Dear friends, I’m sharing this as a warning to protect others from a troubling experience. Please be cautious and steer clear of this individual. She is highly problematic and appears to be solely motivated by money. She provides no genuine service and constantly demands more money for even minor matters. If you refuse, her behavior turns hostile and aggressive. In one instance, she even threatened to falsely accuse me of harm if I didn’t comply. It was a distressing and alarming situation. Her accomplice, who seems to act as her enforcer, adds to the pressure for money. She misrepresents herself in every possible way—her appearance, her services, and her intentions. Her photos are heavily altered, and in reality, she looks entirely different. The deception is blatant and deeply misleading. She is based in Adana and frequently creates new accounts to avoid the growing number of complaints against her. By changing her identity, she continues to deceive more people. Her behavior is manipulative, rude, and outright fraudulent. I’ve been a part of this platform for years without any issues, but my encounter with her was a complete nightmare. She turned what should have been a positive experience into something I deeply regret. Please take this warning seriously. Do not be deceived by her pictures or false promises. Protect yourself by avoiding any interaction with her. Stay safe and vigilant.
Лише для дорослих!
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