Having always been turned on my female bodybuilders, I decided to sign up for a "session" with one a few years ago. For those of you who don't follow this scene, there are a lot of female bodybuilders who offer sessions which might consist of wrestling, arm wrestling, muscle worship, or any variety of activities that show off the woman's strength.
I was intrigued by Angela's (not her real name) offer for a topless session. When I showed up at her door, she answered wearing a towel. No sooner had she let me in the door, she let her towel drop, revealing a skimpy bikini. She immediately struck a double bicep pose and said "Is this what you wanted to see?"
She suggested that we start out by wrestling. I reminder her that she offered a topless session. Her response: "Topless, bottomless, whatever. " As she stripped down to nothing, she said I was welcome to do the same.
I was amazed by how strong she was. She easily was able to get me in holds that I had no hope of escaping. After a few falls that went her way, I was really horny and told her I had decided to remove my underwear.
Angela asked me to climb on top of her to see if I could hold her down. My hard cock rubbed against her pussy. "So what do you do with your girlfriends when you have them in this position?", she asked.
I wish I could say that I then fucked her brains out, but this is a true story. I said that I didn't feel comfortable with that. She said she would be more than happy to give me a "hand release.
Angela had me lie down on a mat while she went to get some baby oil. It felt amazing as she slid her hand up and down my cock as I felt her hard muscles, including her strained bicep. I asked if it was ok for me to touch her pussy. "Of course," she said. I had never seen a clit so big in person before. She said it was side effects due to steroid use.
I manipulated her huge clit while she expertly stroked my dick. As she stroked me, she told me about a man who recently tried to take advantage of her at the gym. She said she had beat the shit out of him and then jacked him off in front of a crowd. She said he tried not to cum but that her talents were too much for him.
Angela got me towel so I could clean up. We spent about ten to fifteen minutes talking while I felt up her biceps and tits before I left. I have dated other bodybuilders since that time, but this first one always has special meaning for me.
.Лише для дорослих!
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