I booked ‘Veronika’ and specifically asked for this girl. Instead, a 37 year old Turk woman comes. She is attractive and has curves, but is older, with small silicon tits, and tattoos, including one across her stomach guts. Had a big juicy ass. I am ok with that. But her attitude was like a toxic poison. Very charming until she got her hands on the money (she asked for more, also). Once paid, she sped up so she could run away. After 30-40 minutes, she tried to claim I needed to extend the time as the 2 hours I had paid for had run out. This is after I gave her a whisky and she undressed and blowjobbed me (no sex at this point). Why rush 2 hours? Everything was a rush. Who ever these pimps and hookers are, you are screwing up your business by cheating, scamming, and rushing. Men want a good time. This was a transaction. I made her ride me till I came. I tried to get her to talk dirty in Turkish to me. Or English. I came. She immediately towelled off, but she took no shower maybe she didn’t want her hair ruined. I could she she was going to run the “extend” bullshit on me so I just opened to hotel suite door and pointed out. No words, kisses, or anything. Bye bye 👋. Good riddance!
This was a scammer. She scammed $200 for a “taxi” and said she needed it take it downstairs. I could tell this was was an untrustworthy move. She was on her phone for majority of the time. Big warning ⚠️ 🚩. $600 overnight and $200 taxi and she has now run off. Scam.
Liar, I've been with you for 4 hours, you're not doing anything, my time is up, when you say I'm going to leave, you should do it, and you're commenting on a lie from here.
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