Hi, I met Stephanie 2 times in 3 days. The first time for 1 hour, second time for 2 hours, in both cases I had a great time but the second has been better. I have to confess that when I read that she looks like Scarlett Johansson, I thought: "Doh, these men, they see a pretty blondie and immediately they compare her with Scarlett Johansson" javascript:void(0);. Well I have to admit I was wrong, she looks really like Scarlett. Indeed in real she looks much better than in pics, which is quite surprising, coz usually in real girls look worse, thanx to Photoshop. Not only she is very alike Scralett Johansson in the face, but also the body is similar, she's small and slim but with right curves in the right spots. Her breasts are adorable, I thought she had a 3rd but she told me it's a 2nd, though a very full 2nd, she got a teenager breast. Her butt is full and soft and she got pretty legs and feet. That said, the best part of Stephanie is not her body but her personality. It could sound difficult to believe coz often beautiful girls are quite mean and arrogant, but Stephanie is a rare exception. She's a good natured, intelligent young lady with a bubbly personality. Her english is amazing and she's a great conversationalist, she has travelled in many countries, even Far Asia. She loves to tell you about her life and she's curious and partecipating listening what you tell her. Some would say she's not a tiger in bed, but I had a good empaty with her also under that point of view. If you meet her I suggest to bring her a bottle of white wine, coz she loves it and the second shot in the second meeting was amazing, maybe also coz that (guess she was a little bit high), but I also think it was better coz there was more confidence between us. Her kisses, in particular, have become deeper. So, I had a great time with her and I look forward to meet her again when she'll be back in Firenze.
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