Olga, resimdeki kΔ±zdan daha yaΕlΔ± ve farklΔ± birisi. Ajans video gΓΆndermesine raΔmen farklΔ±, azda olsa benzer birisi ile karΕΔ±laΕtΔ±m. Beni, Δ±srar etmeme raΔmen, enΓ§ok rahatsΔ±z eden
Very young, kind and beautiful. I had great time with that amaizing girl. I hope I have chance to see her again, but next time it will be more than one hour. :love:
Resimle alakasΔ± yok. Uzun boylu, sarΔ±ΕΔ±n bir Rus kΔ±zΔ±. BugΓΌn aynΔ± ajansΔ±n (Kristina) beni yΓΆnlendirdiΔi 3.kΔ±z. Simonaβda yaΕadΔ±ΔΔ±m hayal kΔ±rΔ±klΔ±ΔΔ±ndan sonra Svata iyi geldi. TΓΌrkΓ§eyi gayet gΓΌzel konuΕuyor olmasΔ± hoΕ bir tesadΓΌf oldu. Beraber duΕ yapmamasΔ±nΔ±n dΔ±ΕΔ±nda her yΓΆnΓΌyle keyif alarak hoΕ zaman geΓ§irdim.
This girl real and stay in her room! But you was not in her room! I think We agreed that this time you are seeing another girl and next time with Sveta, it was agreed,why you write ((((
Benim iΓ§in ciddi hayal kΔ±rΔ±klΔ±ΔΔ± oldu. Simona, hoΕ, gΓΌzel bir kΔ±z. YasΔ±nΔ±n 20βlerde olduΔunu tahmin ediyorum. KalΓ§asΔ± ve bacaklarΔ± ne yazΔ±k ki biraz kalΔ±n. Ben pek tercih etmem, ama gelmiΕken de geri dΓΆnmeyeyim dedim. Beraber duΕ almaktan Γ§ok hoΕlanmama raΔmen, teklifimi kendisinin yeni duΕ aldΔ±ΔΔ±nΔ± sΓΆyleyerek kabul etmedi. Rahat olmasΔ± iΓ§in ben tekrar duΕ aldΔ±m. GΓΌzel bir mΓΌzik eΕliΔinde seviΕmeye baΕladΔ±k. Benim iΓ§in kΔ±rΔ±lma noktasΔ±; blowjobβu candom ile yapmak istemesi oldu. Zaten, resimlerden anlayabildiΔim incelikte deΔil, duΕ beraber yapmΔ±yor, ΓΌstΓΌne prezervatif ile blowjob yapmak istemesi beni bitirdi. ParamΔ± geri alarak odayΔ± terk ettim.
UΓ§aΔΔ±mΔ±n kalkmasΔ±na 3 saat kalmΔ±ΕtΔ±. Istanbul'dan ayrΔ±lmadan ΓΆnce resimdeki nefes kesen kumral hatunla gΓΌzel bir zaman geΓ§irmek istedim. Ne yazΔ±k ki, odadaki kΔ±zΔ±mΔ±z Γ§ok farklΔ± birisi; sarΔ±ΕΔ±n bir genΓ§ti. Bana gΓΆre biraz tombul idiyse de zamanΔ±m dar olduΔu iΓ§in geri gitmedim. GΓΌzel zaman geΓ§irdim. KΔ±zΔ±mΔ±z, hiΓ§bir isteΔimi geri Γ§evirmedi. Iyi niyetli ve Γ§alΔ±Εkan. Ilk beraber olduΔu TΓΌrk erkeΔi olduΔumu belirtti. Yoldan daha henΓΌz gelmiΕti. Notumu dΓΌΕΓΌk tutmamΔ±n sebebi, ajansΔ±n bizleri aptal yerine koymasΔ±. Resimdeki arkadaΕ meΕgul olabilir, belirtmeden baΕka birisine yΓΆnlendirmesi bΓΌyΓΌk haksΔ±zlΔ±k. Violla'dan randevu alacaksanΔ±z, surprizlere hazΔ±rlΔ±llΔ± olun derim!
:love: She is very beautiful, young and sexy lady. If you wish to have a gfe experience, she is the one. I will never forget her nice, kind smile. I hope she visits again and again.
It happened to be a first experience for me, having oral sex with condom. Of course, I did not enjoy. My shower together offer was also rejected. If you want to have a GFE experience, she might be the right person. She is a beautiful girl. She knows Turkish quiet enough to communicate.
Unforgetble sex experience with Nora! She is so nice, so polite, so sexy! It will take a long time to forget her. A real GFE feeling. She did whatever I wanted. Not only her hands, but also her tongue travelled over my balls: an unforgatable experience for me! I wish she comes to Istanbul, again and again. I alredy missed her.
I will never forget her smiling face, very polite, more than a GFE experience. Her DBJ was unforgettable and it was the best that I ever ever had. I never visit a girl that I visit before, but she will be the ONE, if she ever visits Istanbul again.
She is very young, even you can think that she is younger than 19. When you look at the picture, you see a tall girl, whereas she is very short just as the same as her given height, 155cm. The way she looks like is similar to the girl on the photo, but she is not that lady. Although she doesn't know even a word in English, she is very polite and trying to do her best, so that I enjoyed the meeting.