing quite like a supple tongue working its way to your clit,” she murmured. There was definitely a husky undertone to her voice now. Kathlyn all of a sudden became very conscious of how close their bodies were, of Laura’s fingers on her cheeks. “So tell me,” Laura said, “exactly how good a kisser is my brother?” “Uh, he’s very good,” Kathlyn replied honestly. “Yes, I’ll bet you two have had a lot of practice,” Laura said. She leaned closer, her hands tightening a little as they cupped Kathlyn’s face. “Why don’t you show me?” Kathlyn cast a startled glance at the slightly shorter redhead. As she did, she realised with a start that the other woman’s nipples were showing clearly through the thin fabric of her dress. Then Laura leaned in close, obscuring all of Kathlyn’s vision. Kathlyn knew she should draw back or turn away as she saw Laura’s red, slightly parted lips move towards her own, but she didn’t. Because, she suddenly realised, she didn’t really want to. That second of hesitation proved to be enough for Laura, and suddenly it was to late, as their lips met in a soft kiss. Kathlyn had kissed only a few men in her life, and never another girl, and to her surprise she found the experience subtly different and immensely exciting. When Laura’s tongue pushed against her lips a second later, she parted them willingly, giving the redhead’s tongue full access to her mouth. A moment later, almost under its own volition, she felt her own tongue slide alongside Laura’s, past their lips and into her sweet mouth. Laura’s mouth, she noticed, tasted faintly of the complimentary champagne they were serving downstairs. This piece of sensory input made her pulse race, and her tongue probed deeper, more forcefully, into Laura’s mouth. The two women were standing with their bodies pressed against each other, Laura with her arms around Kathlyn’s neck, Kathlyn’s arms around her waist. Opening her eyes without breaking the kiss, Kathlyn saw, over Laura’s shoulder, their reflection in the mirror. It was a very erotic sight; she in her brilliant white wedding gown, voluminous skirts and veil, and Laura’s slender, green-clad figure pressed against her, flaming red hair cascading down her shoulders. Almost as if hypnotised she watched in the mirror as her own hand, seemingly acting independently of her, wandered down Laura’s back, feeling the sway of her back, and then the swell of her buttocks as her hand inched down. She cupped Laura’s buttock in her hands, squeezing gently, enjoying the firmness of her flesh under the thin dress. There was no panty line there that she could feel; Laura was either wearing a very flimsy, high-cut thong, or she was naked under her dress. She certainly wasn’t wearing a bra. In response to the hand on her butt, Laura pressed her hips against Kathlyn’s, undulating in a steady rhythm. Kathlyn felt her pussy swell even more, juices leaking into her white silk-and-lace panties. The panties, she remembered, that Laura had helped her pick out. The thought of Laura knowing exactly what she was wearing under her clothes excited her even more. Her hands cupping Kathlyn’s face, Laura was in control of the kiss. The initial curiosity behind them, the two women now started experimenting a little, agreeing without having spoken a word. Their lips would part and then meet again, tongues darting out to explore each other’s lips, tongue and mouth. Their lipstick, so carefully applied for the occasion, was smeared, their lips glistening with their own and each other’s saliva. Their kisses went from hungry to tender and back again, then stopped as they explored each other’s throat and neck with their lips and tongues. Laura dropped a hand down to Kathlyn’s breasts, cupping one through her gown, squeezing and kneading it gently. She could feel the tall brunette’s hand on her arse, burning her skin through her dress. She felt her juices flow from her freshly shaven cunt; she’d been hoping to snag a handsome man at the party for some fun that night. This, however, exceeded both her expectations and her imagination. She could not quite believe she was seducing her future sister in-law, but she was, and not only that, but it turned her on more than anything else had for a long time. She ground her hips harder against Kathlyn’s, as was rewarded with a soft moan and a tightening of the hand on her butt. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this; it was the worst sort of betrayal against her own brother, but guilt had never been Laura’ strong suit. She pushed all thoughts of morality and propriety firmly from her mind, and concentrated fully on the delicious feelings Kathlyn stirred in her. Kathlyn was on fire. Her pussy throbbed along with her pulse in her ears, her nipples strained against the fabric of her corset. The beautiful gown, which she’d been so happy about only minutes ago, was now nothing more than an impediment; she wanted to rip it off, to feel her flesh against Laura’s, to feel the other woman’s hands roam over her body, fingers pinching her nipples and plunging into her pussy. She gripped Laura’s body tighter, pressing her hard against her, desperate for release. Laura felt Kathlyn’s urgency, and the response it awakened inside herself. It suddenly occurred to her that she was standing here making out with not only a blushing bride, but an untouched one at that. Her mind flooded with all the things she could show Kathlyn, the wonderful