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Topic: Page title here My Sister is My Lover ----Chapter 1My sister was almost two years younger than I. Dee Dee [DD] was a good looking girl with a nice firm bubble butt with petite A cup boobs, but maybe a little bit bigger. I always thought that DD’s boobs were delicious but she always thought them to be too small and had a desire for them to develop into something more as she grew through adolescence.
  We were as close as a brother and sister could be as we grew up. Our bedrooms were at a somewhat secluded end of our house and we had ‘private’ times to ourselves even when other members of the family were home. The somewhat secluded area of our bedrooms was just enough to allow us to have private talks about life without being interrupted along with just some above innocent fun with each other as we grew. We however never displayed any of our innocent fun moments if there were members of the family or friends about.
   The innocent fun was in the form of giving her a little slap on her bubble butt and sometimes a gentle goose when there was no one around. DD reacted like it was terrible thing for a brother to do but I could tell she liked it. Once in a while she would do the same to me giggling as she passed by me. At times, DD jokingly attempted to grab me by the crotch when we would get into tickling and playful wresting matches with no one at home. Her attempts never went so far as to actually touch my cock or balls but were simply feints of trying to touch me.  During two wrestling occasions, I however, did encompass her boobs with my hand as she squealed for me to stop but really did nothing to remove my hands from her boobs.  Her mouth and words were very vocal about what I did but there was always a smile on her face at both my transgressions.
  One early afternoon the rest of the family was out shopping, DD walked nude from her bedroom on the way to the bathroom carrying her clothes over her arm. She was going to take a shower. I did not know DD was upstairs in her room nor did I hear her coming out her room and towards the bathroom. I step into the hall just before she was at my doorway. DD uttered a muffled scream and turned to run back to her bedroom with me running behind her jokingly saying I’m going to grab your butt. I caught hold of her just in front of her large bed room mirror. DD was holding her clothes in front of her covering her small tits but her beautiful developing ass was totally exposed.  I had my arms around her holding her close as we both giggled with the situation and our side view in the mirror. DD was very uncomfortable with me holding her in my arms. It was somewhat of a erotic image for both of us to see in the mirror..
  “You sure have a lovely butt DD!” as I viewed her from the side.
  “You say the same thing every time you see a little bit of my bum! And you are still disgusting when you talk to me like that.”
  “Come on now DD you know you love me looking at you. And right now better than nice and warm to hold you are sexy and scrumptous. If you let me see your boobs I let you go and let you to go in and take your shower.”
  DD wiggled trying to break my hold of her. “Let me go. You are going to get us in trouble if mother and dad come home and catches you in my room.”
  “Come on, …. you know you want to show me how big they are getting. You know I’ve been looking at them as you parade around the house when no one is at home with us. I promise to let you go and leave right away if you let me see them.”

