What a lovely girl is she! Guys today I met with Alia. Yesterday I wrore her and then we set a meeting. She is staying in a good uality residence. But her quality is way more than the residence. :) Alia is very friendly and talkative girl. She rated her English as 4 star but this is not true. Because she has totally perfect fluency and American accent. :) That was a great girlfriend experience. She takes care about you in every second of your time. And she has full natural body. She is also great at bu ang kissing. It was so good to feel her pale and soft skin. My hot red! :) You are a wonderful girl. And i am very lucky to met with you. Hope to see you again.🙏🌷🥰
Hello to everyone again. Today I met with Ellie. When I wrote to her, she directly write back to me and we set a programme very quickly. She has a very beautiful face and very proportional body. Everything is natural about her. Feeling her soft skin was great. We had a lovely one hour together. But I am very sorry next week she will leave İstanbul. For this reason if you have possibility you should not miss the chance to see her. Meeting a pretty girl like you was pleasure for me Ellie. You are perfect. I hope one day we see each other again. 😊 Thank you for everything. 🌹💞
Hi again to everyone. As soon as I've learned that Kristina, who had been out of Istanbul for a while, had returned, we set a date for last Sunday. In this way, I had the opportunity to make up for my longing with her. :) It is possible to be with a lot of beautiful women on this platform. However, it is not easy to find someone who is so communicative, friendly and with whom you can feel so happy. I try to meet with Kristina at regular intervals as long as she is in Istanbul. The sex part of the job is already amazing. But spending time together, chatting, sharing, feeling like you are with a reliable friend is at least as important as sex. Thank you for everything my beautiful-faced giantess. :) I'm glad you're here again. 💞
Hello to all you guys. I met Kristina yesterday. That was one of the special meeting ever. Because that pretty girl makes you happiest person in the world. She is not only a beautiful girl. She has a great character. She always care about you until the end of the meeting. When you meet her, she creates a strong bonds with you. She is not only about a great sex. She is clearly giving you one of the best girlfriend experience. Thank you for the unforgettable minutes Kristina. İ'm afraid this can be an addiction for me in the future.🙈 I am planning to meet you again and again I guess. With my endless love. 😘
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