It happened 2 years ago, I was 26 and a teacher at a high school and taught a class who were exceptionally well behaved.
However there was this one girl who misbehaved all the time. She didn’t talk, swear or answer back… but she would act very naughty in front of all my male students. As much as i tried to seem angry at her, i couldn’t help getting so horny and hard. Sometimes i would even have to leave the room to jack off in the toilets. And when i came back she would act even more slutty which didn’t help me much at all. Our school uniform is a knee-length skirt and a shirt however she would always come into class with her skirt rolled up to her thighs and her shirt unbuttoned… meaning that i could see a lot of her cleavage(she was definitely bigger than a D) and her hairless wet pussy through her pink lace thong.
The next day i came into class wearing a shirt and tight trousers, she came in wearing her usual sexy style. However she acted differently to how she usually acted in class. She kept raising her hand to answer the questions i was asking, she was normally too busy playing with herself. However she only seemed to answer the questions that required coming up to the board to answer. Every time she came up, she would brush past me with her hand gliding across my cock. Then she would write the answer right at the top of the board meaning her skirt rose all the way up whilst she wrote, revealing her big round ass. Sometimes she would even use her other hand and rub her pussy because she knew only i could see.
It was her. I walked back to my desk, leaning on it as sexily as i could. I asked her why she was still here and she said “Because i know you want something from me and i want to give it to you”. She was using her pencil to rub her pussy and i got hard within seconds. She got up and slowly walked up to me, unbuttoning her shirt. At first i felt so wrong that i said “I don’t think this is appropriate” but grabbed my hand and massaged her boobs with them. I couldn’t resist so i continued. She stuck her pierced tongue in my mouth and used her hands to unbuckle my trousers and gave me a good hand job. I ripped her skirt off and pulled her thong to her ankles. Looking at her wet waxed clit made my mouth water. i sucked her good for 5 mins and got my cock into her used pussy.
Лише для дорослих!
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