DD was quiet and then agreed if I promised to leave her room right away. DD really wanted to display her growing boobs and I knew it. I took my arms from around her and backed off a few steps in an attempt to add some calm to the situation and made her feel that I might be telling the truth at leaving if I could see her boobs.
   She turned and slowly removed her clothes and hands to display her very petite boobs and pink nipples. They were hard and pointing ….. she was excited to display what she had. They were a scrumptious set of petite boobs.  Then I looked down at her little camel toe pussy protected by the blondest fine hair. She quickly figured out where I was looking and covered her pussy with one hand and put her other hand and clothes back over her boobs.
  “DD you are really a beautiful sister. Your boobs and muffin are just beautiful.”
  “My muffin… I never heard my girl friends call it that.”
  She was blushing as she turned to try to hide all she had. Now she was smiling when I asked … “Am I disgusting today?”
  “No… but hurry up and leave before mother comes up here. You promised.”
  I left her room as I had promised. I was giddy with what I had got DD to show me. She was a budding little blond nymph.  If that level of sexual behavior was bad  …..well so be it! There was nothing much more to it as a couple more years went by.
  We could confide in each other and we talked through the years about life’s problems which touched on sex many times. After DD went off to college, she would come home several times a month on weekends to see her friends and for a change of scenery. We had several late night talks about her not wanting to be sexually active while on her dates. She believed that her ‘boy friends’ would talk after they took her to bed and she would get a bad reputation in the small town in which we lived.
  Her beliefs supposedly were the caused of her problems, since all her friends were supposedly bedding down with their boy friends. The act of me giving her ass a little slap and a goose was somewhat ok. I jokingly suggested several times I could take her to bed and I would not say anything to her friends if that would help her situation. I was told that  was disgusting and I wasn’t any help with that kind of talk. Hell, I thought it was a good idea at times; especially when I was horny and I didn’t have a steady girl friend which was more often than not.
  I arrived home quite late from a date one night and found her car in the driveway. She obviously had come home from school unexpectedly.  The outside lights along the driveway were out and the house was dark. I knew that the rest of the family members had gone away to our seashore cottage that was two hours driving time from the house.
 I went to bed assuming she was in her bedroom asleep. I was startled out of my sleep sometime during the night by her rubbing my arm to awaken me from my sleep. She proceeded to say she was upset and wanted to talk to me. Her rambling talk consisted of sobbing intermixed with telling me she was in turmoil again over not wanting to be sexually active until she got married. Not going to bed with her dates was supposedly stifling her social life. While I had been through his conversation several times before, I went back to supporting her beliefs… since she did not like my alternative solutions.I once again told her that it was a good thing to not jump in bed with everybody and anybody and that there were many guys who would like to marry a virgin … it was a good trait for her….. I had determined it was not for me but I was silent in communicating that to her.
  She now confided she had been bedded twice the previously year and it had been a bad experience for her. They were slam-bang -thank you ma’am fucks by a guy at school. I could read between the lines as she spoke. She apparently had really been taken advantage of because she was vulnerable and naïve when it came to sex even though she was 18 at the time. 
  DD had been cherry prior to that sexual seduction and her ‘friends’ had made feel that she was different because she was a virgin. The guy had not been tender or very understanding. He probably thought only of himself and hurt her while taking her cherry.  DD did not get any good feelings out her screwing and it shut her off from further sexual experimentation. All her talk convinced me that she most likely also had been a bad lay … that was for sure. I tried to comfort her by telling her that things would get better with further sexual activity and it was not unusual to not climax or get all the good feelings out of sex on the first time. Everybody is anxious!  Guess my statements as to staying a virgin had fallen on deaf ears.
   Then without a second of pause in the conversation, she confided to me she had quietly come home late at night three weeks ago and heard me in bed with my girlfriend. We were really having a wild time and were very vocal as we were finishing up together. She was embarrassed with the situation and quietly left the house and drove around for a while. I was alone when she came back and she had quietly gone to bed. She could not sleep that night. She was upset at what she perceived was a double standard by me … do as I say not as I do. Oohhh great! I just let any discussion about catching me screwing my girl friend go without comment. Any great words of wisdom from me on suppressing her sexual expression seemed to be shallow on meaning after her confession on hearing me screwing Rose.
