Meeting with Naomi was simply amazing all the way. Appearance wise, pictures do her no justice. She is simply beautiful, there is not much more to say. Despite not being used to this kind of thing, I felt at ease throughout the meeting. Even though her English is far from perfect, she easly kept the conversation and no point did it seem like she was lost. While I am not sure how serious she was, she has some interesting take on things. I might be a little bit bias here since we are both formula 1 fans, although for a different reasons:). As for the other part of the meeting, putting it simply, she is really good at it:) I left a happy man. Everything we did felt great, not forced as i would assume it often time does. The whole "flow" felt natural and not scripted. Additionally, I can only tell you that she is beyond flexible and knows how to show it off in most impressive ways. In the end, for me it was the combination of many things that made this meeting amazing for me. Her persoanality, her looks and in general her approach to the whole thing. Finall, I cannot say anything other than giving Naomi high recommendation.
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