Kesinlikle servisleri olsun, arkadaลlฤฑฤฤฑ ve sohbeti olsun mรผkemmel bir insan. Gรผzelliฤi ve sevimliliฤi รงok ayrฤฑ bir seviyede. รzellikle gรถzlerini saatlerce oturup izleyebilirsiniz. Kesinlikle gidilip gรถrรผlmesi gereken bir insan. Zaten odaya girince ne demek istediฤimi anlayacaksฤฑnฤฑz. She is definitely a perfect person, whether it be her services, friendship or conversation. Her beauty and cuteness are on a whole different level. You can especially sit and watch her eyes for hours. She is definitely a person you should go and see. You will understand what I mean when you enter the room.
Arkadaลlar, kฤฑz taksimde gรผzel bir dairede kalฤฑyor. Ulaลฤฑmฤฑ kolay. Geรงen senede osmanbeyde kalmฤฑลtฤฑ dairede. O zamanda ziyaret etmiลtim. Yani 2.ziyaretim oldu. Kฤฑz รงok gรผzel ve seksi aynฤฑ zamanda cana yakฤฑn ve samimi. Servisler konusunda da herhangi bir sorun yok. Karลฤฑlamasฤฑ, cana yakฤฑnlฤฑฤฤฑ ve diฤer hersey รงok gรผzel. Benide kabul ettiฤi iรงin teลekkรผr ederim. Friends, the girl lives in a nice apartment in Taksim. It is easy to reach. She also stayed in Osmanbey last year. I visited her at that time. So it was my second visit. The girl is very beautiful and sexy, also friendly and sincere. There is no problem with the services. Her welcome, friendliness and everything else is very nice. Thank you for accepting me.
Arkadaลlar, kฤฑz ortakรถyde bir dairede kalฤฑyor. Kฤฑzฤฑn boyu, fiziฤi ve yรผzรผnรผn gรผzelliฤi รงok gรผzel. Sizi mutlu etmek iรงin elinden geleni yapฤฑyor. Samimi ve cana yakฤฑn. Servisler konusunda hicbir sorun yasamadim. Daireye giriลte zaten sorun yok. Mesajlaลma ve cevap vermesi dakik. Gerรงekten piลman olmazsฤฑnฤฑz. Mutlaka tekrar tekrar ziyaret edilmesi gereken bir kฤฑz. Friends, the girl lives in an apartment in Ortakรถy. The girl's height, physique and face beauty are very beautiful. She does her best to make you happy. She is sincere and friendly. I have never had any problems with the services. There is no problem at all with entering the apartment. Her messaging and response are punctual. You really won't regret it. She is definitely a girl who should be visited again and again.
Thank you so much, my love โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Arkadaลlar sonya ile daha รถnce Avrupa yakasฤฑnda ลiลlide dairede kaldฤฑฤฤฑ zaman 3 kez gรถrรผลtรผm. Resimlerde ne gรถrรผyorsunuz o. Kesinlikle servisleri olsun, cana yakฤฑnlฤฑฤฤฑ olsun mรผkemmel biri. Bir kere gidince bir daha gitmek isteyeceฤiniz bir kฤฑz. Seksi, gรผzel ve dostรงa yaklaลฤฑmฤฑ var. Piลman olmazsฤฑnฤฑz. Benide kabul ettiฤi รงok teลekkรผr ederim. Friends, I met Sonya 3 times before when she was staying in an apartment in ลiลli on the European side. She is definitely a perfect person, both in terms of service and friendliness. A girl you will want to go to again once you go. She is sexy, beautiful and has a friendly approach. You will not regret it. Thank you very much for accepting me.
She is absolutely amazing girl. She is young, friendly, super sexy and beautiful. Everything was really nice with her. Even for a minute, we didnt have problem. She has a body of a model and face of an angel. I guarantee. If you visit her, you will be really happy. Thank you so much for accepting me. Arkadaลlar, kฤฑz รงok gรผzel ve seksi, genรง ve aktif bir kฤฑz. Kesinlikle mutlaka ziyaret edilmesi gerekli. Servisler konusunda da sorun yaลamazsฤฑnฤฑz. Benide kabul ettiฤi iรงin teลekkรผr ederim. Kesinlikle tekrar tekrar gitmek isteyeceฤiniz gรผzel ve seksi bir kฤฑz.
She is an amazing girl. She is super sexy, nice and friendly. This my 3rd time with her. She looks like a model. Thank you so much. She also likes istanbul.
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