   At this point, she had worked herself up to being distressed with her topic of conversation and quickly left to return to her bedroom …. DD seemed upset with me. I didn’t know what to say, it seemed that everything I would tell her, usually came back and bit me on the ass. One thing I knew not to do, was to tell her that I’m very tender in my sexual contacts and make little funny suggestions as to letting me help her with the physical part of her sex education   …. so I rolled over and went quickly back to sleep.
   Once again I was awakened in the dark of the morning with DD sitting on the edge of my bed. She was quiet and did not want to talk though … just sit with me and be quiet…. or something. I sensed what the problem was once again. I sat up in my bed and rubbed her back and neck for a while. Then pulling back my bed covers I suggested that she get under the bed covers. I was tired due to lack of sleep and also tired of listening to her ‘situations’ each time we had these same conversations over and over. The ‘talks’ would generally continue for extended periods of time with out her truly trying to reach a conclusion that would leave her satisfied. I understood her dilemma but we had covered all her possibilities many times before. I just wanted to get back to sleep.
   She was hesitant to get under the bed covers…. saying “I don’t trust you!”
  I was taken back by her comment!  I told her indignantly “Good grief DD, I’m your brother!”
  She relented after a minute or so and I figured I could now get a little sleep. My initial intentions were completely innocent. I also believe her feelings were also the same … I think … well maybe … for a little while anyway. We snuggled together …. her back to my chest. I continued to rub the top of her back and the back of her neck. I could feel the muscles and tensions in her neck slowly subside. She was very quiet.
  DD’s wrestling around under the bed covers and her twitches in body movements continuously brought me back from dropping off to sleep. I groaned out a sigh of annoyance which I’m sure signaled I was awake and not even dozing. DD’s twitching about finally resulted in her moving tightly against me. I was tired … DD was tired and I made no attempt to move away, not feeling a need to separate from what I perceived was an innocent contact of her body.
   I could now feel her scrumptious bubble butt against me. After a while I started to get hard. I backed away so she wouldn’t feel my hard cock but she innocently wiggled back in close with her ass pressing against my very stiff and straight cock. Maybe DD was not really awake but more or less in a twilight sense of consciousness. I did not move. Maybe she would not sense how hard I was. How naive of me! DD was fully awake with all her problems. It took her a few seconds to realize that my cock was rock hard and stretching my pajamas bottoms and trying to get out!
  She sternly chastised me with a “I’m your sister!!! You’re disgusting!  I didn’t come into bed to do anything …. just have you hold me for a while and talk to me.”
  “I didn’t do anything DD. I was sleeping and you woke me with all your wiggling around under the covers.”
  She never pulled away though and I didn’t back off. I held her close for a few minutes …. There was no talk from her to let her go or not press my cock against her ass. I was tired and tried to get back to the land of nod but her close presence was causing stirrings in my body and I was becoming more awake with every small movement of her body. I put my arm over her back and pulled her in tight against me with a softly spoken question to her… “Is that better?”  After a several seconds, I heard an almost inaudible “Yes.”
  This situation of much too close body to body contact was causing erotic thoughts to creep into my consciousness. I could tell where our bodies were touching and how close my cock was to be able to slide between the cheeks of her ass and the location of my hand near her boobs. 
 After several long minutes and without any comment, I had a strong desire to slide my hands under the top of her pajama top and rub her back. As my hand slid under DD’s PJ top and up her back, she moved her body to allow her top to move with my hand now free to move under the unobstructed cloth material. Now my hand could touch anywhere on her back. There was no negative response as too what I was doing. … just silence. My stiff cock was still pressing against her ass. I was so excited now and my cock so hard and pressing against her ass she knew how horny I was… there was no misunderstanding what was going on, at least in my mind. I began to very slowly move my hand that was on her back. I did not want to startle her with what was happening. She had sufficient time to evaluate where I was going with my hand as it moved along her back.  I tried to slide my hands under her arms to possibly caress her petite tits but she resisted my movements along with a...

