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Topic: School MeetingAs she walked down the hall, many guys stared. She was one of the prettiest, most popular girl at her school.  She never stayed single for long, and she has never been dumped. She was currently dating the High School Jock, Matt. He wasnt just the football captain, but the basket ball champ too. They where to cutest couple, and everyone was jelous.
Her name was Amber. She died her hair constently, so no one really knows her natrull hair color. Her hair was perfectly straight, as always, and framed her gorgues delecate face. Currently her hair was the prettiest shade of brown, with a tint of red. But it was usally Blonde. She was wearing a Turquoise tank, that exposed her perky C cup breasts. She was about 5'6 and was skinny, but not annorexic. She had the sexiest pair of legs. She had the tinest white skirt on, witch frayed at the end. And on her feet where a pair of 3-4 inch white pumps. She wasnt much of a slut, and was still a virgin. She wasnt to athletic, but played soccer and vollyball. at the age of 18 she looked like an 18 year old, and got many offers.
Matt was 6 foot, and had a chisseled six pack. He had dirty blonde hair, witch complemented his bright blue eyes, that matched perfectly with Ambers. He was defenetly NOT a virgin, but wasnt a jerk either. He has had alot of experence, and lost his virginity at the age of 18 She was turning 18 in a few months, and was defently protective of his girl. He got used to the glares he got from other people as they walked through the hallways togethter, but he never let anyone touch, or hurt his baby. SHe got into fights with other girls, which he would watch when she kicked their ass, but he never had to break one up because amber was getting hurt. Thats what he liked about the 18 year old bombshell, she wasnt much of a prep, but whore the type of clothes they did. She loves to party, kicks ass, and isnt afraid to get covered in mud when they go riding with eachothers family (Quads, and dirtbikes) She was defently she perfect girl.
 "Heyy Babe" Matt said to Amber as they met in the hallway of their high school
 "Hey sexy i was just looking for you. Ready for tonight?" Amber replied
"Of course all be there around 7" Matt told her
"Okay baby, ill be waiting!" Amber said.
They kissed briefly and went on their own ways....
Topic: The DateIt was 6:30 P.M
Amber is upstairs fixing her make-up. She decided to wear the same outfit she wore at school, but put on, and edited her make-up and styled her hair in the Half up, half down way. Her bangs complemented her face, witch made her make-up look like perfection. She heard the door bell ring, and went to go answer it.
They where going to a movie and dinner, the usual date scene. She was glad her parents werent home, so she could come home any time she wanted, and not be on a tight scedual. She was pretty sexual herself, but has never gone all the way with a guy, and never been completly naked with one either. Shes seen a dick before, and given a few guys blow jobs, but never let them taker her virginity. Thats mainly why she dumped alot of guys, because they would always try somthing, or try to pressure her into it. She didnt really think sex was that big of a deal, and it doesnt have to be some big romantic moment, but she just didnt want to go fuck every guy she dated. Since matt and her have been dating for some time now, she tought she might let him fuck her tonight. But she'll see how it all goes.
As she opened the door matt grazed his lips softly with his own. The perfect opening to a perfect date.
"Hello Beautifill" Matt told her. " Hi baby" Amber said with a smile. "Are you ready to go?" Matt asked. "Yea, let me grab my purse." Amber replied.
 Amber Grabbed her purse, and got in the car with Matt. They went to see the movie, and didnt get out to dinner untill around 9. They went to eat at Chocos, a nice itallian place, that had great food, and large paportions. They had small talk. Speaking of sports, school, the movie, and such. They ate pretty quickly when amber asked
"So, do you want to come over to my house after this. My parents are gone for the weekend, and we could chill there and watch some tv."
"I'd love to" Said matt, knowing that watching television wasnt going to be all they where going to do.
Topic: "Television"  They got into the car, and Amber looked at matt, and kissed him passionetly. Amber was a little nervous, because she might be fucked for the first time. Her and matt had had fun together, but not much. Hes fingered her, and she gave him a hand job. But they've never really gone to far with eachother. Amber New matt wanted to, but matt knew amber didnt, and he didnt want to pressure her into anything she didnt want to do. Of course mat didnt really think that they where actually going to have sex, he just thought that Amber wanted to have some "Fun" and they would play with each other a bit. But sex was never expected, or so he tought.
 "where Here!" Matt said as he pulled into Amber Driveway.  "finallyy..." Amber murmered as she shut the door.
She grabbed his hand and led him to the front door. Matt was watching her ass swaying on the way, getting a semi hard on just by that. Amber unlocked the door, and went and grabbed the remote. She wasnt sure how to get it all going. She sat down and motioned Matt to sit next to her. Amber turned the tv onto some MTV music viedoes. They watched it for about a minitue and  Amber leaned over and kissed Matt passionetly.
He gently moved his large hand over her long silky legs. he got up to her skirt and his had continued to go farther. He gently grazed her clit.  Damnn! she was already wet. knowing what to do he ran his ands on the inside of her thighs. Then started fumbling with her pannyline. He then started to rub her sensitive clit in soft circular motion with his thumb. Amber jumped at the touch. He was so good.. and she was so horny. "Are you okay baby?" Matt asked when she jumped. Amber nodded her head, wanting him to continue. He then took off her lacy black thong, and went down on her. His toung teasted her clit, and he put his tounge deep inside her virgin hole, feeling her hymen. He then started massaging her clit with his upper lip, causing amber to Moan loudly. Matt continued eating, and teasing her vagina, and Amber was soon in a multipal oragsim, squirting juices all over Matts face...
(I will continue this story soon. Please be Patient!)