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Topic: Unspoken Desires - Part II 
Seeing my son partially naked in the bed, across the room from me last night was incredibly arousing. I had many orgasms and woke in the morning feeling very relaxed but a little guilty. I went about the next day as most days, nothing taboo on my mind, just a normal family atmosphere.

As we turned in for the night that night, the events of the previous night did cross my mind. I did look over at his bed as I laid there, but there was nothing to see. I slept reasonably well that night.

My son woke me up as he was getting out of bed. He was getting his stuff together to go out to get a shower. I decided to get out of bed too. I was wearing my over sized tee shirt with panties, no bra. I stood up and said “good morning”. I didn't plan on teasing him but my nipples have a mind of their own, they were rock hard, I did see him glance at the bumps in my tee shirt. I just turn around, not really sure if he was watching. My panties were riding up my butt so I adjusted them with a tug and an elastic snap. I don't think I showed any ass, but thinking back, that might have been exciting if he was watching.

He headed off to the shower and I was only a few minutes behind him. The shower facility was empty when he walked in. There is a male and female section, you can not see into the other section, but you can clearly hear the water and voices from both sections.

I heard his water running and heard him showering as I turned on my water and started to soap up. After soaping up, I let the water run over me just enjoying how good it felt. I could hear my son in the shower again, not much movement. I asked him if he slept well last night.

There was a short pause, then he said “I slept OK, but it was a little warm.” His statement made me pause, all the memories came back. I said, “Yes it was, I was hot”. The showers were quite again, water running, but not a lot of movement. I slowly eased my hand down to my pussy and gently rubbed my clit. I felt so guilt but that was the best looking biggest cock I have ever seen, and I touched it, my pussy touched it.

I was listening very closely to make sure no one came in and trying to hear what my son was up to. He was doing something over there, but not leaving the shower. Then for just a brief second, I heard the motion, the rhythm, a soft slapping pattern. This is when I realized he was jacking off, my pussy began to throb. I could see him in my mind, stroking that big cock with a soapy fist. I closed my eyes and rubbed my pussy.

Suddenly, to me anyways, his shower shut off. I heard him dry off and head out of the shower room. I turned my water off and finished up myself. As I was leaving the showers, I just had to know, “was he jacking off, did he cum?” I took a quick look to see if anyone was coming to the showers, the coast was clear, so I went into the male side. It was easy to tell which shower he used, i went into it to inspect what I could see. It wasn't easy to tell with soap and water everywhere, but I think i may have seen his cum on the wall. It looked a little to thick for soap, but not not as much cum as I would have expected “I would love to taste it, but i just didn't really know what it was.” “Did he cum thinking about me?” I got myself together and headed out of the showers.

Part II

It was a normal day, hot most of the day. The night wasn't much better. I got into the RV first, changed (long tee, no panties) and got in bed. The moon was still full when my son came in, I was still awake. There was plenty of light for him to get ready for bed, but not enough for him to see my eyes. I acted like I was asleep, under the covers.

He changed quickly, I did enjoy seeing the shirt and shorts come off. He still had undies on but his cock is so big and thick it makes a noticeable bulge that I just love seeing. I was hot and he was laying on the top of his bed, I could see his face looking towards the ceiling.

I started to pretend I was sleeping. I was really hot inside, I had to throw my covers off. I acted like I was thrashing around in my sleep and off went the covers. I got still again and opened my eyes to see what he was up to. He was looking in my direction now. I couldn't see his eyes I and I know he couldn't see mine, but I suspected he was watching me.

I laid there for a while and I noticed his hand rubbing his cock. He started on the outside and was squeezing and moving it around. I laid very still, still on my back, watching. His head was still pointed in my direction. He must have believed I was really asleep because with one swift motion, he pulled his cock out. I could not see detail clearly but I could clearly see how big it was.

He started slowly, pumping the full length of the shaft. I wanted to start rubbing my pussy but I didn't want my movement to scare him into stopping. He was stroking faster and faster, i was sure he was going to cum. He kept the pace up, it was so arousing thinking about how good it would be to feel that big cock pumping my pussy that fast. I could feel my pussy throbbing. I rolled my eyes down to my pussy to see if I could figure a way to touch myself while I watched.

I almost went into shock when I looked down. OMG, the moon was shinning through the window, the lower half of my body was in full moon light. My legs were slightly parted and my pussy was in full view!

Now there was no doubt, my son was watching me, looking at my pussy! He was pumping his cock looking at me. I was aroused and terrified all at the same time. My heart was pounding, what should I do. Just then he stopped stroking his cock. He began to move, he was sitting up. As he took the first step off the bed, I closed my eyes, my heart pounding but I didn't want him to know what I saw and what I know he saw. Maybe he was going out to the bathroom, I didn't know.

He stopped walking, he was very near my bed. I could hear the sound of him stroking his cock and he was very close. His stoking slowed and I could hear him breathing heavy. He was touching my bed, but I dare not open my eyes or move.

It was all I could do not to move! I could feel his breath on my leg! OMG, he was looking at my pussy, and he was very close to it! OMG, he has his face right there, I can feel the breath on my pussy hair! Is he going to lick my pussy, should I stop him?

Suddenly he moved away from the bed. I heard his stroking resume. It was very very fast, then he stopped again. He must be near the bed again, I can feel the mattress move. That is were I almost lost all control. I feel him very near to my face, I could feel heat, was he going to kiss me? I heard him stroking again, but it was much louder, he was stroking his massive cock very near my face. Then I felt it, he gently placed his cock on my lips! Just barely, oh how I wanted to suck it.

He pulled away and I heard him starting to cum. He must have tried to catch the cum, but some of it landed on my arm, I'm sure he didn't notice. I heard him continue to pump it and get all that wonderful cum out of his cock.

I heard him walking back to the bed and I opened my eyes. He was in bed and asleep before I knew it. Finally, I could touch my pussy. This was the hottest I have ever been. I thought the other night was as hot as I could get, but it wasn't.

I started to touch my pussy and came almost immediately, it was a very hard cum. My pussy thrust up in the air. Before it completely subsided, I remembered the cum on my arm and the feel of his cock on my lips. The cum started to build again. I lifted my right hand from my pussy and scooped up the cum that was on my arm. It wasn't much, but I had it on my finger. I brought it to my lips, I could smell my pussy and the scent of the cum. I put the cum on the tip of my tongue and returned my hand to my pussy. As I pulled my tongue into my mouth and tasted him for the first time, my pussy exploded again.

Tomorrow we may go home, how can things be the same, what will I do? Maybe we should stay another night? Oh what a mess.