Selamlar kΔ±lΔ±Γ§ kardeΕliΔi, 2018 doviz krizi ve pandemi ΓΆncesi ulkemiz gibi enews kadrosu da cok daha guzeldi. Son zamanlarda cok dikkat edemedim ama o zamanlarda Victorias Secret modeli gibi 1.87 boyunda, bir suru yarΔ±smada birinci olmus, hatta spor olimpiyatlarΔ±nda altΔ±n madalya almΔ±s veya beyin cerrahΔ± diplomalΔ± kΔ±zlar gelirdi. Sonra malum sebepler dunya ve ulkemiz daha kotuye gitti ve artΔ±k o muhtesem kΔ±zlar gelmemeye basladΔ±. Δ°Εte Margo, hala ulkemizi seven ve gelmeyi tercih eden o donemin muhtesem kΔ±zlarΔ±ndan Kendisi gorunus olarak da, karakter olarak da geek yapΔ±lΔ± sakin bir erkegin isteyebilecegi her seye sahip mukemmel bir kΔ±z. Γok sevimli, Γ§ok sevecen, enerji tutarsa dokunmayΔ± sarΔ±lmayΔ± cok seviyor. Δ°lgi alaka asansorde baslΔ±yor, devamlΔ± gΓΌlΓΌmsΓΌyor, sarΔ±lΔ±yor, opuyor. Boyle genc guzel bir kΔ±zΔ±n o kocaman guzel gozleri ve gulumsemesi ile size sarΔ±lΔ±p opmesi cok ozel hissettiriyor. Seksi seviyor ve oldukca da aktif. Vucut fit ve kaslΔ±, sporcu zaten kendisi. 45+ adamΔ± 1 saat iΓ§inde 2 kere bosaltΔ±p, 3 kere dusa girip, aralarda dondurma vs yiyip, UkraynanΔ±n durumundan ve kisisel hayatlardan herseyden bahsedip sure dolmadan cΔ±kmaya hazΔ±rlamak her babayiΔidin harci deΔil. En son ne zaman bu surede bu kadar cok tatmin olup huzurlu ayrΔ±ldΔ±gΔ±mΔ± hatΔ±rlamΔ±yorum Enews efsanelerinden biri ile hala firsatΔ±nΔ±z varken tanΔ±sΔ±n. Hayatta karsΔ±lacagΔ±nΔ±z en guzel, en sevimli kΔ±zlardan biri olacagΔ±na eminim. Belinize kuvvet She is one of the legends this site has ever provided. Super model looks with best girlfriend cuteness and experience
Amber is a sweet, tall lady with the body that looks like playmate of earlier times Anna Nicole Smith. She has the face and heart of an angel, very compassionate with huggings and kissings making you feel like her lover. I wish I still can have the chance to be in the arms of this goddess and spend some time together so dont miss your chance. One of the best ever visited this site.
Thank u darling! πππ
Merhaba. Pride uzun zamandir bu sitede hizmet veren acik ara en iyi ajanstΔ±r. Flame de pandemi ΓΆncesinden beri TRye gelen, ajansin ΓΆnde gelen kΔ±zlarΔ±ndan. Senelerdir gΓΆrΓΌΕΓΌrΓΌm, Γ§ok sevimli, sΔ±cakkanlΔ± ve sevecendir. Seksten zevk alΔ±r ve zenk verir Pride ajansa ve Flame e gΓΆnΓΌl rahatlΔ±gΔ±yle gidebilirisiniz. Sitedeki en iyi kΔ±zlardandir Pride agency is by the best on the site. Flame is one of the leading girls even before the pandemy days. Shes sweet, adorable, enjoys sex and has a great performance. Best agency and one of the best girls on the site. Dont miss her
Tuana sahalara dΓΆndΓΌkten sonra gecen gun gene gorustuk, hasret giderdik. Son guncellemeler, deΔiΕikliklerden sonra artΔ±k daha da guzel ve seksi olmuΕ. Her zaman ki gibi Γ§ok neseli, aktif ve azgΔ±ndΔ±. Ozellikle alkolle cok cekici oluyor, Δ°stanbulun en iyi escortunun uzerinize atlamasi inanilmaz bir deneyim. Sitedeki pek cok slav kΔ±za da her konuda tur bindirecegini soyleyebilirim Her zaman aktif olmuyor, hazir yakalayabiliyorken firsatΔ± kaΓ§Δ±rmayΔ±n derim Belinize kuvvet
Merhabalar, greetings (English below) Tuana ile yillardΔ±r gΓΆrΓΌΕΓΌrΓΌm, yurtiΓ§i ve yurtdΔ±ΕΔ±nda uzun sΓΌredir escortlarla ilgilenen biri olarak Δ°stanbulda her yΓΆnden henuz daha iyisine rastlamadΔ±m, yakΔ±n zamanda da rastlayacagΔ±mΔ± dΓΌΕΓΌnmΓΌyorum. Tuana, 25 yaΕlarΔ±nda, Γ§ok neΕeli, enerjik ve zeki bir kΔ±z. Devamli gΓΌlΓΌyor, Γ§ok pozitif bir enerjisi var ve sex yapmaktan Γ§ok hoΕlanΔ±yor, son derece de seksi. 