 “Damn you …stop it!” ….until I kissed the back of her neck and said “Shhhh!”
  DD went quiet and I could feel her relax the pressure in her arm that she was pressing tightly against the side of her body.  With the relaxations of her arm, I slid my hand under her arm and slowly moved toward her petite tits. I once again I did not hear any comment to stop or just a questioning of what I thought I was doing. I finally arrived at the base of one tit and stopped…. She knew exactly where my hand was located.

I could feel DD’s chest expanding with her slightly deeper and quickening breaths with the anticipation of what I was possibly going to do and what she was thinking. I leisurely began to encircle one of her tits with my fingers finally cupping it and giving it a gentle squeeze and caress. I could hear her awkward breathing and a soft moan of contentment.  She could not hide her feelings now that she was somewhat enjoying what I was doing even though she was trying hard to conceal her contentment for the moment! I ignored another of her almost inaudible and less than serious murmuring comments as to her being my sister again and to stop because it was not right. If she was serious she could just move away from me as a minimum or get up and out of my bed!
  I murmured “Do you remember that last time you showed me your boobs and your muffin in your bedroom? You know I got all excited and hot seeing you that day. I thought about you often since then. Did you think of me after that time?”
  I felt DD slightly move followed by an almost muffled “Yes……. I had some naughty thoughts about us.”
  “You had naughty thoughts! I never thought you would think like that about us!”
  DD buried her face into her pillow hiding from me and any further questioning.
   I went close to her ear and whispered “Do you have any idea of how often I thought about holding you so close again and feeling you like this and then making love to you in my bed.”
  I could feel her body tense at those words while DD’s face left from hiding and her head turned hesitantly to look at me over her shoulder. I raised myself to see her face in the grey of the morning light coming in through the window. She looked at me for several long seconds in some what of a surprised look and then turned her face back down and into the pillow and away from my view.  
  I settled back down ….  Both of us were very quiet again for many minutes. Her reaction to my statement was unnerving for me and I felt anxious in that I shouldn’t have said that to her. I did continue to hold her petite tit as I snuggled against her. After a few minutes, she murmured some inaudible words. I lifted my head off my pillow in an attempt to listen more attentively to what she was saying. She was again whispering very hushed words…..
   “I have been having naughty thoughts of us together in my bed for some time also. Now I’m thinking of us in my bed all the time since catching you and your girl friend Rose in this bed."
   She slipped back into another quiet period.  I now was suspicious that her mind was being flooded with thoughts of what was going on under the bed covers and what should she do. I know what I was thinking about now …….. And it was not sleep!
  After some time, I moved against her again and she gently pushed her back and ass against me. I thought that I understood that movement. I slid my hand down and caught the elastic waist band of her PJs with my thumb and attempted to slide her pajama bottoms down.

Without saying a word, DD lifted her hips just a little and slowly helped me remove the bottoms of her PJs. The slowness of her removing her PJ bottoms made me think that she was still not sure of this situation. I felt that she had plenty of time to think and decide….. I let her do the major effort in removal …… She could stop and pull them back up if she so desired.  They came off completely with me asking “Better!?”

DD pressed her ass back against my cock and murmured a muffled and coy “Yes.”

I removed the bottoms of my PJs without any questions as to what was I doing from DD. Now I pressed a stiff hard cock against DD’s beautiful bare bubble ass and pulled her in close to me. I was surprised that DD was not stopping this seduction by both of us.
  I gently guided and lifted her left leg over my legs as we lay on our sides with her back to me. DD still remained silent as I slid my cock between her legs from the rear and between the lips of her now slick and wet pussy. DD obviously had been having what she would refer to as ‘naughty or impure thoughts’ during her long periods of silence. I did not try to penetrate. I reached around and over her hips and slid my hand down to place my fingers into the slit in her pussy. I felt her hand come and touch my hand and be on top on mine ….  helping.
  “Do you like where I’m touching you?” DD’s fingers encircled my hand a little bit tighter. “I’ll stop if you want me too.”
  Now her fingers gripped my hand and my cock with more force along with hushed words.  “No, you do not have to stop.”  
 I could feel DD’s pussy was covered with a small tuft of long silky hair ….. which I assumed to be very blond just like I had glimpsed her pussy a couple years before. We both felt my hardness between the very wet lips of her muffin. Her fingers were exploring and touching just where my cock was between her pussy lips. She put pressure on my shaft and pushed it firmly between her lips as I felt her move to have it slide along and caress her little nub of a clit. Her first little movement caused her to gasp and the moan to what she must have felt as my cock slid into and made contact with her clit.
   We slowly began to move together, my super stiff cock sliding back and forth between her wet lips passing by the indentation that was the entrance to a more warm and wanting tunnel.  I vied for space to caress her clit with my fingers as DD safely guided my hardness that was sliding back and forth between her muffin’s lips also caressing her little stiff nub. The softly murmured sounds of contentment were now continuous.  After a minute or more I stopped with the head of my cock at the entrance of her love box. I tried to move my hip position to change the angle of my hardness and allow entrance to her love box. DD sensed my intent and held my hand and whispered.
 “No, don’t!” We didn’t move for a while …. but again she never pulled away. I had a strong desire to press the issue but I caught hold of myself and just stayed holding her against my body.
  I then felt DD finally move her hips just a little, moving the head of my cock directly into position for an easy penetration. I never moved as she felt my cock, touching it every where … gently rubbing it over its full length. I could then feel her moving her hand apparently touching herself and then me, finally realizing she was insuring that the first inch or so of my stiff cock was covered with the all the wetness seeping from the lips of her pussy.

