Summer of 2019, I visited a girl who used the same photos for her profile. The girl I saw in person was totally different. Services not bad, but when I arranged the meeting she said she does owo and cif and did neither.
She has amazing looks. Cute face, velvety skin, firm, pointy breasts. That's where the good things end. As soon as she opened the door, I sensed some uneasiness. Throughout our meeting I kept asking if everything is ok. Very difficult communication, her English vocabulary is about 5 words, but she kept answering "yes, ok". Anyway, I am no Clooney, but I am no Jaws from James Bond movies either. I believe it is her right to refuse services if I were not up to her "standards", or for any other reason (maybe it wasn't me - maybe she was just in a bad mood). She could have canceled the minute she saw me, but obviously she liked my money. I have never felt so unwanted! Everything she did was full of boredom. I was assured by the agency that she provides the services advertised on this page, and included in the price, however, nothing could be further from the truth. NO kiss with tongue, NO owo, 50€ extra for cif. Anyway, before I could finish, she was already in the shower, I asked again if she was ok, she said "yes" again, she sat on the bed wrapped in a sheet, played nervously with her phone, paid no attention to me, so I got up, got dressed and left 20 minutes early. I sent a message to the agency, to their credit, they were very apologetic.
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