Loved every minute of that prety flower sex amazing cant say a lot because i will spoil the suprice but i can say that is a woman that you dont wanna miss
First thing first Valentina is gorgeous and amazing in everything shes does the only thing i can say is that she is a dream come true and for sure i will do my best to see her again as for the services that is something beetween me and her thanks you again for everything and for sure i will come again soon xxxxxx
Amazing woman dont lose a chance to go with her the pictures are real but she is more beautifull in person and whatever she does is in another level she is amazing GFE and i would visit her again for sure xxxxx
sasha is an amazing woman she makes your dreams come true i recomend her for sure i will be back to see her again in my eyes she is a queen thanks sasha for an amazing night with you that i will never forget xxx
Amazing woman you will not want to leave when you see her she is an angel or a devil if you know what I mean the perfect woman she gives you the best of herself to you if didn't go to her I will tell one visit is not enough she is the best in everything and I can much more beautifull in person that in the photos the only think I can say is don't lose the chance to go to her because if don't go you are going to regret it later thanks for everything tonight you made my night so amazing and I could say going to her would make you lose your mind from how sexy and beautifull she is and gives you exactly what you need xxx
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