 I knew what she was doing but I quietly asked her anyway… “Is it all nice and wet?”
   There was no reply, only an easy pressure on the head of my cock as she pushed her hips and ass back against me guiding my cock into her pussy but just for an inch or so. Her body stiffened to her self induced intrusion. I asked if I should take it out. I heard a muffled “no” as she gently moved her hips from side to side. I tenderly whispered...

I want to make love to you… can you hear me?”
   Her body tensed slightly followed by another very hushed “yes.”
  “Do you want to make love with me?”
  Another hushed “yes” as we pushed together and I slid into a tight love tunnel after a few short strokes. I quickly began caressing her little nub again as we gently moved together for a while. DD’s breathing quickened … she was a woman who was going to whimper during sex … her little mutterings being an indication of the pleasure she was experiencing as I gently stroked her pussy with my cock and rubbed her little clit. I was excited in her pleasure as I began to now fuck her … I was initially worried that DD would let last years memories impact this moment  …but noooo .. it was not going to be a rerun of her last two sexual romps.
  DD was enjoying her screwing but she wanted to talk as we moved in cadence against each other. “She liked what I was doing and it was so exciting for her … DD wanted me to do what we were doing ….It felt so good to her  … Did it feel good to me also? ….I was being so gentle with her ….her previous two beddings were not good experiences …. She had been bedded with condoms … she didn’t like it … She was still on the pill after so many years to keep her periods regular.” DD could be a chatter box during sex.
  I heard the word pill very clearly and I knew what I was going to do!  I asked if she likes making love from the rear like we were doing it … she giggled and said...
   “It was her first time and she liked it better than a guy on top.”
  I asked “How about you on top?”
  DD giggled as I was told “I was naughty!” Everything was new …. everything was so different than her last years bad fucking …..
  It was time to get serious before she had possible second thoughts about what we were doing. I could have second thoughts if I was rational and ruin the moment also. She had positioned her body to be quite straight. I told her to slightly flex her legs so I could get closer to her ass and get my cock to go deeper.  She moved … I moved closer … my cock went deeper as she reached back to touch the cheek of my ass saying “Ohhhh !” while recognizing the deeper penetration of my cock.

I asked softly “Better” but only received a digging in of her finger nails into my ass. That I assumed was a “Yes”.
  There was another moment of silence and no movement followed by a squirming of her ass from side to side suggesting to me to start something. There was no need for another suggestion! DD began to move with some strong long backward pushes against me. I stayed buried deep in her pussy and moved in very short strokes touching bottom deep inside. I could see the chance of hurting her and pain was not one of the feelings she would enjoy on this encounter.
  It did not take long for DD to climb the peaks of emotional surges on the way to a climax. She was a novice in sex and did not sense the sentiment to stay and play and enjoy all the feeling that was surging within her body and delay climax. She definitely wanted to try and experience a climax …. soon! I was taken back.

