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Tears came to my eyes and I cried silently… tears of joy, tears of relief. Thank God I left when I did. Thank the fates that I had taken control of my life and walked away, not just a survivor, but also a participator in my own life. None of those things made much sense to me, but I was overcome with emotion and a deep hunger to simply live.As I sat there, tears drying on my face, a lovely woman passed by. She smiled at me and nodded her head. Eagerly, starving for kindness, I returned the nod and felt a great smile break across my face. She walked away, her swimsuit hugging her curves, her long blonde hair billowing out behind her.I returned to my musings, wishing not for food, but for a pad of paper and a pencil so I could jot down my thoughts. I was completely lost in myself when the woman returned. She startled me with a soft tap on the shoulder, and I jerked as I looked up at her. She wore that same sweet smile and held out her hand.“Come on little one. Come join my husband and I. We’re a lonely old couple and could use a bit of youth to make us laugh.”I returned her smile again, and took her hand. Together we walked a long way down the beach. I could see no destination at first, but eventually a plume of smoke began to take shape in the night. She was silent, but held my hand as we walked. I felt so safe with her. So warm and welcome. The smoke soon became a low fire beside a tent, as it grew large on the horizon, and I made out the shape of a man sitting nearby. He rose as we approached and put his arm around his wife. In the light of the fire, I guessed the two of them to be in their forties, although they were both very attractive and youthful.The man had black curly hair, long, casual, and roguish in style. His dark eyes glittered as he took my hand and offered me a place to sit. I was near tears again at their kindness and seated myself cross-legged in front of their fire.“My name is Allie, and this is Peter. We travel a bit to see the world while we’re still young enough to enjoy it. We came here in the seventies right after we’d met, and now we’re back to revisit our youth.” She smiled as she looked at Peter, the light of deep love glittering in her eyes.“Are you hungry little one?” Peter asked, returning that loving look to his wife before he spoke to me. “We have cheese and crackers and I believe we still have a bit of smoked oysters left. You’re welcome to anything we have.”I tugged at my leather bound braids. “Yes, thank you. I’m very hungry.” I whispered softly. Allie moved immediately to the tent and emerged a few minutes later with a Styrofoam plate heaping with pungent sharp cheddar, small delicate wafers, oysters and a handful of fruit. She handed it to me reverently, as if she was afraid I would run away, that enigmatic smile still naturally in place on her lips.I felt my stomach quiver in anticipation as the smell of the cheese struck me. Immediately I began to eat, forgetting about the two of them in my hunger. Some minutes later, the plate empty, I raised my head, expecting the both of them to be staring at me like the graceless fool that I felt, but I was pleased to see that Peter was reclining in a lounge chair, staring up at the stars, and Allie was draped across his lap. They had respectfully given me privacy as I gorged my empty belly on their humble, but appreciated offering.“T-thank you,” I whispered, “Thank you very much. I was hungry.”“Anytime little one. Do you have a name, or do you prefer little one?” Allie asked kindly.I grinned at once. “Sorry. My name is Rain.”Peter smiled and remarked what a nice name that was, but that he might slip and call me little one anyway because I was so tiny and delicate. He hoped I wouldn’t mind if he did so. Laughing, I assured him I would not. Somehow, as we sat there, I began to tell them about myself, although they never once asked. I told them my age, and where I had come from and how I came to be all alone on a near deserted beach in south Texas. I found myself spilling over about the epiphanies I had experienced just before Allie found me. Sobbing with happiness, I exposed my soul to them and felt only warm acceptance in return.“Rain, you’re such a lovely young woman. I feel very close to you and appreciate the way you’ve opened up to us. I’m certain Peter feels the same way. All too often in this world, people tighten up and never allow those deep inner feelings to emerge. I can’t help thinking that if more folks did, the world might become infected and this would be a much better place to live.” Allie’s words calmed me and made me feel good about baring my soul. Peter nodded in agreement with his wife and I saw them exchange a meaningful look. She rose and rummaged about in a bag by her feet, finally removing a hairbrush and a spray bottle filled with what looked like water. Approaching me slowly, she put her hand on my shoulder and spoke close to my ear.