BugΓΌn sitede gezinirken bu gΓΌzelliΔin profiline denk geldim, dedim bir saatlik bΓΌtΓ§em var, buna gΓΆre iyi bir tercih yapmalΔ± ve harika bir deneyimle hotelden ayrΔ±lmalΔ±yΔ±m. Tercihimi Malvina'dan yana kullandΔ±m ve gΓΆrΓΌΕme sonrasΔ± da iyi ki bu kΔ±zΔ± seΓ§miΕim diyerek hotelden Γ§Δ±ktΔ±m. Bir kere resimler gerΓ§ek, ikincisi genΓ§ ve Γ§ok gΓΌzel bir kΔ±z ve son olarak da unutulmaz bir seks deneyimini bana yaΕattΔ±ΔΔ±nΔ± itiraf etmeliyim. Onun iΓ§in harcadΔ±ΔΔ±m paraya da zamana da fazlasΔ±yla deΔdi. Bu arada kΔ±z hem Γ§ok gΓΌzel hem de Γ§ok seksi kΔ±yafetleri ile cazibesini on katΔ±na Γ§Δ±karΔ±yor :love: umarΔ±m ayrΔ±lmadan ΓΆnce tekrar ziyaret etme ve bu eΕsiz anlarΔ± tekrar etme fΔ±rsatΔ± bulabilirim. ΓpΓΌcΓΌklerimle tatlΔ±m :fellow: gΓΆrΓΌΕΓΌrΓΌz.
BugΓΌn Kamiran ile bir saat geΓ§irdikten sonra dedim ki; oΔlum sen ne yaptΔ±n, super model bir kΔ±zΔ± bir saat boyunca evire Γ§evire becerdin resmen. KΔ±z gerΓ§ekten Γ§ok gΓΌzel, super model kataloglarΔ±ndan fΔ±rlamΔ±Ε gibi efsane bir gΓΆrΓΌnΓΌme sahip ayrΔ±ca full hizmet vermesi de Γ§ok iyiydi, yani yaΕamadΔ±ΔΔ±m fantezi kalmamΔ±ΕtΔ±r diyebilirim, oral performansΔ± aΓ§Δ±sΔ±ndan Γ§ok baΕarΔ±lΔ±ydΔ± ve bu gΓΌzel aΓ§Δ±lΔ±ΕΔ±n ardΔ±ndan tabii birbirinden gΓΌzel seks pozisyonlarΔ± bizlere eΕlik etti, anal konusunda da Γ§ok baΕarΔ±lΔ±ydΔ±. Uzun bir aradan sonra ziyaret ettiΔim en iddialΔ± ve en gΓΌzel kΔ±zlardan birisiydi diyebilirim, insan paraya kΔ±yΔ±yorsa iΕte bΓΆyle gΓΌzellikler iΓ§in kΔ±ymalΔ± ve ΓΆdediΔi ΓΌcretin karΕΔ±lΔ±ΔΔ±nΔ± almalΔ±. GerΓ§ek resimler, ΓΌstΓΌn performans ve kaliteli hizmet ile benden her konuda geΓ§er not alan bir gΓΆrΓΌΕme oldu. Best of the best... Thanks sweeetie
Eva is really friendly and sexy girl.In the beginning I had a shower and then our lovely encounter began. She is very attentive and focused on your pleasure, she asked what I liked (always a nice touch) and proceeded to blow my mind. We had a passionate, sensuous encounter with many of her favourites availed of. Eva was so gentle, skilled and persistent that she soon had normal service resumed, even though our time was coming to an end, and I left spent and totally satisfied. I really appreciated this touch, unrushed and focused totally on my pleasure till the end. I will definitely see Eva again, she is a lovely young woman, sweet, sensuous, good fun and totally professional. Thank you Eva for a lovely experience.
GerΓ§ekten Γ§ok gΓΌzel bir kΔ±z RuslarΔ±n o meΕhur gΓΌzel genini taΕΔ±yor, Anadolu yakasΔ±nda lΓΌks bir hotelde buluΕtuk, rahat girdim odaya Γ§Δ±ktΔ±m, duΕ ve havlu imkanlarΔ± ile hazΔ±rlanΔ±p hemen yataΔa attΔ±m kendimi sonra da gerisini Sakura'ya bΔ±raktΔ±m, kah eliyle, kah diliyle beni uΓ§urmaya baΕladΔ± sonra da seksin tΓΌm renklerini tΓΌm gΓΌzelliklerini keΕfe Γ§Δ±ktΔ±k, bulutlarΔ±n ΓΌstΓΌnde gezdik, inledim, inlettim ve mΓΌthiΕ bir kasΔ±lma ile uΓ§uΕum sonlandΔ±rΔ±p tekrar mΓΌzmin hayatΔ±ma geri dΓΆndΓΌm. Γpmelere doyamadan bu gΓΌzelliΔe veda ettim ve hotelden ayrΔ±ldΔ±m. TeΕekkΓΌrler tatlΔ±m umarΔ±m seni tekrar gΓΆrebilirim.
