The next morning we got up and had breakfast like nothing happened. barb was alittle extra nice to me and Andy probably out of guilt but Andy was his usual self and left for the day to play with some friends down the street.
i was just going to put Barb under so she could molest me today when her parents pulled into the drive. it would have to wait. we had coffee and me and lonnie my father inlaw went out on the porch. Barb and her mom we call her by her middle name ann sat in the kitchen. we sat and talked and then it dawned on me the were hypnotised too. i said smoke smoke smoke. lonnie stared straight ahead. i said you are tired when i snap my fingures you will fall asleep and not wake up till i wake you. i snaped my fingures and he layed back in his chair and drifted off to sleep.
 i go back into the kitchen and say smoke smoke smoke. barb and Ann stare straight ahead. ann was looking good today kinda cute for almost 50 she wore a white shirt with blue jeans i tell barb to go take a long bubble bath while me and her mom talk and she got up and went to the bathroom. my heart was pounding would this work. i realy never thought of fucking Ann but the thought now got my heart pounding.
 i go to Barb and put her back under. i tell her im leaving and wont be back fo an hour and that her moms asleep on the couch. and that she was her daddys little girl and do what ever he wants. just put on your white panties and tee shirt when i shut the bathroom door you will wake up.
 i shut the door and go wake up lonie and put him back under your back hurting from sleeping in this chair have barb take you to are room and rub your back. you are very horney and can't control your urges and you think your little girl is very sexy. ind so you molest her. 123 wake up. i leave and let what happens happen. lonnie gets up and goes in the house just as barb comes out of the bathroom he wispers so his wife can't hear. barbie can you rub my back it hurts from sleeping on that chair. sure Daddy go lie on me bed.
 I come in like i just got home somtime latter and they were all in the kitchen talking like nothing happened. soon after they left and me and barb was alone. smoke smoke smoke a said. barb staried straight ahead. barb did your dad molest you when you were little.
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