things she could do to her and have her do to her in return. She took hold of Kathlyn’s free hand, moving it to her breast. Kathlyn responded just like she’d hoped, squeezing her breast through the thin fabric of her dress. The warmth from her hand permeated the cloth, feeling like it was searing her breast and nipple, which was poking hard into the hand that covered it. For the first time in her life, Kathlyn was feeling another woman’s breast in her hand. She squeezed gently, marvelling at the feeling of the large globe in her hand, the firmness so alike her own and yet so different. She knew that their breasts were roughly the same size; they’d borrowed bikinis from each other in the summer, and recently shopped for lingerie together. For the first time she felt she understood why men were so fascinated by women’s tits, as she massaged the swelling flesh under her fingers. She slid her other hand from Laura’s arse and around her hip, down to her thigh, which was exposed by the slit in her dress. Laura wasn’t wearing any stockings, and Kathlyn could feel the warm, silky smooth skin under her hand. She moved her hand to the back of Laura’s thigh and pushed upwards, feeling the swell of her naked buttock. Laura groaned into her mouth and shifted her legs a little, giving her better access. Kathlyn’s hand crept further back, until she felt the tips of her fingers dip into the crack of Laura’s tight arse. I was right, a tiny calm corner of her mind reflected; Laura isn’t wearing any panties. Kathlyn hesitated a little. Instinctively she knew that they could still stop this now, and with only a little mutual embarrassment to show for it. If she let her fingers keep wandering, however, there would be no way back for either of them. Her decision was made for her, though, as Laura shifted even more, twisting her hips. Kathlyn’s fingers slipped between Laura’s buttocks, and she felt her middle finger press against the hairless, puckered ring of her anus. Panic and exhilaration fought for control, and she could feel her heart pounding like a jackhammer. Suddenly she felt like she was suffocating, and she pulled her lips from Laura’s, gasping for breath. For a moment they stood there, face to face, so close they were inhaling each other’s breath. Laura was the first to speak. “Having second thoughts, love?” she panted. “I don’t know,” replied Kathlyn, equally out of breath. Her whole body was tingling with desire, as bad as it had that one time on the couch with Michael. “It’s not like you’re cheating,” Laura said. “Not really. You’re not married yet.” Kathlyn looked dubious, and Lauren went on, fast. “Besides, it’s not the same as with a man. Not really.” Kathlyn still wasn’t convinced, and it must have shown in her face. “Look,” Laura went on, “sleeping with a man is one thing. That’s, that’s like serious, you know?” She took a deep breath. “Sex with a woman, though, that’s just fun. It doesn’t mean, like, it doesn’t mean the same.” “I don’t think we should…” Kathlyn began, but she could tell that her voice wasn’t as strong and determined as she would have liked it to be. Maybe they shouldn’t, at that, but she sure as hell wanted to. Laura looked her deeply in the eyes, and then her face split in an impish grin. “And besides, I’m just gagging for it. Come on, Kath. Don’t think so much about it; let’s just do it!” Kathlyn couldn’t help but laugh, and in doing so, felt the tension ease away, leaving only the warm, all-consuming glow of arousal. She relished the feeling of the warm, supple body in her arms, the feminine curves pressed against her own, the hungry mouth that had drunk so deeply of her own lips only moments earlier. She cast a glance over at the nightstand clock, and in doing so, knew that she’d made up her mind. “It’s another 50 minutes ‘till they come for me,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Time enough,” Laura assured her, her hands already roaming over Kathlyn’s body. “You’ll have to help me with the dress,” Kathlyn whispered, their lips almost touching. “No time to take it all off,” Laura said, then kissed her softly. “We’ll just push it out of the way. I’ll help you straighten it out before it is time.” “All right,” Kathlyn agreed, and that was the last thing any of them said for a while. Their lips found each other with unerring accuracy, and they resumed their passionate kiss. Both Kathlyn’s hands went up to Laura’s big breasts, cupping and kneading them through her dress. A small part of her mind was reminding her of how perfectly illogical it was to have abstained from sex out of wedlock her whole life only to sleep with her future sister in-law less than an hour before her wedding, but another part of her brain was in charge of things now, and it wasn’t taking any calls at the moment. She pinched Laura’s erect nipples through her dress, while their tongues swirled round each other, mixing saliva and exploring each other’s warm, wet mouths. Laura started pushing Kathlyn gently back towards the bed, and the two women staggered the few steps across the floor, both unwilling to interrupt their embrace for even a scant few seconds. They stopped when the back of Kathlyn’s knees bumped against the bed. Laura kept pushing, making Kathlyn sit on the bed’s edge, then pushing her further back until she was lying across the bed, her feet on the floor. Laura sat on one knee next to her, leaning over her prone body, her lips