“I’m a hairdresser by trade, though I gave it up long ago. May I brush your hair Rain?”“Yes.” I replied, although I didn’t know why I would agree to such a strange request. I only knew that I felt safe, warm, full and happy.She sat down behind me and put both legs around my body. I felt her gentle fingers slowly loosen the small bands of leather that held my hair. I blinked my eyes and sighed as she worked on each tight braid, first working out the knots that had accumulated, then spreading each section away from the other until my hair hung free and loose.“That’s better,” she whispered, “Now let’s see if we can brush those tangles out.”I sat still and watched Peter close his eyes, a look of deep contentment on his handsome face. Allie’s fingers were like magic. She held the brush loosely and worked on each section for a long time, humming softly under her breath. Floating on a cloud of happiness and well being, I drifted away to another place. A place that I shared with Allie and Peter.As I sat there, feeling so good, so sleepy and happy with Allie’s long cool fingers entwined in my hair, I felt a hand on my knee. Opening my eyes, I saw Peter’s face before me, his eyes staring intently, his hand softly stroking my skin.“You’re so beautiful Rain… so young and fresh. Your hair is the same color as mine and your eyes are so blue it almost hurts to look into them.” He wore a smile… a smile that set me at ease right away.Behind me, Allie murmured her agreement, set the brush down and began to spray my back and shoulders with the water. Peter took a soft cloth and wiped away the water, taking with it the accumulation of dirt from the road. I felt their hands on me, but I was not alarmed. Instead I was overwhelmed at their caring touches and their small murmurs of encouragement.Dazed, and beginning to feel a little like Alice in Wonderland, I eventually felt hands tugging at my t-shirt. As if in a dream, I lifted my arms and felt the cool night air lick my body as Allie tugged the shirt away. Next, my embroidered shorts were unsnapped, Allie urged me to lie back against her, and Peter began to tug them over my hips and down the length of my legs.When I lay naked before them, a blanket protecting my skin from the sand, I realized I was trembling with excitement. I should have been alarmed, but only good feelings washed over me.Peter went on remarking about how beautiful I was as Allie continued to spray me down in order to cleanse the dirt from my body. Peter’s fingers and cloth moved to my breasts after she had sprayed them and I moaned low in my throat as he caressed my nipples lovingly, teasing them up and out to stand tall before his admiring eyes. I felt Allie’s soft hands urging my thighs apart, her fingers spreading my lips, her mist of cool water landing on my rapidly heating skin, and always Peter with his cloth right behind her, washing me, making me clean, preparing me.By the time they finished, I was a quivering mass of flesh. Their loving caresses had opened the door to extreme excitement and I only wanted them to continue… to keep on loving me… touching me… pleasing me.Peter stood up and removed his shorts, then lay down beside me. I raised my eyes to Allie and watched in amazement as she reached behind her back and untied the string to her swimsuit top. Her breasts were beautiful, still very high on her chest and tipped with dark pink nipples in the midst of the lighter shade of pink that colored her aureole. Her bikini bottoms were next; I watched with growing passion as she slid them down her curvaceous hips exposing her clean shaven pussy to my amazed eyes.Peter stroked my tummy, easing his rough hands down across my skin until I could not contain my moans of pleasure. “Isn’t Allie beautiful little one? We want to love you together… will you let us?” His lips tugged at my earlobe as I groaned and moved my body closer.“Yes… oh yes… please.” I pleaded, letting the vision of Allie’s nakedness fuel my desire.She dropped down, leaned over me and took her husband’s mouth. Right above me, they kissed, locked together in an embrace so passionate that I wanted to reach up and touch them both.As if sensing my need, Peter took my hand and placed it on Allie’s left breast as it swung heavy above me. She moaned into his mouth and covered my hand with hers as Peter instructed me, breaking their soul kiss. “Just a little light pressure at first Rain. Cup her breast, feel the way its heaviness satisfies the palm of your hand. Lift it up a little. Yes… like that sweetheart.” His voice was thick and heavy, and so low. “Now, tug at her nipple… tease it with your thumb. Softly at first. Hear that groan? She likes it… she loves your touch little one.” He lowered his head and slipped his tongue across my belly. My skin jerked under his wet caress and began to undulate, as I stroked Allie’s erect nipples. She came to me, poised above my body, smiling that smile as she lowered the nipple that I held in my fingers down to my mouth.