Saw Mikky today. Had been recommended. All I can say is Wow wow wow? She is sexy girl and she has amazing body. Such a beautiful girl and really easy to get on with her. She a a bubbley personality. It was a real GFE experience! Was nervous but she put me at ease. She has beautiful eyes that draw me in and her assets are just wow! I felt like we click hope she did too! Was offer shower and whoever see her you should respect her and make sure you are fresh, itβs only polite. No details but itβs was a great time! Afterward we had a great talk, she took the time to get to know me which is great and added to the experience. She is not a clock watcher and so smart so treat her well and respect her, she is such a gem. Mikky thank you for our time together. I really had fun and enjoyed our time. Hope to see you soon again in Istanbul. I wonβt forget you. xxx I would do it again everyday if I could afford it. Turko
Today I met this wonderful lady Lana, she is more beautiful in real life , has a stunning body and a beautiful manner the greeting that I got when in hotel was fantastic. Lana was dressed in a amazing outfit and service is mega . just amazing will meet Lana again.xxx
I just canβt believe Lora is such a beautiful lady. Our time together was fabulous. Everything I like in an escort and I hope I was everything she liked in a client. Outfit as requested. She looked amazing. Great hotel room, quiet area which is great. An infectious personality to go with a big smile and a fab figure. She just lit up my day. GΓΌnΓΌmΓΌ anlamlΔ± kΔ±lan, hayatΔ±mΔ±n en gΓΌzel deneyimini yaΕatan Lora iyiki varsΔ±n, teΕekkΓΌr ederim.
Bu kadar gΓΌzel bir kΔ±zΔ±n bu kadar gΓΌzel bir poposu olmasΔ± ender rastlanan bir durum. AΓ§Δ±kΓ§asΔ± gΓΆrΓΌΕmeye gittiΔimde fark ettim ki bu kΔ±zΔ±n gΓΌzelliΔini hiΓ§ bir fotoΔraf makinesi yansΔ±tamaz, maalesef bΓΌtΓ§e olarak hazΔ±rlΔ±klΔ± deΔildim bu yΓΌzden o muhteΕem popoya arkadan kayamadΔ±m ama bir saat boyunca Γ§arptΔ±ra Γ§aptΔ±ra bol popo manzaralΔ± bir Εekilde becerdim Salma'yΔ±. Boyu posu yerinde, gencecik bir kΔ±z ve oralda da Γ§ok baΕarΔ±lΔ± olduΔunu sΓΆylemeliyim. UmarΔ±m hazΔ±rlΔ±klarΔ±mΔ± tamamlayΔ±p bu kΔ±zΔ± ayrΔ±lmadan ΓΆnce tekrar gΓΆrebilirim. TeΕekkΓΌrler tatlΔ±m
Ben bΓΆyle gΓΌzel bir kΔ±zΔ± hayatΔ±mda gΓΆrmedim, kapΔ±dan girer girmez dudaklarΔ±ma yumuldu ve beni Εehvetle iΓ§eri aldΔ±, Γ§ok seksi bir mini elbise vardΔ± ΓΌzerinde, bir saat boyunca ben ona sahip olmayΔ± planlamΔ±ΕtΔ±m ama resmen bana o sahip oldu, bu kadar azgΔ±n ve istekli olmasΔ± beni acayip tahrik etti, bir ara yorulur gibi oldum azar bile yedim, bu dedi neden tam sertleΕmedi hadi bakalΔ±m hadi dedi ve tekrar Εaha kaldΔ±rdΔ± beni. Hotel avrupa yakasΔ±nda ve giriΕ Γ§Δ±kΔ±Ε rahat. Gitmeden ΓΆnce bir kaΓ§ kere daha bana sarΔ±ldΔ± ve ΓΆptΓΌ sonra da uΔurladΔ± Εimdi bΓΆyle bir kΔ±za tekrar tekrar gidilmez mi? Resmen kΔ±z arkadaΕ kΔ±vamΔ±nda bir deneyimdi.
I met the lovely Lili at her very nice hotel room. Making the booking was very easy and I knew when she opened the door I was going to have a good time. Beautiful looking girl with a great figure and curves for days. If you like very sexy and young women you will love her. She has a good sense of humour too and I spent a lot of my time with her laughing which was fun. Everything was top class from start to finish and Iβd be happy to see her anytime again in the future.