trailing wetly along Kathlyn’s throat. Then she swung one long leg over Kathlyn, kneeling astride her, the split in her dress revealing one smooth, tanned leg all the way up to her upper thigh. Laura sat up straight over Kathlyn, her fingers going to the intricate laces down along the front of the bodice of her wedding gown. As the redhead started undoing the laces, the tip of her tongue showing in the corner of her mouth in concentration, Kathlyn’s hand drifted to the other woman’s exposed leg. Again she marvelled at the smooth skin over supple muscles as her hand wandered up along her sister in-law’s leg. She reached the hem of Laura’s dress, and slipped her hand underneath, this time at the front of her thigh. While Laura’s agile fingers worked their way down the front of her bodice, Kathlyn’s questing fingers moved around to the baby-soft skin on the inside of Laura’s thigh. A few centimetres higher up, and her fingers touched the moist, swollen flesh of another woman’s pussy for the very first time. Kathlyn could feel a tightening of her stomach as her fingers stroked Laura’s wet, completely hairless pussy. She felt her fingers become wet with Laura’s juices, and her own pussy twitched in sympathetic anticipation. She let her fingers slide slowly through the slick folds of flesh, across her swollen clitoris (something which elicited a small gasp from Laura) and further back, to the entrance of her pussy. While Kathlyn might have been a virgin, she had masturbated regularly since the age of 15, so she knew exactly what she was doing. Slowly she started her fingers massaging the entrance to Laura’s sopping wet hole in little circles. Then, still making that circular motion, she started pushing her middle finger inside the woman straddling her. Laura was dripping wet, and Kathlyn’s finger encountered no resistance at all; on the contrary, she could feel muscles she’d never even known about tighten around her finger, trying to suck it inside the warm, wet cavity. The redhead’s deft fingers had by now unlaced the front of Kathlyn’s wedding gown, and now went to work on the simpler lacings of her corset underneath. The corset, as intended, was lifting and compressing Kathlyn’s large breasts, and Laura quite literally felt her mouth watering as she slowly uncovered more and more of the firm globes. She leaned down, kissing what flesh was already exposed, her lips coming closer and closer to the nipple for every lace she unlaced. She kept her bum in the air and her legs well apart, allowing Kathlyn’s probing finger unrestricted access to her pussy. For someone who’s never had sex before, she reflected, she sure knows what to do. Finally she had unlaced the corset sufficiently, and peeling the semi-rigid cloth aside, she practically dove on Kathlyn’s breasts. Normally she would’ve taken the time to plant soft little kisses all over the other woman’s tits before taking a nipple in her mouth, but right now she had neither the patience nor the time for that sort of thing. Her lips closed over one erect nipple, and she sucked it greedily into her mouth. She bit gently at the base of the nipple while simultaneously swirling her tongue around the tip, and was rewarded with a hoarse moan from Kathlyn, who arched her back, trying to force more of her breast inside her lover’s mouth. The tingling sensation radiating from Kathlyn’s nipple and breast was driving her wild. Her breasts were large enough that she was able to bring her nipple to her mouth and suck on it, so she was no stranger to the sensation as such, but it always made her neck hurt. Now, however, she could just lean back and enjoy the feeling as another mouth sucked and teased her nipples. As a token of her gratitude, she pulled her finger out of Laura’s pussy and instead started rubbing in careful little circles around her clit. That the gesture was appreciated was obvious from the way Laura’s hips bucked, and the soft moan muffled by the nipple in her mouth. Abandoning Kathlyn’s nipples, Laura slid herself down along her white-clad body, until she was kneeling on the floor between Kathlyn’s legs. She took hold of the hem of the heavy silk skirts and started pulling them up, bunching them around the brunette’s hips. Kathlyn immediately understood what her lover had in mind, and raised her hips, lending a hand to the process. Her pussy was screaming for attention under the cumbersome gown, and she was desperate to feel the other woman’s fingers playing with her as she had just done. With a final effort, Laura stood, leaning over the bride on the bed, and pushed her skirts the last of the way up over her hips. She looked in admiration on the long, slender legs clad in white stockings, with a white garter around one thigh. The flimsy white panties were already soaked through with Kathlyn’s juices; Laura had never dreamed, when she’d helped her pick them out, that she and not her brother would be the one to pull them down those gorgeous legs. She slid her hands up along the insides of Kathlyn’s thighs, feeling the heat radiating from her pussy. Then she put her knees on the edge of bed between the prone woman’s spread legs, and leaned over her to kiss her full on the mouth. They held the kiss for a while; then Laura started kissing and licking her way down Kathlyn’s chin and throat to her bare breast. She cupped them in her hands, pressing the globes together and lifting the nipples to her mouth. She sucked