“Suck it for me Rain. Taste me.” She whispered with a groan.It was my first hesitation, and my last. I’d never been so close to a woman before, but then I’d never wanted to before. I worried my lower lip with my teeth, my voice panting, then I gave in to the feelings sweeping through me, opened my lips, and moaned as her stiff nipple contacted my tongue.She was like fire and I felt her heat seep into me as I rolled my tongue around her nipple. She groaned endlessly and pushed down a little, easing more of herself into my eager mouth.Peter stroked my body, taking his time, enjoying the sight of two women loving each other. He spoke again, and once more I heard deep desire spill from his lips as though it were a heavy thing that one could see or touch.“Yes sweetheart… yes angel. Suck her. Suck it good and hard, Allie likes that, don’t you baby?”“Yes,” was her only response but it was followed closely by a whimper of pleasure.While I joyfully licked and sucked at the lovely woman’s breast, Peter reached up and caressed her other nipple. She nearly swooned in delight, as her voice grew husky. “Oh, that feels so good. Peter, she is an angel. Suck it darling. Don’t stop.” I thought she was going to orgasm right then and there, but Peter, wise Peter, eased her away from me and took her in his arms. “Now Allie, we have to give Rain some pleasure too. You know you want that my love… don’t you?”She nodded fiercely, turning her glazed eyes to me as I lay there gasping for breath and feeling emptier than I ever had in my life. She kissed her husband, lay down beside me and began to rub my thighs. Her touch was so exquisite, like velvet on ice… cool and yet hot at once, and I opened myself up to her as Peter leaned in for a kiss. He took my lips passionately, and I ached so deep inside. Winding my arms up around him, I entwined them in his black hair, stroking his tongue eagerly with my own. I felt his body tense as he applied suction to my tongue, drawing it deeply into his mouth and running his own all around it as he continued that sucking motion. I was lost, moaning softly, calling out their names and begging them to touch me. Allie gently spread my legs and nuzzled her face close to my pussy. I heard her breathe in my scent and I struggled to push up against her as Peter again took my tongue with his lips. Over and over he sucked me in, then released me until I was gasping for breath and crying for more.As he pulled away and stroked his wife’s hair, I glanced down and saw his erection. It was massive, truly so large I thought he would split me in two if he tried to insert it, but oh how I wanted it. I wanted to feel it slipping between my lips and tearing its way inside me.Allie was licking softly at my mound, not touching much more than the skin itself. She raised her head and sought her husband’s gaze.“Look Peter,” she whispered excitedly, “She’s juicing out all over the place, and it smells so sweet.” He leaned over and inhaled as his wife began to lap up my juice. I cried out, struggled for composure, then let loose a flow of raspy groans as sweet Allie slid her small, stiff tongue between the slippery lips of my sex and began to dig up inside of me. Oh, it felt so good, better than anything I’d ever felt. I thrashed about on the blanket, driving my body up towards her mouth, as she used her fingers to spread me wide and scooped out mouthful after mouthful of my abundant sex juice. Peter shushed me gently, not really meaning it, just wanting me to hear the comfort of his voice. He suckled at my neck, my throat, and whisked his strong tongue back and forth across my skin. Lowering his hand, he fondled my breasts, tweaking my own creamy pink nipples, and causing them to rise up in response. It was as if a live wire connected my excited nipples to my swollen clit for with each brush of his fingers across the hard appendages, a jolt of pleasure would rise in my pussy until I was mewling out loud my intense need to cum.Allie continued her explorations, her eager tongue swabbing at my pussy lips, spreading them open, licking me open. Subconsciously, I opened farther… wider… to allow her talented tongue easy access to the flow of my nectar. I heard her slurp loudly, extracting from me the very essence of my girlhood and stabbing repeatedly at my rapidly emerging clitoris.Peter held my head close to him, his warm skin soothing me, his touch comforting my raging body. I looked into his eyes and saw deep tenderness as well as urgent desire. He kissed me again, and I moaned into his mouth, grinding my cunt again and again all over his wife’s mouth.