Your smile hit the nail on the head, without telling me the details of your service, I prefer to discover it little by little. bath, nice massage with oils and she starts a very delicious fellatio, then we move to 69, I put my tongue deep inside her, she seems to like it, I also lick her anus and while she lets herself do this I start to stick my tongue in her little anus, so I asked her to lie on her stomach and I caressed and touched her pussy at the same time as I caressed her ass with my tongue after offering her to put on a condom, which she did delicately. Then I hit her ass again with my tongue so that it was wide open, as I intended to do anal in the elephant position, but when I tried to penetrate her she turned around to tell me "honey, I have nothing against you playing with my anus, but anal is not" seeing that the cold shower expression was clearly appearing on my face she immediately added "come in my vagina, you won't be disappointed, it's very tight so I fucked her, changing position three or four times to find one that would allow me to penetrate her completely and it is true that her vagina is very tight for a woman of her profession for a moment I thought about asking her to finish me off with oral sex, but while she moaned it excited me too much, I came deeply. inside your vagina.
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