ReWritten from the original story I wrote. Purely fictional.A little sister sneaks a peek while her older sister and boyfriend have fun.
Please forgive me of any errors or bad content, this is my first story.
Please comment. This is purely fictional I might add.
So where do I begin? This happened when I was about 18 years old and I
had a girlfriend who was 18 I could lie and start this whole tale
about how I'm perfectly ripped and tanned with a dong the size of a
horse, but we all know that's not reality right? So just average guy
here, white, 6 ft. tall medium build, who works and goes to school. We
lived in a remote mountainous area where the houses are far and few
between. I had just gotten off at my job working at the local lumber &
supply store when I received a text message from my girlfriend Nicole.
Nicole is about 5'5" 130lbs, blonde hair, green eyed, average build and
a DD rack. She told me that she was bored all weekend because her
parents had left for a honeymoon trip and left her in charge of her
little bratty 18 year old sister Erika. Erika was short just hitting 5'
but still growing, she had slightly tanner skin then her sister with
jet black hair and slender, already sprouting a B cup. I responded back
to her mentioning that I had some other plans with my friends for the
night and that I was tired, sweaty and dirty from work. She begged and
pleaded with me saying that she had dinner on the table for us and that
she would make it worth my while. *wink *wink.
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