1.67 boylarΔ±nda, uzun duzgun bacaklar, dolgun bir kalca, bir gram fazla yaΔ yok. Dolgun her istege hitap eden gΓΆgusler, muhtesem bir gulumseme ve zeki, Δ±ΕΔ±k sacan gΓΆzler, upuzun siyah saclar Sekste cok aktif ve her seye de acΔ±k. Isterseniz yemege gidin, isterseniz cluba, isterseniz gruba. Bir escortta arayabileceginiz her sey mevcut, eksigi yok fazlasΔ± var. Δ°stanbulun en iyisi. Kendiniz bu zevkten mahrum etmeyin I have been meeting with Tuana for several years. She s my university student girlfirend. I ve been to several countries meeting with many escorts along the years, she is the best escort you can meet in Δ°stanbul. Shes 25ish, around 1.67 height with long slim legs, a shapely butt, full breasts for every need, a brilliant smile, and glowing intelligent eyes with long black hair. Shes also an energetic, fun girl, always smiling. You cant be unhappy around her. She loves sex, a nympho actually and is perfect for dinners, clubs, and for group play. Shes ok with everything. Best escort in Istanbul on international standards to keep you company in your lonely expat nights, dont miss this chance Best regards
TeΕekkΓΌrler canΔ±m gΓΌzel yorumlarΔ±n iΓ§in
Bu site ve benzerlerini 5 senedir aktif olarak takip ediyorum. Vanessa ile de 4 senedir her geldiΔinde defalarca gΓΆrΓΌΕΓΌyorum. DoΔrudur dudak ve gΓΆΔΓΌslerde takviyeler var ama iΕΓ§ilik mΓΌkemmel, daha iyisini gΓΆrmedim. Bu iΕi profesyonel olarak yapan pek Γ§ok escortta var, meslek gereΔi. Insan senelerdir defalarca gΓΆrΓΌΕtΓΌΔΓΌ birisinin kadΔ±n olup olmadΔ±gΔ±nΔ± da anlayabilir takdir edersiniz. Bunun dΔ±ΕΔ±nda Γ§ok gΓΌleryΓΌzlΓΌ, ilgili, kibar, iΓ§eri girdiginiz dakikadan cΔ±ktΔ±gΔ±nΔ±z ana kadar sizinle ilgilenen kΔ±z arkadaΕlarΔ±nΔ±zdan gΓΆremeyeceginiz muamaleyi gΓΆsteren, isterseniz ΓΆpΓΌΕΓΌp sarΔ±lΔ±p koklaΕabileceginiz, isterseniz de filmlerdeki gibi pornstar deneyimi yaΕayabileceginiz, ΕakΔ±r ΕakΔ±r ingilizce konuΕan ve hiΓ§bir seye hayΔ±r demeyen ve hatta sizi teΕvik eden bir kΔ±zdΔ±r Vanessa Amerika ve Ingiltere de dahil ben hayatΔ±mda daha iyisine rastlamadΔ±m, ilgilenenlere duyurulur. SaygΔ±larΔ±mla
Thank you very much dear for your kind words. Vanessa's service is literary 11 from 10. For no one of our 400 working ladies I ever heart so many positive things. No one can hardly be compared with her. I can't understand how can someone ever say anything negative about her. Shes trying so so hard for her visitors and appreciates them always. She is like a ray of sun*)
Lola bu sitede ve hatta hayatta gΓΆrebileceΔiniz en gΓΌzel kΔ±zlardan biridir. Manager size videosunu gΓΆnderir. Simsiya uzun saΓ§lar, masmavi kocaman gΓΆzler, dolgun dudaklar, kocaman gΓΆgΓΌsler (doΔal ve hayatΔ±mda gΓΆrdΓΌΔΓΌm en iyileri bundan daha iyisine denk gelmek Γ§ok zor) sΔ±kΔ± bel, dolgun kalΓ§alar, dΓΌzgΓΌn bacaklar, ayak fetiΕiniz varsa ayaklarΔ± da Γ§ok gΓΌzel. SipariΕ verilip ΓΌretilse bundan daha iyisi olmaz. AyrΔ±ca sevimli, cana yakΔ±n, muamelesi iyi. Fiyat performans olarak bu sitede bundan iyisi yok. TR de bΓΆyle kΔ±zlarla bΔ±rakΔ±n beraber olmayΔ± yanΔ±ndan geΓ§emezsiniz. Gidin ve hayallerinizi gerΓ§ekleΕtirin, cennetten bir gΓΌn yaΕayΔ±n Lola is one of the most beautiful girls you can see in this site and in real life too. Manager can send you a video if you like. Dark long hair, deep blue big eyes, full red lips, big natural tits (one of the most beautiful pair you can see in this life) fit belly, full booty, smooth legs, her foot are very nice too if you have a foot fetish. You cant get a better package if you can order it to be created yourself And shes cute, sweet and good in bed too. Best in this site in terms of price/performance. In Turkey you cant even think about walking along with this kind of girl in the street let alone have sex with them. Go visit her and let your dreams come true, have a heavenly experience.
