Very good session. She is enthusiastic and engaged, enjoys sex. Good BJ. She strips quickly and with enthusiasm, kisses with her tongue, like the most complete GFE, lets you know loudly how much fun she is having on the end of your tongue or cock, gives the most wonderful OWO (deep and soft with wonderful suction) and my highlight of the afternoon was her riding cowgirl for nearly half an hour, perspiration pouring off her as she had repeated orgasms and squealed with delight. Hard to believe that I am the first to write a report on such a wonderfully talented girl. I shall definitely be back.
A very elegant, attractive and vivacious lady with gorgeous legs and bosom. A warm welcome awaits and a welcoming kiss and avid conversation. I felt relaxed with her, she was delectable and soon had me standing to attention. Running my hands across her curves she delivered all that was promised. Her enthusiasm was amazing. On all fours she was orgasming on my cock as I pumped her deep in her pussy. My God this woman is something else!
Everything was perfect. Very good blowjob with multiple deep throats. Perfect 69 with a wonderful ass. Not using lube. She wants the client to make her wet the natural way. Excellent sex part with a lot of kisses and deep looks into client's eyes. On top of this great service, the girl has, what I call, a true woman body with nice curves and big natural breasts. The sex part was amazing and the social time was excellent. She is smart, funny and very friendly. She is a 5 stars escort girl.
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