We both were quiet now savoring the feelings of this sexual romp…me playing with her little stiff clit while pushing long deep slow strokes now. DD was a special treat aside from being a sister to me. She was delectably tight; probably the culmination of tenseness and essentially a virgin in experience. I slowed down on my stroking and flexed my cock muscles. DD moaned to the feeling of my expanding cock. I felt her tighten her pussy and she giggled when I contracted my cock again demonstrating I felt her gesture of a tightened pussy. It did project a feeling of being one with a woman when ever I felt the returned reflex.
 Her breathing was rapid as she turned her head to see me and began to tell me what she was feeling. She never finished what she was going to say. DD could sense the convulsive surge of feelings within her body that indicated that she going to climax quickly and it over whelmed her attempt to speak. Her hand came back attempting to grab my ass while whimpering first, then pumping with me while calling out “A-huh … a-huh… a-huh” expressing her delight with what she was experiencing.  She then went to panting and uttering soft moans followed by “Ooooohh …. Ooohhhh…. Ooohhh it feels so different.”  She was loosing control and on an unknown path she had never traveled with a guy before. Then DD began calling out somewhat loudly “Oooohhh Bobbeeeeeeeeeee” letting me know she was beginning to experiencing a tumultuous climatic event that was most likely a completely new experience for her.
  I felt her stomach muscles and her pussy beginning to tremble through my hand that was caressing her clit. Then there was a convulsive and erratic twitch of her body as I played with her clit. Now with a deep inhaled breath, she at first called out my name loudly followed by pulling her pillow up to and covering her face after recognizing how vocal she had become as she began to climax. Her body stiffened and she rolled on to her belly squirming about as she straightened her legs and then flexed her body in a convulsive uncontrolled pumping into the bed and back against my cock. I stayed with her as she rolled, excited with what I was doing to her. Her pussy seemed to be exceedingly tight with her climax. I felt that I had to push harder than just a few seconds before but that might have been more of a consequence of DD’s new face down position coupled with her legs closed together.

I tried to concentrate on all her body motions and vocal whimpering. I so overwhelmed with her apparent complete satisfaction with being fucked by me. I wanted everything to be so special and deeply moving after her disastrous beginning of sexual exploration the previous year. I gently bit the back of her neck as a deeply felt moan indicated her peak. I now started to fuck her harder as I plunged into her pussy feverishly driving my cock down and into her now juicy wet pussy as I told her...
  “I going to cum inside and with you  ...  I can’t stop!”
 My bed now began to squeak, then groan and now bang against the floor with our in cadence thrusting. Now it was DD’s turn to squeal with delight, knowing she was pleasing her lover; even if it was her brother. She needed to hear me and sense my pleasure and desires. This was her first truly emotionally sexual occasion. This was to be one time in her life she would always remember … hopefully every little detail.I wanted to make this sexual encounter with DD something special such that it stayed with her, deep in your mind. I wanted her to be able to recall all the little vivid details that she could feel as she climaxed for the first time with a guy. I wanted her to be able to think about this event when she was alone with just her thoughts in the quiet moments that were just hers.  I wanted her to feel all those emotions that separate one event from all the rest of the blurred and fuzzy encounters that would be good and exciting but not everlasting in future encounters. She would have this little secret always hidden in her mind to be remembered and re-experienced and think about while at work …those thoughts that would give her butterfly feelings in her chest that could be partially satisfied but not totally by a deep breath and a soft sigh. DD would end up smiling to herself while those about her chattered on about the mundane things that were going on in their lives. DD would remember that her first sensual fuck and intense climax was shared with her loving brother. It was a secret that she would cherish and never mention to anyone in her lifetime….. except me!
  I had come quickly sending several surges of warm cum deep into her wanting pussy as she reached back and grabbed my ass with one hand moaning in ecstasy with our mutual climax. There was no doubt in my mind that she wanted me to cum in her and she loved the sensation of me cuming in her. She had experienced a completely different feeling with us both climaxing in my bed. This mutual coupling was a blissful and pleasant experience unlike what had happened last year at school. DD’s mind was for the moment flooded with moments of giddy thoughts of passion. I held her close and kissed the back of her neck and shoulders knowing what was going to happen with her festive mood very quickly. Her head tilted back letting me know she liked my kisses.
  We were both now excited by how good this fuck session had turned out. Afterwards I was amazed at how a simple act of trying to comfort my sister had turned out to be a powerful sexual romp in my bed. She was better piece of ass than my girl friend. I was somewhat stunned that DD had not displayed any apparent apprehension of having me fuck her and not relived any portion of her previous bad experiences…. At least not yet.
 Slowly, DD’s labored breathing returned to normal. I was still on top of her but I was supporting all my weight on my arms and legs. My cock softened and slipped out with our mutual love juices seeping down and between her legs. I rolled off to her side pulling her into a side by side position as I continued to hold her close to me. All was quiet with DD sighing in contentment for a minute or so but I could tell her mood was changing!

