Both of the girls are sexy and polite. This was actually my second trip. I stayed shorter at first. This time I stayed for 3 hours. These girls are sweat Jul clean. With their energy, they immediately take away the nervous stress of a person and relieve it. I had a lot of fun with 4 hand massages and lap dances. They did a great job. That's why it was assumed to write this review. The most attractive features of girls are their prices.
Both of the girls are sexy and polite. This was actually my second trip. I stayed shorter at first. This time I stayed for 3 hours. These girls are sweat Jul clean. With their energy, they immediately take away the nervous stress of a person and relieve it. I had a lot of fun with 4 hand massages and lap dances. They did a great job. That's why it was assumed to write this review. The most attractive features of girls are their prices.
Both ladies did a great job. They do what they do willingly. Their performances paid off for the money I gave. I also had a meeting with the girls twice same week. I called the taxi money for my place. I booked the girls for 3 hours. we danced, cyclically and brewed for 3 hours. The girls did a double dance show. I can't forget the way they rock the goths when they dance. The candle is without clay. they make 4 hand treats. I had a massage oil, I also had a massage. I didn't ask anal. If anyone has any questions other than that, they can ask in private. Have fun everyone
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Both of the girls are sexy and polite. This was actually my second trip. I stayed shorter at first. This time I stayed for 3 hours. These girls are sweat Jul clean. With their energy, they immediately take away the nervous stress of a person and relieve it. I had a lot of fun with 4 hand massages and lap dances. They did a great job. That's why it was assumed to write this review. The most attractive features of girls are their prices.