“P-please,” I begged, “I want… I want…”“What little one? What do you want?” His words were like liquid, washing me, filling me.“I-I-I want to cum. Oh please… please… please make me cum.” His look was benevolent and understanding. He released me and went to his wife. Watching her for a moment, he joined her at my pussy, easing his big, rough hands under my ass, lifting my hips, positioning me. I trembled violently, my body reduced to a raw nerve and every touch of their hands and mouth taking me higher and higher.Allie relinquished my open pussy; she smiled tenderly at her husband and drew his head down close. “Taste her Peter. She has the sweetest pussy I’ve ever sucked.”She moved to my side, kissing me lightly on the lips before bending back down to my wet slit. I felt Peter’s thumbs caressing my soft lips. I felt him spread them apart. I felt the heat of his breath as he lowered in for a taste of me at last. At the very instant that he worked his muscled tongue into me, slipping it in delicious waves through my soft patch of hair, Allie bent and captured my fully erect clit between her soft lips and began to tongue me over and over. And then it happened. A rush of pleasure so great, it sent the stars spinning above my head, and I spiraled down… down… down… an explosive orgasm rocking my body, its waves waxing and waning in exquisite rushes. I felt the cum pour from me. I literally felt it ooze out in small rivers while Peter drank it down, groaning his satisfaction, as my thighs tightly enclosed his head.“Ohhh! Ohh! Oh God, oh God. Oh, I’m cumming,” I hissed through clenched teeth, riding the pleasure all the way, sharing it with my two lovers.I lay there, gasping for breath, contractions still clenching my pussy as Peter and Allie gently licked away the last traces of cum. I’d never felt so loved in my life, and the pleasure was awesome. I never knew it could feel so good.Allie met her husband’s mouth and they shared my flavor, kissing deep and lovingly. When Peter looked up at me with that intense, but friendly stare, I knew then that he would fuck me, and I wanted him to so desperately.I tried to speak, but could only moan so strong was my hunger for them both. Allie held my upper body in her arms, my head on her lap. She stroked my hair and kissed my cheeks as her hands found my heaving chest. “Take her now Peter… she’s ready. She’s so ready for you my love. Slip your cock deep inside her pussy where it’s wet and warm.” Her eyes shone brightly and I felt her body tremble with restrained lust.Peter rose up between my thighs, his dark gaze locking onto mine. “Do you want me to fuck you little one?”“Y-yes… fuck me Peter. Please fuck me.” I begged.He held his cock up for me to see, proud and excited. I saw a drop of pre-cum ooze out and drip down onto my skin. Pausing a moment longer, he knelt and nuzzled the head of that massive prick between my snug lips. I arched instantly, wanting to impale myself on his hardness. Surprised by my eagerness, he grinned and began to press.“Oh Allie, she’s so tight. Her pussy is warm and soft and tight. This is going to feel so good.”“Do it my love, fuck her until she coats your cock with her sweet juice.” Allie panted above me.He pressed again, and the flared head of his beautiful cock slipped inside the tight ring of muscles that surrounded my cunt. I whimpered and began to writhe about on the blanket as his cock made its agonizingly slow trip through my spreading lips.“Oh fuck. This is so good Allie,” he groaned.“Tell me baby. What does it feel like inside her?” Allie’s voice was hushed and low, her words slipping out in a rush of emotion as she squirmed under my head.Peter drove in another fraction, lifting my legs and brushing his fingers across my clit. I rose up to meet him, securing for myself another inch of his cock.He grunted, and answered his wife; “It feels like I’m surrounded by warm, thick molasses on a cold night. Ungh. Fuck, it’s good. You’re a good little fuck Rain.”I only moaned at him, begging him with my eyes to bury that tool deeply into me. He was inside me and I felt full, but I sensed that he still had a lot of cock left to fuck me with. Allie took my arms and pulled them high above my head, she whispered for me to enjoy her husband’s cock, to let him put it all the way in. I nodded at her and prepared to feel his length slice through me.Peter drew back a fraction, smiled at me reassuringly, then flexed his hips and plunged into me. Pain blasted through my pelvis and I cried out loud as I reflexively tried to pull my knees from the crooks of his arms and double myself over.