The photos are old, but they are gold. This was the best thing that happened to me. Everything about them is told in the comments. If every person in this world were doing their job as they are doing theira, this world would be called “heaven”.
How it is possible that she has only one review? I was so unsure in the beginning to invite her but just rolled the dice. I feel like I found an unknown diamond mine. She is an amazing Ukrainian girl full of love. She is way better and hotter than the pictures. She was very sexy with the things she wore, The pics were unable to reflect her beauty. And I dont even like tatoos and piercings, but I didnt really mind about that. I always found that long plastic nails disgusting, she made me find that tolerable. Because she knows how to use them. And I liked how she used them. I wish I could bring her boobs home with me. They were perfect. She looks exactly like the character from the TV series “How I Met Your Mother”called Lilly. And her character is sweet and wild as her. Her voice, the way she speaks, gestures, expressions, her attitude… Every little thing she does is magic. It’s up to you to discover the untold part before she is unavailable. One last thing, she smells so nice naturally. Not talking about the perfume. One more thing, she speaks English very well. But I was gonna lose my mind with one word she says in Turkish. She is seductive.
Baby thank you 💞😘
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