My dudes: THIS IS IT. This is the one. I have not experienced a girl with so much sensuality and willingness than Isabelle on my life (paid or not). The caress she gives to both your body and soul can soothe any trouble you face in life. She will make you feel life is worth it and every problem in nothing compared with the sheer blissfulness you gonna experience. Amazing bj and sex skills, accompanied with a lovely personality that can melt the stoutest of men. If she's on your city. CHOOSE. HER. No questions asked. Thx so much for such a blissful night!
Unfortunately due to a disrespectful lack of punctuality and very uncomfortable questions regarding my race, I decided to cancel my appointment even if I was literally downstairs. As the video sent by the agency suggests she may be amazing, but I'll let you figure it out and I hope you don't have to face those unpleasantries as I did.
A delicate yet wild experience. Someone who know where and how to touch the right buttons. Her body is slender yet sexy and a face to die for. Her kisses are the perfect combination of all the marvelous attributes already described. I recommend take an hour rather tan 30 min. It's totally worth it
Well spoken and with a great disposition at the time of arranging the meeting. Incredibly playful during all the time and with good BJ skills. The sex is great, active movements looking for the pleasure of both parties, both in touch and sound. Her outstanding sensuality is her biggest selling point, you can get lost on her feline eyes at any moment without realising. Totally recommended
Very sweet and professional. The massage is unbelievably relaxing yet arousing, as well as the blowjob. as well as a very funny person to talk to if you are on that kind of stuff. Totally recommended
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