Greetings fellow seekers of joy and happiness in a virtual world, I have been following this site for some time now. I rarely write reviews and this lady surely deserves one. Her physical appereance and performance in bed are detailed in this forum. All of them and more to those are true. She is amazing. What matters to me most is the intimacy. Does she really loves her job, loves to satisfy men and herself too, does she cares for the needs and acts accordingly?. Those are more important than her age, eye color, boob size, and how long she can take in her throat. In those aspects, she seems not just like a beautiful woman but almost like a genetically designed entity to serve the needs of people, to bring happiness, satisfaction and joy everywhere. Her room is like a temple and when you enter the lights, the aroma, the music makes the you think you will be in a ritual that you have not experienced before. And it really is like that, a ritual. She is the most caring and attentive woman I have ever met. The way she touches, hugs and the attention she gives you from the first moment is very different. Its very rare that you can find a woman that loves to be touched, caressed, teased, kissed, and licked so much and reacts so strongly and gets aroused from them. She is like a gift from heaven, and her mission is to provide satisfaction, even saying mission accomplished after 3 hours. Never have I met a woman that pays attention to you for 3 hours, forces you to continue, not not even takes a moment to look at her phone for a minute. She is phenomenal and she will respond to every need with unseen care elsewhere. Meet her if you can, you will have one of the best experiences in your life.
Amber is a sweet, intelligent, caring, graceful lady. She considers you as her guest, and takes every caution to make you feel comfortable. Her english is good, she likes chatting and she can be a good companion for social settings if you want to. She has a warm smile, gorgeous model face with mesmerizing eyes. Shes tall 1.80 in height with a toned, with body. She kisses passionately with her full lips like your girlfriend. You will have a real GFE experience, she takes real care of your needs. She is not into hard sex much, if you are a mature gentleman that knows the value of a fine lady then shes your best choice, you will feel like in heaven with her. Amber irice, at gibi hatun diye tabir ettiΔimiz hatunlardan, eΔer sizde 20 yaΕΔ±nda sΔ±ska sizle pek ilgilenmeyen rus kΔ±zlardan sΔ±kΔ±ldΔ±ysanΔ±z, bu hanΔ±m ele gelen ve muamelesi harika biri. ΓpΓΌΕme, BJ harika, anal yok, hard sex e pek girmez, ben de tercih etmedim zaten. VΓΌcut, bacaklar, kalΓ§alar, gΓΆΔΓΌsler, yΓΌz, dudaklar, saΓ§lar, gΓΆzler harika. BΓΌtΓΌn bunlarla beraber bir de mΓΌtevazi ve Γ§ok ilgili, gΓΆrΓΌΕmeyle ilgili en ufak negatif bir Εey, beΔenmeme, naz yapma gibi bir durum hissettirmez, bu konuya Γ§ok ΓΆnem veriyor. Her TΓΌrk gibi etli butlu seven, size kΔ±z arkadaΕΔ±ymΔ±Ε gibi davranan, aΔΔ±rlayan, tecrΓΌbeli, zeki, ingilizcesi gΓΌzel, Victorias Secret modeli kΔ±vamΔ±nda hatun arΔ±yorsanΔ±z inanΔ±lmaz bence. Buradan Γ§ok hatunla beraber oldum ama negatif bir Εey hissetmediΔim nadir bir kaΓ§ hatundan biridir. Bu konularda Γ§ok hassassΔ±m, gidin ve cenneti yaΕayΔ±n, tavsiye ederim SaygΔ±larΔ±mla
In the reviews presented here, Margo is called legend, and queen among other titles. She is a woman that deserves all these titles and more. She has a model figure with long legs, nice natural tits and ass, long red hair, a captivating smile and brilliantly glowing green eyes. I cant decide what to tell, there are so many things about her. She is very intelligent, educated, well travelled and multi lingual woman. You can talk about her anything from politics to porn, economics to real estate. She likes chatting too so she can be a great social companion if you prefer. What matters most is her personality. She is really wise and an empath. She does this job because she clearly loves it. She loves having sex and providing relief and satisfaction to others as well. Shes very attentive from the first moment till the last. Never I have seen a second of boredom or dislike or anything similar that I ve seen in other girls and I am not the best client for most girls by the way. At the beginning she touches every part of your body to understand what you need, then she proceeds. No need to go to details about her talents in bed, they are listed in the reviews. You probably havent been kissed like that before. Her abilities are too numerous to count and she takes great responsiblity to do right, that you leave as a satisfied and happy person. Not many have that level of commitment. Shes an angel and you will feel like in heaven with her. Every human male should experience this if they have a chance to meet with Lady Margo to experience with and enlightened by her about the finer things in life. With utmost gratitude