My customer called me and request Ukraine girls. I have not sex Ukraine girls before, and don't have experience about them. I search on this site and find Karina and Alisa. Both of girls are so sexy and tiger on bed.I let my customer to chose. He chose Alisa. We send message and book date. However, we were late because of Istanbul's traffic:sad: . I am so sorry about it. Please girls forgive us. I want to inform you about Alisa. I directly write statements which My customer said. She is so kind and active like your girlfriend. She is good at blowjob and DT. She give and receive and satisfaction and she got wet many times. She like her job and do the best. I feel so bad to not try duo with these girls after i heard these statements. Next time i will try duo with them. And my customer said that he will come to Istanbul in january,2017 because the reason is Alisa:wink: . Thank you both Alisa and Karina to make me and my customer happy. See you soon.
She is the most amazing girl i have ever seen. She is so kind and humble. I assume that she give money to me :wink: . She knows what she do. Her favorite position is doggy and she gets wet multiple times in this position. I exactly offer all guys to meet girl. And also she has a girlfriend, the name is Alisa, and you can try duo, you must. Next time i will try them as duo. Thank you, Karina for making me so happy.:love::love::love:
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