Alisa a wonderful gfe , naturally very dirty and adventurous, she did all I needed and understood my style adjusting to me desires ,we enjoyed each other and she also orgasmed something very natural and sexy ! I highly recommend for a real experience, looking forward to seeing you again !
This beautiful young girl gave me the most amazing, intimate sex , a true gfe experience ! She’s lovable , cute , very sexy ! Naturally genuine and friendly . I didn’t want to leave her , she’s so alluring with an incredible aura , for me she deletes all competition she was exactly what I needed ! For me she is perfection !
She perfectly presented herself in immaculately chosen lingerie, friendly and welcoming with a sexy aura ! She didn’t rush and gave me a passionate enthusiastic intimate time , we enjoyed each other in a wonderful erotic combination, a gfe I would genuinely recommend. Vanessa was all that I had ever looked for , more than I expected and a dream come true ! She has very little comparable competition !
Thank you for the nice words , and don’t forget that next time it will be much better 😈😈😈
Better than the rest , perfectly presented , friendly and enjoining her work ! She is a pleasure and beautiful, thank you Amy ! I would highly recommend
thanks my love I’m very happy that you enjoyed!!!! See y soon
Totally beautiful experience ,no rush , good communication. Very attractive, well presented willing and passionate person much better than many of her rivals
Genuine, well worth visiting ! She enjoyed and participated , a girlfriend experience ! She came too , that’s exciting and encouraging , I would see her again definitely
Not worth a meeting , there is better Shemales on the market and I’m becoming more wise and selective ! A lack of passion , she was unable to sustain erection
She / he will arrange things with you then let you down multiple times , a rendezvous will never be possible ! And there will always be an excuse ! Perhaps better anyway that you don’t meet , there is better competition !
"Sorry to hear you felt that way, but I always strive to give my clients the best experience possible. If something didn’t work out, that’s unfortunate, but I’m sure there’s plenty of other options for you out there. Wishing you all the best!"
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Fake account , time waster ! No communication, not even a polite I cannot or it’s not possible ! Scam !
Maybe you send me to many message wich is not about escort. I am 100% verified, im not fake.. just i dont want you. 😘