and nibbled first on one, then the other, before continuing on her way down Kathlyn’s chest and belly. As she slipped to her knees beside the bed, Kathlyn raised her self up on her elbows to see above the bunched-up skirts around her hips. Laura’s long, red curls trailed up across her own stomach, the deep copped colour is sharp contrast to the pure white of her wedding gown. The old phrase ‘scarlet woman’ flashed through her mind, and she felt her pussy twitch again. She felt a twinge of shame as well, thinking about poor Michael, whose sister was now about to help herself to that which he had been denied for so long, but another wave of lust wiped that thought from her mind. It was much too late to stop now, she knew; she needed release, or she’d never make it through the wedding ceremony. Laura knelt between Kathlyn’s legs, practically salivating with anticipation. Carefully, she pulled the gusset of Kathlyn’s soaked panties aside, and stared in admiration at the pussy now exposed before her eyes. A neat triangle of brown hair covered the pubic mound, with more sparse hair growth along the outer labia. Those outer lips were thick and swollen, the inner lips protruding between them. Gently parting the lips with her thumbs, Laura found the clitoris, red and swollen and obviously aching for some attention. The redhead leaned down, inhaling Kathlyn’s musky scent. She planted a soft, wet kiss on the inside of her sister in-law’s thigh, then turned her had to do likewise on the other side. Then she parted her lips and pressed her mouth to Kathlyn’s pussy. Using one hand to hold the white panties to the side, she cupped her own full breast with the other one, as her tongue tasted the juices of the virgin pussy under her mouth. For the first time in he life, Kathlyn felt the touch of a tongue on her pussy. The feeling was indescribable. Laura’s tongue darted in and out of her wet hole like a dog drinking from a bowl, scooping juices out while teasing her mercilessly. Then her tongue started moving up from the entrance to Kathlyn’s pussy, licking along the inner labia as it steadily moved up towards her clit. Kathlyn could feel Laura’s thumbs pulling her pussy lips apart, and then the redhead’s lips sealed themselves over her pussy, sucking the hard little clit into her mouth where her tongue started twirling and flicking over it with a steady rhythm clearly born of experience. As much as she would have liked to, Kathlyn was much too excited to be able to withstand Laura’s oral attention for very long. Faster than she ever had, she felt her orgasm begin to build inside her, feeding on itself, growing stronger and stronger with every second. She tried to hold back, to savour the moment as long as possible, but it was futile. Like the faint tremors prior to an earthquake, her body started to shiver as the orgasm began deep inside her and rose rapidly to the surface. She felt the muscles of her first her thighs, then her abdomen, tighten, and then her climax burst through, washing away any semblance of coherent thought. For what felt like forever the only thing that existed in Kathlyn’s world was the incredible ecstasy roaring though her, and the feeling of Laura’s soft lips and firm tongue massaging her clitoris without pause. The orgasm completely took her breath away, leaving her gasping and heaving for air, but that was a good thing, as otherwise she would more than likely have screamed her head off, and that would really have put a dampener on her wedding. After the last tremors had left Kathlyn’s body, Laura pulled her lips, sticky and glistening with pussy juice, from the brunette’s cunt. Kathlyn’s impressive breasts were rising and falling as she heaved for breath. Laura pulled her self up on the bed, and stretched out next to her sister in-law, who turned her head heavily and looked at her with glazed eyes. Laura smiled lovingly at her as she brushed a loose strand of hair from Kathlyn’s face, before leaning in for a kiss. She stopped short of the other woman’s lips, not sure how she would feel about kissing a mouth that had just slaked its proverbial thirst at her own pussy. She needn’t have worried, though; Kathlyn put a hand at the back of her head, tangling her fingers deep in those curly red tresses, and pulled her face down to hers for a deep, passionate kiss. When their lips parted, Laura sat halfway up in the bed. Then she reached up and pulled the top of her strapless green dress down below her breasts. Kathlyn noticed with a certain naughty glee that Laura’s breasts were completely free of tan lines; they had the same golden sheen as the rest of her. Laura cupped her hands under her breasts, kneading the D-cup globes, pinching her nipples whilst looking expectantly at Kathlyn. Although inexperienced, Kathlyn understood what Laura wanted of her, and rose up on her elbows, bringing her mouth to the lovely redhead’s erect nipples. Still supporting herself on her right elbow, Kathlyn reached up with her left hand, caressing the soft skin of Laura’s arm, shoulder and eventually, breasts. She sucked on the nipple in her mouth like a starving infant, rubbing it hard with her flat tongue, making Laura moan in appreciation. Holding her head firmly to her breast, Laura rolled onto her back, pulling Kathlyn on top of her in a rustle of silk. She felt the smooth touch of the silk wedding gown on her naked leg and arms, and it was an intensely erotic