I consider myself like someone sane, healthy, enjoying consensual sexual interactions based on respect, having fun and intimacy. Well my meeting with Karina really overcame my expectations! After finding a date, I informed Karina what I was looking for more in details and she matched that perfectly! She was very professional in the organisation of the meeting, coming to my hotel discretely, looking perfectly like a normal upper-level woman (I say normal because she is actually such a natural beauty that I believe men working in the hotel might be more attentive than usual :-D) and then, after a short shower, we had really an amazing time together with also a good massage and conversation afterwards (she speaks perfectly English). So if every escort/meeting was like that, how happy would I be! In her description, she writes that she could also be a good company and I would say that I can perfectly imagine that, since she does not only speak English very well but I believe the discussion with her is easy. Okay and now the warning part for you guys, I would say, she does not ask enough money for her services, so maybe after reading this review, she might elevate her prices and it would be absolutely fine! (I am sorry, I like being honest and I told her that after per message). But if she keeps this very very good price, you can also do like me and give her a small tip afterwards (PS: the price 130 was for one hour + transportation). Take care of her! (So last remark, if you are a creepy person, just stay away, I believe you would waste your time anyway since she is intelligent enough not to engage in activity with you).
Лише для дорослих!
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