DD whispered “I’m all wet.”  I murmured in her ear “That’s because you are one good lover.” I could hear a hum of happiness to that comment but it was not to last.
  After a few minutes, DD’s senses were bringing her back into my bedroom… not hers …and what had just happened between us; a brother and sister! Reality now was setting in ….   A very stony silence stole into my bedroom enveloping DD and myself.
  Suddenly DD pushed me away and sat up quickly. She slid out of my bed …. never uttering a word. Quickly, she snatched up the bottoms of her pajamas and left promptly for her room .… her bubble ass swinging to her hurried steps as she left.
  I waited a few minutes; put on my robe and went to her bedroom and tapped softly on her door. A stern statement greeted me....
 “Go back to bed! I don’t want to talk to you!” That was not what I wanted to hear. DD was pissed off.

I thought that I had been awake for the rest of the night. Suddenly, the bright morning light was coming through my window. I must have finally dozed off into sleep. I put on my robe and went down stairs to find my sister sitting at the kitchen table. I could tell she was still upset both at me and of course herself.  

I sat down at the table and went to speak and try to make things right. DD stood up and threw her toast at me before storming off to her room. She packed her clothes for the week and left for school.
  Several days went by ….  I was upset at what had happed and made excuses to leave work early for a couple of days saying I had the flue. DD did not return phone calls. Finally, I received a returned phone call from DD. ….  I was at first startled at her joyfulness saying she was ok. Then she apologized for blaming me for what happened ….  DD said she was also at fault. We talked for a few minutes with me agreeing what we did was wrong but that I was the one that caused the ‘problem’.
   She was quiet and then whispered into the phone asking me if I could hear her. Softly talking into the phone she said that I had made her feel like she had never felt before. She related to me that her whole body seemed to tingle and her body wildly moved when she climaxed. Obviously her climax was special ….the sensations had rippled all through her body. Then she told me she was all tingly just telling me about it on the phone. Finally, she said that she was coming home for the weekend. Obviously whispering into the phone, she asked if I could hear her…
   “I hope you will be home ….do you hear me?????”
  I sat and thought about the conversation after DD hung up. I convinced myself that there was no intent in the talk to get together in bed when she came home. I was wrong. It was the beginning of a long term but somewhat infrequent secret and exciting sexual bed romps.
  DD came home that weekend and once or twice a month while she attended school. Her original reason for coming home while supposedly to see friends …. Now it was mostly sexual. She tried to plan her home coming when the family was away at the sea shore house from late spring until the early fall. She had only a couple of classes during the summer session at school and there were many days I would take the afternoon off from work and we would really ‘fuck our proverbial brains out.’
 We used her apartment at school when her room mate would go home. Winter months were the most difficult. We initially used the family beach house during the winter season but finally saw the possibility of discovery …. How could we explain being together for all night sessions in the winter months? Motels left something out of the get together …. good for short sessions but the intimacy of our own beds made things very special. The front seat of our cars saw a lot of action along with several quickie sessions in the woods in the next town. When DD was horny there was an obsession in her to be bedded as soon as possible. I could not control myself when she was aroused! She just was a joy to fuck. It was her total joy and excitement to see and feel her climax. My poor girl friend Rose ended up getting the short end of the stick with me fucking DD so often.