experience; not just because of the texture of the silk, but because of the dress itself and its implications. Her pussy throbbed with raw hunger, and Laura knew that she would have to get off in a hurry, or she just might give herself a stroke. “How are you feeling?” she whispered down at Kathlyn’s head. The brunette raised her head from Laura’s breasts, the nipples glistening with saliva. “I feel wonderful, thanks,” she said with an impish grin. “I could really use some attention down there too, you know,” Laura half-teased. “Is that a hint?” Kathlyn asked, obviously enjoying tormenting her. “And not a very subtle one,” Laura concurred. She was secretly amazed at how (relatively) steady her voice was; inside, she felt like she was literally about to melt. “Well, I guess it’s only fair for me to return the favour,” Kathlyn teased. As she spoke, her hand was moving down Laura’s belly, fingers trailing softly. Her hand reached the top of the split in Laura’s dress and disappeared underneath, going straight for the redhead’s wet pussy. Laura groaned out loud as the eager fingers found her clit. She would really have preferred being eaten out, but she realised that might be much to ask of Kathlyn at this time. She was very pleasantly surprised, though, when Kathlyn, after a few wet kisses on her nipples, slid down along her body to drop to her knees next to the bed. “Pull up your dress,” Kathlyn commanded huskily, and Laura clawed frantically at the slick fabric, desperate to comply. Laura felt her sister in-laws hands stroke the insides of her thighs, and she could see the brunette’s eyes fixed in fascination at what Laura realised was her first look at another woman’s pussy. Kathlyn’s lips parted, her tongue darting out to moisten them as her fingers delicately parted the clean-shaven, swollen folds of Laura’s warm, wet pussy. Her wedding dress, now in a pile around her as she knelt on the floor, rustled as she leaned forward, her full, sensual lips moving as if being pulled towards the steamy pussy in front of her face. When her mouth touched Laura’s pussy, a jolt not unlike an electrical current shot through the redhead. She could feel Kathlyn’s lips and tongue on her sex, tasting and teasing, prodding and probing. Whatever Kathlyn lacked in expertise, she more than made up for in enthusiasm. The little smacking sounds as she kissed and sucked on Laura’s pussy lips and clitoris were accompanied by low moans of delight as she tasted another woman’s pussy for the first time. Laura’s hands went automatically to her own breasts, pinching her nipples. The tingling sensation from her nipples travelled down to meet those Kathlyn produced in her pussy somewhere in her belly, where they joined and grew to a slowly expanding ball of warm pleasure, pleasure that began to radiate out into her arms and legs and Kathlyn continued her enthusiastic ministrations between her legs. Laura wanted nothing more than to throw her head back on the bed and surrender to the pleasure, but found herself unable to tear her eyes from the sight of Kathlyn’s head between her thighs. The perfectly made-up eyes, the artfully arranged brown hair with strands of intertwined silver and pearls, the flimsy white veil she herself had fastened to her head only minutes earlier. Kathlyn kept throwing glances up at her from under her eyelashes, and the hungry, sultry look in those brown eyes sent shivers of delight down Laura’s spine. A movement caught Laura’s eye, and her attention snapped to the door she could see behind Kathlyn’s kneeling form. It was opened halfway, and a tall, masculine figure in a black tuxedo was already in the process of entering the room. He was entering backwards, his head turning from left to right in a surreptitious way as he checked the landing outside, his whole attitude proclaiming louder than words that he was sneaking around in places he knew he shouldn’t be. Laura felt her arousal turn to raw, naked terror at the thought of being caught, but she was completely paralysed, unable to move or speak. Kathlyn, still busy between Laura’s thighs, had noticed nothing. The man, his back still turned to the two women on the bed, closed the door noiselessly and turned to them, a wide, charming smile on his face. Laura finally managed a gasp of terror as she looked into the eyes of her brother Michael, the groom himself. “I know it’s not allowed, but I just had to see…” he began, and then his brain caught up to his eyes as he took in the tableau in front of him. Laura saw with towering horror and shame the look on his face as he first clearly refused to believe his eyes, and then the shock when he realised he wasn’t hallucinating. