I didn’t ask for any photo or extra information just said hi Ok thanks for heads up now i see you’re working as personal not meeting random people, whatever kindly mention this to your bio to avoid wasting our time
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As others said i got blocked by her on whatsApp too by writing “hello dear” I think it’s better to report her page because it’s weird and unpleasant if you she dont like or want to meet any people so why she made this page on the site? I hope admin of site solve this issue asap
probably it doesn’t reach you, but I have the right to choose who to serve and who not to accept, and if you are so stupid that you think that I don’t have information about you as a client, then these are your problems and not mine or to the agency and they will accept you there no matter who to accept, the main thing is that you pay, and for me the main thing is my psychological comfort, I do not cooperate with the psychologically insane and with other inadequate ones. thanks and by the way, this site only sells advertising, it is not responsible for your dissatisfaction, therefore, or and write comments elsewhere