  One very rain soaked weekend at her apartment resulted in us starting early Friday evening and never getting out of bed until Sunday afternoon when it was time for me to leave. We broke for nature and a few bites to eat …. no toast was ever thrown at me. We tried every possible position we knew of in these weekend sessions. Many of these encounters were genuine bed creaking bed bouncing powerful fuck sessions. One weekend, I had to stop on Sunday morning explaining that the rim of my cock was irritated. DD giggled because she was experiencing a little bit of irritation also. I guess it was too much of a good thing.
  Near the end of her schooling, DD met her husband to be [Tim]. I assumed that was going to be the end of out sexual encounters. He turned out to be very religious and also held the belief of no sex before marriage. DD was allowed to jerk him off and he would play with her pussy at times, but no further intimate actions. It did not satisfy her needs. Using her fingers to bring her self to what she called a weak climax left much to be desired.
  Soon we were back in my bed again …. She was always frustrated and very horny after they were together. DD tried to explain to me the hows and whys of her relationship with Tim ….  She wanted to have kids and he had a larger than 8 inch tool that she dreamed about. A couple of months before their marriage, she seduced him. His use of a condom and apparent lack of his experience frustrated her because she did not climax. Two days after her seduction of Tim, DD and I were in my bed for an all night session. I fucked her like she had never been fucked by me before ….. She was all smiles in the morning while telling me in hushed words she ached from our bed session. I was elated to say the least. 
 The marriage went off smoothly with every one smiling …. I assumed that it would be the end of our bedroom romps. Within six months, we once again began to share our beds at every opportunity. We frequently saw each other at holiday family reunions and at the family beach house for cookouts. We smiled and gave each other little slaps on the ass when no one was around but we continued our fuck sessions with a passion. She had become a good piece of ass and I told her so. She told me it was not her husband that had taught her!

On one weekend many of the extended family was leaving to return back to their working lives.  DD and I were together in the kitchen as I was leaving. She made a comment that it would be nice if I could stay. I said “Yup but work calls!”
DD delicately said “Tim will not be here either. He has to go back to work also. It’ll be just me and some of the young kids staying here at the house with me all week.” She was smiling broadly.

DD was just being coy but did understand the implications of my returned smile. I told her that I had mentioned to the boss that if the weather was good at the beach I would most likely take a few days off from work. I was about to lose some of my saved vacation days if I did not use them.

I told her I was going down to the corner store to use the phone. I would leave a message on the managers work phone that I was taking some days off on vacation. She was smiling broadly as I left for the door. I could see we were alone in the kitchen as I passed by her side and goosed her like I did when we were younger. DD jumped at my finger’s intrusion and uttered a quick cry out of surprise. I made it to the door way before she threw a wet dish towel at me and mouthed what looked like “Hurry back!”

I lacked trying to stay focused as I walked down to the corner store to make the phone call. I was getting aroused as I walked. I picked up the pace as I walked. Several ‘naughty images’ as DD would say, kept running through my will be the first story in a possible series of a few stories about an incest relationship that was never planned or anticipated. The stores dwell primarily on the fun and exciting side of the sexual events and not on the apprehension, anguish and thoughts of guilt that comes with such a relationship. I sense that such a relationship in this society cannot unfold without a questioning as to what is being shared in an incest relationship with out these feelings. I would welcome comments from readers if they have experienced such misgivings in their quiet moments when they are alone with their private thoughts. I would especially like to see the thoughts from the woman’s side with knowledge on such a relationship.If you wish to comment contact me at [email protected].