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, his whole face going deathly pale. Kathlyn, having heard her fiancé’s voice behind her, spun around in horror. Laura could her a breathless little “Oh, God, no!” from her as she stared at Michael in equal shock. Laura had never been the type to be ashamed of herself; she wasn’t overly bothered with conscience, at least not in her sex life, but this was a little much for even her to brush aside. The pain on Michael’s face was clear as day, the terrible agony of betrayal; betrayal by the two people the loved and trusted the most in the world. Making up for this, Laura thought, would probably take the rest of her life, and even that might not be enough. “Oh God, Michael, I…” Kathlyn stammered. ”It isn’t like... I mean, we… oh God, no…” She teetered off, her voice choked, as the first racking sob shook her body. Kathlyn felt tears filling her eyes as she stared in horror at the man she loved. Michael didn’t say anything, just kept staring numbly at her. Then his eyes dropped from hers, taking in the sight of her open gown, the large breasts exposed to the world, traces of Laura’s lipstick around the nipples. His eyes went back to her face, and she saw them widen a little further. For a moment she didn’t make the connection, but then she realised her lips and chin must be glistening wet with Laura’s juices. She frantically tried to rub her face, to wipe herself clean, but froze in mid-motion when the saw the dawning fury her gesture invoked in his eyes. “Listen, Michael, this is all my fault,” Laura began, but snapped her mouth shut when she saw the naked rage in her brother’s eyes as he looked at them both. “Shut the fuck up, you slut,” he hissed venomously. “And you,” he said, turning his attention to Kathlyn, “what the hell are you two doing?” “Michael, honey, I… we…” Kathlyn stammered as she tried to pull her dress together, to cover her breasts. “Oh, why am I even bothering,” Michael snarled. “It’s pretty fucking obvious what you were doing. How could you!?” He took a couple of long steps into the room, halving the distance between them. “I loved you, you utter bitch!” he hissed. “I put up with your little fancies; I never touched you, never pressed you, and I stayed faithful, never even looking at other women! And now you do this?! And with my own goddamn SISTER?!” Michael was trembling with rage, and Kathlyn just wanted to drop dead right on the spot. He was absolutely right. How could she do something like this to him? She had endured for so long, even though she’d wanted him so bad, and then, on the very day of their wedding, dressed in her wedding gown and everything, she cheated on him. It was completely unforgivable. “And Laura,” Michael said, rounding on his sister. Apparently words failed him, because he just stood there, glaring furiously at her, while his mouth opened and closed in search for words. Finally he found some. “My own sister,” he went on. “How the fuck could you do this to me?” “Michael, just let me explain…” Laura began desperately. “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXPLANATIONS!!” Michael thundered. Both women wince, and Laura cast a glance at the door, praying that no one would be outside. Thank God the window was closed. “Michael, I’m so sorry, so very sorry!” Kathlyn pleaded. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear I will. I’ll find some way to…” “Damn straight you’ll make it up to me,” Michael spat. Then an evil gleam appeared in his eyes. “And I know just how you’ll start, too.” “What… what do you mean?” Kathlyn stuttered, a different kind of fear spreading through her. Michael was the last person on earth from whom she’d expect violence, but he certainly had been pushed beyond any reasonable limits right now. “I just thought,” said Michael in a low voice dripping with malice, “that since you so willingly used that lying mouth of yours on my sister, you’re going to do the same to me.” As he spoke, his hands went to his zipper, which he pulled down roughly. He reached inside his pants, and after a bit of fumbling, produced his slowly swelling cock. “Jesus, Michael, you can’t do…” Laura protested, but she was silence by the most hateful glare anyone had ever given her. “You just shut the fuck up, you slut,” her brother hissed. “You and I are not done yet; not by a long shot. Now just sit there and shut the hell up, or I’ll make you regret it.” Michael reached down and grabbed a fistful of hair at the back of Kathlyn’s head, pulling her roughly towards his now semi-hard cock. “Open your mouth, you little bitch,” he snarled. “You’re going to suck my cock, and if you even think of protesting, I’ll go downstairs and cancel the whole damned wedding right now!” Kathlyn just stared at the cock bobbing up and down in front of her teary eyes, slowly growing as it was filled with blood. She had never seen an erect cock before, except in pictures and a porno movie or two. From her limited experience, she’d have to admit that Michael’s cock was pretty large. At present it looked maybe 6 inches or so, and it was still not at full size. She looked up at Michael, her eyes beseeching him to stop what he was doing, but as her eyes met his, she realised that begging for mercy would be futile. She had never seen him this angry before, and she was suddenly very much aware how much bigger and stronger than her he was. Also, just the thought of Michael cancelling the wedding made her stomach cramp in anguish. She loved him with all her heart, and truly wanted to spend the rest of her life with him; what had happened between Laura and her had changed nothing of that. I should just do what he wants, she thought to herself as the tip of Michael’s cock inched closer to her upturned face. I’ll let him work off some anger now, and later he’ll be sorry, and I can forgive him, and everything will be all right. Her train of thought was rudely interrupted when Michael yanked her head towards his cock. Kathlyn opened her mouth in protest, but didn’t get out a word, as Michael’s cock pressed against her lips and then forced its way into her mouth. Kathlyn froze in surprise as the swollen head pushed its way