“She was a virgin Allie. Can you believe that? A virgin.” He whispered.“Oh, poor baby. You should have told us, we would have made it better for you.” Allie said.I groaned, already feeling better, and tried a tentative smile. “I-it’s okay now. I wanted this.”Peter stayed still for a while as Allie tightened her grip on my hands, holding them high and not allowing me to move. She nodded eventually to her husband and he began to fuck me. His powerful hips drew back, tightened, then slammed back inside with great force. The pain faded away as the eroticism of the moment filtered through to my brain. A beautiful woman was holding me while her husband fucked me passionately. My voice came through again, my familiar moans mixing with the sound of the surf as Peter drove his fat cock in and out of my slit.“Want some more Rain? You’ve only taken about two thirds so far. Do you want all of my cock?”I didn’t know how it would fit, but I began to beg him to give it all to me. I cried and twisted in Allie’s arms, trying to fuck myself deeper on his hard dick.“F-f-f-fuck me. Peter… fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” With every syllable I uttered, he slammed back inside, his cock stirring up my juice and sending me back toward that spiral of pleasure.“Allie honey, I can feel her juicing up. It’s running down over my dick. So hot… so fucking hot baby. Lick my balls and taste her while I fuck her.” He said to his wife. Looking down at me, he whispered, “Little one, I’m about to fill you to capacity. I’m going to drive the entire length of my hard cock all the way up your pussy.”I tensed, feeling Allie slip away, readying my cunt to take all of him. With one powerful surge, he buried his cock, a harsh moan slipping from his lips, his handsome face twisted in pleasure.“Oh my God!” I cried, “Yes… oh yes Peter… Allie… it’s good… it’s so good. F-fuck me harder!”I felt the gentle sweep of Allie’s soft tongue as she licked my juice from her husband’s balls. He whispered his satisfaction as he spread his legs for her. His moans told me how good her tongue felt on his tight, cum-filled balls. As he began to fuck me in earnest, his hips and ass driving his cock past my clasping walls to a place no other man would ever reach, Allie instructed him to lift my ass up high.I felt his large hands grasp my cheeks and his strength carried my small body up and away from the blanket while he rotated his hips and ground in a little deeper. I think it was her tongue at first, though it might have been a finger, but something warm and wet brushed against my tight asshole and I almost fainted it felt so good. “Yes… Oh… oh God, I need to cum,” I groaned.Allie slipped a finger up and began to press it against my puckered hole, insistently working until we both felt a small pop and she was in to the second knuckle.“Peter, I’m fucking her asshole with my finger. She likes it… she likes having us buried in both of her holes.”Peter renewed his thrusts and soon I felt the exquisite burn of Allie fucking my tender ass while Peter plunged his cock in and out of my pussy. I was trembling, on fire, my body calling out for release. I felt Peter’s cock surge as it grew harder and he began fucking me with lightening fast strokes.“I’m gonna cum Rain. I’m gonna fill your sweet pussy with thick hot cum. Does it feel good baby? You like me fucking you?”“Yes… yes… ohhh yes… fuck meeee!”Allie plunged her stuff digit deep inside my ass and began to twist it around. She fucked vigorously, her own body enjoying my response. “Flood her juicy pussy. Spew your cum deep inside her. Make her cum now Peter… before you blow.”Gasping, he reached down, wet his finger and rubbed it quickly across my exposed clitoris. Once more, I was drowning in pleasure, feeling it rise up and roll across me, my tummy clenching, pulling at his dick, sucking him inside.“Hurry Peter… oh God Hurry… I’m cumming…. Cumming…. Mmmmm… shoot off… shoot your cum in me.”And as I took the path through that spiral, I felt a hot blast of liquid warmth fire off inside of me. Peter froze, his head back, his cock planted all the way in, moaning, groaning as he squirted his cream all the way into my cunt.“Take it,” he wheezed, “Take my cum Rain… oh fuck… take it all!”Together we came, our bodies tight and tense as pleasure indescribable filled our bodies. Panting loudly, Peter leaned over and pulled me close, he kissed me and rested his face in my hair as our heartbeats became quiet and steady.Allie bent over and kissed us both, her face lit up with joy at seeing her husband pleasure me so well.Peter rose up on one elbow and drew Allie close to us. Smiling, he kissed her and whispered to me. “It’s her turn now, huh little one?”Copyright 2003 Julie Hypnotic