You won't find anyone else who provides worse service than this woman. I went to the door. I instantly shared my picture, video and location information. When I asked him to open the lower door, he said sorry, I left the house. Just be yourself and stay away. It has absolutely terrible service. Even if he wanted to come and meet for free today, I wouldn't want to see his face again.
Just because you were acting extremely suspicious. You came at the door downstairs, it was closed. After 1 min you send me video from my floor. After another 1 min you again asked open dooe down. WTF is That. You also got a lot reviews from me that you are strange rober
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You won't find anyone else who provides worse service than this woman. I went to the door. I instantly shared my picture, video and location information. When I asked him to open the lower door, he said sorry, I left the house. Just be yourself and stay away. It has absolutely terrible service. Even if he wanted to come and meet for free today, I wouldn't want to see his face again.
I’m sorry but all of this lie. I was not worked at country you are. And especially at this date. I celebrated woman’s day at home with my family. Absolutely lie! Your are probably another agency who wanted make my job worth.