inside her mouth, the semi-erect shaft sliding between her parted lips. Michael kept pushing, his hand keeping a firm grip on her hair, and didn’t stop until the head of his cock butted against the back of her throat. Then he pulled back, sliding the shaft out until only the head was left inside her lips, and then thrust forward, once again filling her mouth with his cock. Michael soon fell into a steady rhythm, pumping his cock in and out of Kathlyn’s warm mouth, grunting softly each time his dick slid in. He was rough on her, pumping hard while keeping a painfully hard grip on the fistful of hair, but to Kathlyn, that was perfectly all right; he had every right to be angry with her, she thought. His cock had swollen even more with the first few strokes, and was now at its largest. Kathlyn had to open her mouth as wide as she could to accept the whole girth of his rod inside her mouth. Prior to the wedding she had dreamed of sucking Michael’s cock; the idea of having him in her mouth had never disgusted her, quite the contrary. She had found the notion very erotic, and had been looking forward to surprising him with her brazenness on their wedding night. The present circumstances weren’t anything like what she’d wished for, but nevertheless, she was beginning to enjoy the act itself. The way Michael’s cock felt in her mouth was precisely like she’d hoped it would be: long and thick, with a soft, yielding head and a hard shaft covered with soft, smooth skin. She felt the veins and little bumps and ridges as they slid across her tongue and lips. The feeling of having her mouth stuffed full of cock was actually quite arousing, and Kathlyn felt herself warming to the situation. She was very careful, though, to keep any satisfaction off her face; Michael clearly did this to punish her, and it wouldn’t do at all to have him think she was enjoying it. Laura was sitting on the bed, watching her brother shove his now rock-hard cock in and out of Kathlyn’s wide-open mouth. She wanted to get out of there, to flee with her shame (which was, in truth, fading to mere embarrassment as she sat there; Laura never was one for regret and self-recrimination). Gradually, however, she caught herself taking more of an interest in what went on in front of her. She wasn’t consciously aware of this interest until she suddenly caught herself looking with admiration at her brother’s cock, and feeling a touch of envy directed at Kathlyn. She was, Laura abruptly realised, becoming aroused by looking at them. She was still somewhat afraid of Michael, too much so to say anything or try to leave, but as she sat on the bed, her dress bunched around her waist, but fear (and embarrassment) was fading fast at the onset of excitement. She looked on the big cock, almost 9 inches long in her experienced estimation, with something very far indeed from sisterly affection. Laura had never given any thoughts to incestuous relationship, in general or as applied to her in particular. She’d always figured that there was plenty of fish in the ocean, and no need to go looking for them close to home, as it were. Now, though, she felt her pussy tingle in that oh-so-familiar feeling of arousal as she watched her brother’s magnificent cock. He was pistoning it in and out of Kathlyn’s mouth with long, deep strokes, and Laura could all but feel how it would feel like in her mouth, filling it up, sliding against her tongue, the salty pre-come leaking out of the tiny slit on the head. Her hand moved between her legs, and she gave a little start of surprise when she felt her fingers touch her pussy. For a moment Laura contemplated the wrongness of what she was doing, but in her usual fashion, dismissed the notion immediately. If it felt good for everyone involved, it was OK, in her opinion, and masturbation usually did exactly that. Slowly she rubbed her fingers along her slit, feeling the juices seep out as she started stroking back and forth. She had been close to orgasm from Kathlyn’s mouth when they were interrupted, and now she again became aware that her pussy was craving satisfaction. She played with herself, sliding two fingers in and out of her wet hole as she rubbed her clit with her thumb, all the while admiring her brother’s cock. Her eyes wandered up his body, past the curly brown pubes (he had their mother’s colouration; her hair was from their father’s side of the family) and the flat abs and muscular chest under his tuxedo shirt, over the square, clean-shaven chin, the regular lines of his face with the crooked, slightly large nose, straight brows over brown eyes, and the high forehead ending in short, brown curls. She was a little amazed that she’d never before considered her brother as a sex partner; he more than met the physical criteria, and moral considerations never played much of a part in Laura’s decision-making processes. Kneeling in front of her fiancé in her wedding dress, Kathlyn cast a glance at Laura on the bed, and almost choked on Michael’s cock when she saw where the redhead’s hand was occupied. It was one thing for her to take some secret pleasure in this, but Michael was Laura’s brother, for God’s sake! Still, seeing her recent lover masturbate to the sight of her having her mouth raped somehow added to the excitement she was already feeling. Kathlyn could feel her pussy going wet again, and her nipples standing straight out, stiff and hard. She wanted to sneak a hand under her heavy skirts and play with herself as well, but didn’t dare for fear of Michael noticing. Michael, standing above her, was beginning to feel his balls tightening slightly, and knew his orgasm wasn’t far away. He was seeing everything through a red haze; he wanted to punish Kathlyn, to humiliate her like she’d humiliated him, have her pay for all those months of abstinence. He looked down at her, kneeling in front of him in her virginal white wedding dress, her large breasts jutting proudly between the folds of white silk; her lovely face partially shaded by her veil, his cock pumping in and out of her wide-open mouth. The sperm was rising in his shaft now; a few more strokes, and he’d be there. Casting a glance at the bed where his sister was sitting, just to keep an eye on her, Michael was shocked beyond words when his brain registered what his eyes were taking in. Laura was sitting upright on the bed, staring at Kathlyn’s face being fucked by his cock. She held her legs apart, supporting herself on one arm while the other one was busy between her thighs. Michael stared at his sister’s swollen, hairless pussy, her fingers moving rhythmically between the lips of her pussy, coated in her juices up to the last knuckle. That sight, combined with Kathlyn’s mouth on his cock, proved too much for Michael, and with a barely suppressed roar her slammed his cock as deep into Kathlyn’s mouth as it could physically get, and unloaded two weeks’ worth of come down her throat. He held her head forcibly in place on his cock with one hand behind her head and his cock jerked again and again, shooting stream after stream of sticky sperm into her mouth. Kathlyn nearly gagged on his cock, but managed to keep it down, and when the come started spraying into her throat, she swallowed desperately, not because she wanted to, but because it was either that or choking on it. Michael didn’t say a word as hic cock pumped Kathlyn’s mouth full of come, partly because it felt so good, and partly because the sight of his masturbating sister on the bed had robbed him of speech. As the last spasm of orgasm subsided, though, he found he’d gotten his wits back. “So you’re liking this, are you, you slut,” he said bitterly to his sister. “Well, let’s see if you like this, too!” Feeling rage swell in him again, Michael pulled his still hard cock from Kathlyn’s mouth with a wet sound. A long stride brought him to the bed, and he climbed in, scooting next to Laura on his knees as he reached out and grabbed a fistful of her thick red hair in one hand. For a moment, just as he came in Kathlyn’s mouth, there had been something else shining through the rage and lust, something like regret. He loved Kathlyn, and for a moment he’d felt bad about having forced himself on her. Now, though, rage had effectively smothered any semblance of regret. He pulled Laura’s head down to his crotch, his other hand grasping the base of his cock, lifting it to point at her descending face. It was still partially stiff; he hadn’t masturbated for nearly two weeks, wanting to save himself a little for his wedding night, and he figured he could keep going for some time yet. Laura gave a squeal as Michael savagely pulled her head down to his cock. “Open your mouth and suck it, bitch,” he snarled. Laura was acutely aware of how much stronger her brother was, and felt quite intimidated. To her surprise, intimidation and arousal seemed to mix very well. Almost automatically, she opened her mouth, and felt Michael’s thick shaft, still coated in Kathlyn’s saliva, slide into her mouth. She felt it twitch as it entered her mouth, and she sucked down hard, letting the suction pull the cock deeper. “That’s right you little slut,” Michael said huskily to his sister. “Suck it hard. You’ve had a lot more practice, haven’t you?” Kathlyn was watching the events on the bed with wide-eyed shock, but also a certain amount of fascination. She wondered if that was what she had looked like when she sucked Michael’s cock. She stared as if hypnotised at the thick, glistening pole moving in and out of Laura’s mouth. Then she noticed Laura’s hand between her legs, fingers working busily at her clit. Oh my God, she’s masturbating, Kathlyn thought. She’s enjoying it! She’s sucking her own brother’s cock, and she’s enjoying it! True enough, Laura was enjoying it. She was a very oral person, and loved to give head to her sex partners, both male and female. Michael’s thick cock between her lips turned her on quite profoundly, and the knowledge that it was her own brother only added to the thrill. Michael still had a firm grip on her hair, and was moving her head up and down on his now bone-hard cock, but she was in no way resisting; had he let go of her, she’d have kept going, regardless. “Get up here,” Michael barked at Kathlyn, still kneeling next to the bed. When she hesitated, he pointed at the bed next to Laura. “Get up here! Now!” Kathlyn felt a little shiver of fear at the sound of his voice. Hurriedly she scrambled onto the bed, the bulk of her wedding gown making her clumsy and awkward. Her eyes, though, were still flickering between Michael’s cock in Laura’s mouth and Laura’s fingers working away at her cunt. Michael’s eyes followed Kathlyn’s down to Laura’s crotch. “Why you filthy little slut,” he snarled. “So you’re liking this, huh. Well, since you’re having so much fun, I guess you might as well try the real thing.” Still keeping